View Full Version : 2010 Mazda 3 Rear Shock Stud BROKEN

01-19-2019, 09:21 PM
I was nearing being finished replacing the rear shocks and shock mounts.
I BROKE ONE OF THE TWO MOUNT STUDS. There was a lot of corrosion and crud and it broke!
Do those studs drive up and out? I will get one from the wreckers or dealer.
Any tips? Do I have to heat it. I have a torch.
Dag nabbit:)

01-19-2019, 09:25 PM
Those studs don't just drive up and out? They are welded it at the top.
Any tips?
I am going to drill the stud out (if it's not Grade 8) from the bottom right through the flat head that's welded at the top. I might tap the hope to accept a 12 mm stud and use high strength Loctite; maybe put a 'lock' nut on the top with some high strength Loctite. What minimum grade of bolt will suffice? That should hold it in place without sacrificing the strength of the body metal like what would happen if I were to force remove the original welded stud head.
The biggest problem is locating the stud/bolt/nut on a Sunday.

01-19-2019, 10:47 PM
Here are links I have found with differing procedures:
