View Full Version : Aftermarket deck blowing fuse out of nowhere

01-05-2005, 05:13 PM
Hey, i have had my aftermarket Pioner deck for a while and during Ney Years, i was driving and out of nowhere, my car mde this really weird whining noise and then about 30 min later, my car kinda shut off in the middle of the highway for like .5 seconds and then the steering light came on and power steering was really hard. i pulled over, turned it off and back on then it was all fine, except for the fact that the illumination lights (dials, and blue lights on gagues) were off. i checked the fuse and sure enough it was blown. i replaced it and about 10 min later, it blew again ,and again, and again, and again. I have gone through about 5 fuses so far, some as big as 20 amps. I disconnected my deck and the fuse actually didn\'t blow. Now the problem started when i re-wired the grounding on my carputer project. ground from computer case, inverter, deck, and lcd all went to that little screw sticking up near the e-brake, under the cup holders. I then disconnected all the grounds and then the deck, lcd, and illumination lights irratically turned on and off in a pulsing rythem. i then re-connected the ground of the deck and lcd where it use to be (ground on the harness) and the problem is still there. I need help.. BIG TIME

01-06-2005, 10:54 AM
Try removing things from the grounding point. It sounds almost 100% like a grounding issue.