View Full Version : Bushings for aftermarket sway/stabilizer bars (1st gen/BK)

06-21-2021, 03:18 PM
I have a 2005 Sport GT that I purchased used a few years ago. I'm in the process of refreshing any worn suspension components at the moment and I've discovered that I don't have stock front or rear sway/stabilizer bars. Referring to the sway bar sizes thread (http://www.torontomazda3.ca/forum/showthread.php?19352-Sway-Bar-Sizes), I see that my bars are likely either Eibach or stock MS3 as they measure 26mm front and rear. They're finished in red, so I suspect the Eibach. To be more confident, can someone confirm the BK Mazdaspeed3 sway bars are black? I want to replace the bushings, but obviously the ones intended for the stock 21/20mm bars aren't going to fit. Eibach seems to have removed all information about sway bars for the BK from their website. If these are Eibach sway bars, should I be safe ordering bushings for a 2007 MS3 since it would have stock 26mm bars? Thanks for any insight or advice.

08-02-2021, 07:01 PM
Today I discovered that I mismeasured the sway bars. I used my cheapo non-marking (plastic) vernier calipers and I forgot they measure a little bit short. My rear bar is actually 27mm diameter and my front is between 28 and 29mm. Armed with this, I positively identified them as Racing Beat. Both are solid bars. 28.5mm front, 27mm rear.

Here's a link to the replacement bushings on their web store in case somebody discovers they need to replace theirs: https://www.racingbeat.com/Mazda-3/Bushings.html?id=MDwximfC