View Full Version : 2.0L has a chain for timi

02-11-2005, 11:09 PM
I was told by the Sales guy down at Downtown Mazda that the Mazda3 has a chain as a timing belt. Is this true? I\'m looking thru the brochure and I don\'t see it saying timing chain anywhere. Thats sure sounded the red alert signal for me. Another sales guy said it was a serpentine chain.

Is this going to be a problem down the road? Because A) Its going to cost more to replace B)If it does break, can it cause severe damage to the engine.

I was concerned when the sales guy told me that, because I hear horror story about Dodge engines getting scraped because the chain broke.

Did anyone of you ppl ask the sales guys about this?!??!? Suppose to be good for 100,000 Km.

Hmm... I\'m looking at the picture on the 3rd page of the brochure, the page with the orange Mazda3 sports. Well, there\'s a pic of a engine in the far left of the page. I DO see a chain and a belt in the picture. Looks like the chain is for the valve timing, but there is also a belt as well.

Dr Butcher
02-12-2005, 01:22 AM
I was under the assumption that a timing chain should last the life of your engine. Timing belts need to be changed every 100000 km\'s. I feel more secure with a chain than a belt but I\'m old school that way. Hmmm, here\'s a little something I found after a quick Google search.... Interesting.


02-12-2005, 08:37 AM
A lot of the newer cars coming out these days have timing chains. I think the main reason for the switch was that it was much cheaper to manufacture rubber.

02-15-2005, 08:11 PM
Timing chains are supposed to last till 250K. At least that was valid for a 98 Z24

03-01-2005, 08:12 PM
In my opinion I dont think it is a read alert.

The chain should have a life span on it but if i remember correctly it should be liftime. what does that mean? well if it snaps and breaks and your engine dies, mazda will give you a new engine or repair it if possible. To me its a good thing.. on a timming belt if it snapped that can say well you were past your kl limit for it. plus chain drive is more direct power transfer. Think motor cycles use chains they dont snap.