View Full Version : Squeaky Clutch Pedal?

MAZDA Kitten
02-20-2005, 11:07 AM
Just curious if any other 5spd owners are experiencing *REALLY* annoying squeaking from the clutch?

02-20-2005, 12:25 PM
Originally posted by MAZDA Kitten

Just curious if any other 5spd owners are experiencing *REALLY* annoying squeaking from the clutch?


....but i think it should be this
http://www.mazda3forums.com/viewtopic.php?t=8123&highlight=clutch+pedal ....print this out and tell em to do that before anything else..in the previous thread they changed the master cylinder and screwed up 2 or 3 other things! ... the switch should be an easy fix

there ya go


MAZDA Kitten
02-20-2005, 01:40 PM
I hope its the second one :( eek!

02-20-2005, 02:00 PM
ive had that squeek for about 2 months during the summer and it went away, so if its beareable just wait a little :sarc

MAZDA Kitten
02-20-2005, 02:09 PM
Thing is Im in stop and go traffic in the mornings. It gets really irritating :(
I noticed however that it takes a while before the squeak starts if the car has been driven for a while (ie. over night)

MAZDA Kitten
02-25-2005, 11:27 AM
Well had them check out the squeaky clutch while in for my oil change last night.

Turns out that I need my whole clutch assembly replaced plus the switch. GRRRRR
Hope its an \"improved\" part

02-26-2005, 07:46 PM
I hope they did that under warranty. that sucks, but at least you get all new parts

MAZDA Kitten
02-27-2005, 10:14 AM
Yes it will be done under warranty.
Im still waiting on the part to arrive....

03-24-2005, 08:56 AM
Damn......that\'s what mine is doing now.......Hey MK, did you take your car to Mountain Mazda?

MAZDA Kitten
03-25-2005, 12:54 PM
No I actually took it into Ontario Mazda (because they are down the street from my work and I had to leave my car there the whole day)
And they actually did an amazing job fixing the clutch. It feels so much more responsive and its SO quiet :D

03-26-2005, 03:12 AM
did they give you any trouble at all when you brought in. Mine is also sporadic depending on the outside temp and how long it\'s been sitting. It\'s very annoying...I\'m getting my first oil change done so i\'ll ask them to check it out, but I\'m worried they\'ll give me the ol\' \"we can\'t reproduce it\" line.

03-28-2005, 08:08 PM
My clutch squeaks nearly the whole way down AND back. I had returned from the second servicing today and was told they couldn\'t replicate the squeak and no lubrication was done. He also said that probably if I drove my car longer it\'d go away due to it still being new or sth like that, but i don\'t think i buy that too much. But i certainly hope its no biggie. Any ideas?

03-29-2005, 08:10 AM
That\'s so strange......the clutch in my 6 squeaked after a month of owning the car. Next time I was at Avante for an oil and filter, I told them, they lubricated it, and I haven\'t heard it since (over a year now).

MAZDA Kitten
03-29-2005, 09:45 PM
Originally posted by s_h_a_o_l_i_n

My clutch squeaks nearly the whole way down AND back. I had returned from the second servicing today and was told they couldn\'t replicate the squeak and no lubrication was done. He also said that probably if I drove my car longer it\'d go away due to it still being new or sth like that, but i don\'t think i buy that too much. But i certainly hope its no biggie. Any ideas?

I actually told the service guy that I have a friend that works for mazda and I KNOW FOR A FACT THERE IS A TSB on the squeeky clutch pedal (Check the Mazda3 Forums in the TSB section)!
He checked it and true enough he agreed there was one.
Im not sure how yours is but mine didnt start squeeking till after a while of driving. If the car would be sitting all night and I start it in the morning the thing didnt start squeaking till I got to Oakville (from Hamilton in stop and go).

But I have to go back and bitch about that god damn rattle in the drivers door. The service manager actually HEARD IT! and they did put some dampner around the window clip (where the noise is coming from) but a few days later the rattle came back. GRRRR

04-19-2005, 08:23 PM
Well... I\'ve just about had it with the squeak in the clutch.. I took it to Westowne today to check it out and they told me that they want to replace the whole master cylinder. The only thing is that they have to order the part and then have me come back.. I am going back on Friday. I\'ll let you guys know how it turns out.

Mazda Kitten> How is your clutch now?? any problems after the fix? Let me know.

MAZDA Kitten
04-19-2005, 09:47 PM
Honestly the clutch is even better than before.

It was the MOST annoying thing evar. Probably more annoying than my driver door rattle http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/sauer/angry-smiley-053.gif

04-20-2005, 12:53 PM
That is good to hear. I can\'t wait to get mine done then. Thanks!

04-20-2005, 12:54 PM
That is good to hear. I can\'t wait to get mine done then. Thanks!

04-23-2005, 04:06 PM
Well.. i just got my clutch fixed at Westowne yesterday .. there is no more squeaking!! But now i have another problem. I found that my clutch is very very loose. The \"sweet spot\" is so much lower than before. When i first got the car.. the \"sweet spot\" was halfway up. Now.. it\'s not even 1 inch up.

I\'m thinking this could be a problem because when i\'m at a stop sign... I try to pump the clutch a few times and this seems to help and it goes back to the normal sweet spot... but after a while(if i\'m not shifting) it goes back to that very low sweet spot and the clutch feels very limp.... does anyone know what could cause this problem?

any ideas are welcome...My baby is turning into a loosey goosey!!! hehe

04-27-2005, 05:16 PM
Ok..this is gonna be weird but for some reason.. when i went to Westowne...all they had to do was look at it and the clutch was back to normal. I can\'t explain it. They even took me into the shop and everything..and asked me if i could reproduce the loose clutch and when i tried it.. it was nice and tight again. hmmm... i don\'t know but my baby is back to normal and i\'m quite satisfied.

MAZDA Kitten
04-27-2005, 09:37 PM
Its like our cars have souls because funny enough they can NEVER reproduce the problem :p

04-29-2005, 04:48 PM
Mazda Kitten,

Where abouts do you work. I work at Dixie/Britannia.

MAZDA Kitten
04-30-2005, 10:06 AM
Oohhh you\'re just down the street from me. Im at Dixie & Courtney Park :D

However a lot of the times you might find my car at Ontario Mazda :sarc

06-09-2005, 01:02 PM
This morning I brought my car into Westowne to get it serviced, and told them about the squeaky clutch pedal too, and reading this topic helped. They said that they have to replace the whole clutch and it may take up to 2 weeks to get the part in.

I also asked them to wash the car and there was still so much brake dust on the wheels and water spots on the car. I know beggers can\'t be choosers, but i thought it would look cleaner then it does. :p :D

MAZDA Kitten
06-11-2005, 04:56 PM
Keep tabs because when my part came in no one ever called me (ONTARIO MAZDA... baddddd).

They always blame it on the guy that \"stepped out for lunch\" when you ask. Anyways my clutch feels better. Good luck

06-11-2005, 10:31 PM
Originally posted by jimdragon8

This morning I brought my car into Westowne to get it serviced, and told them about the squeaky clutch pedal too, and reading this topic helped. They said that they have to replace the whole clutch and it may take up to 2 weeks to get the part in.

hold on, are they gonna replace your whole clutch pedal assembly or assembly and clutch?

06-13-2005, 04:26 PM
From what i understand, they replace the whole thing. I\'ve had no problems since they replaced my squeaky clutch.

MAZDA Kitten
06-14-2005, 10:42 PM
It is the whole assembly

06-15-2005, 03:53 PM
I just called Westowne to check if the parts have come in as per your posts and they said that it might be the end of the week. I also asked what exactly they are replacing the guy said that he wasn\'t sure what was ordered so he is not sure what is being repaired. Shouldn\'t the service people know what is being ordered or is it the mechanic that orders it? :sarc

12-18-2005, 11:08 AM
I went to fix my squeak problem. Sigh. They just lubricated my lever, after 20 minutes of driving the sound came back.

I guess im going back next week.

12-19-2005, 09:55 AM
If you don\'t mind me asking..where did you take your car to get it looked at?

12-19-2005, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by thr33scompany

If you don\'t mind me asking..where did you take your car to get it looked at?

Hello, I went to the dealer I bought the car from which was Avante Mazda

12-19-2005, 05:20 PM
Originally posted by jimdragon8

I just called Westowne to check if the parts have come in as per your posts and they said that it might be the end of the week. I also asked what exactly they are replacing the guy said that he wasn\'t sure what was ordered so he is not sure what is being repaired. Shouldn\'t the service people know what is being ordered or is it the mechanic that orders it? :sarc
Well in most shops the mechanic checks the car then let\'s the service advisor know what it needs. Once that\'s done the parts department places the order. When the part arrives the service advisor or someone in parts informs the customer of the part arrival. Appointment is booked and that\'s it.
Unfortunately it\'s not always like this.

12-23-2005, 09:05 AM
hope you don\'t mind me asking, how loud is the squeaking and where does it start (from pressing on it all the way and lifting your foot up all the way / half way through and half way out / or just at the end)?

01-10-2006, 10:37 AM
Originally posted by vanpatrick81

hope you don\'t mind me asking, how loud is the squeaking and where does it start (from pressing on it all the way and lifting your foot up all the way / half way through and half way out / or just at the end)?

It gets louder as I drive the car longer. After about an hours worth of driving it is REALLY loud.
When I press it down it squeeks from top to bottom and releasing is also the same.

They insist that the noise with the clutch is NORMAL. I feel like they are taking advantage of me.

MAZDA Kitten
01-10-2006, 11:07 AM
So I guess Mazda considers it \'normal\' when they issue a TSB on it?

Print out the TSB and take it with you
It is NOT normal and they are LYING to you.
Quite a few had their clutch assembly replaced UNDER WARRANTY (including myself)
Good luck :)

01-11-2006, 04:05 PM
Hey MAZDA Kitten,

when you got your car fixed how long did it take?

MAZDA Kitten
01-11-2006, 05:16 PM
I dropped it off in the morning.. went to work (customer shuttle dropped me off) and it was ready at 5pm. So I dont know actually how long it took but it was safe to say that the car was at the dealership for a good part of the day.

03-07-2006, 04:01 PM

yay got it fixeD!

03-07-2006, 04:23 PM
Was it the TSB that did it, or did they simply change their tune?

03-07-2006, 06:15 PM
Fu@k, my clutch started to squeak today, on the way down is fine, but on the way up, the last 2 inches it squeaks a bit, turned the car off, does the same thing... hopefully it\'ll just go away I don\'t want to leave my car at the dealership for a day.

05-29-2006, 03:00 PM
Hi All,

For those who got the \"clutch pedal squeak\" fixed, where(or which dealer) did you go? I took mine to Markham Mazda today and show them the printout of the TSB


They said they couldn\'t find that TSB on their computer and said that the TSB I showed them may be for US only. The guy who talked to me also said he has never heard of this problem before. :sarc They lube the clutch pedal for me and told me to wait for a couple days for the lube to reach the \"squeaky\" area. The pedal is still squeaking .... :(

I want to try another dealer where they can find the TSB to get it fixed. Any info?

btw. is the TSB of Canada difference for the US?



05-29-2006, 03:08 PM
A quick search will show you what we already know...the service people at Markham Mazda have their head up their collective asses.


MAZDA Kitten
05-29-2006, 04:01 PM
Its a fact that there is a Canadian TSB on the squeak clutch pedal
Tell them you called Mazda Canada and they confirmed it.... or something like that

07-25-2006, 10:52 AM
Got the squeeky cluth now too. Took it in and they replaced the pedal assembly and the master cylinder on warranty. When I picked it up, I had the same problem as an earlier poster - pedal was very loose and the clutch engaged VERY low. Went back to normal after a few minutes of driving then the next morning, it was low again. Took it back to the dealer and they say they find nothing wrong with it again. Went to pick it up and ..... still the same problem !!!! The dealer is now putting in a brand new assmebly and master cylinder again ..... we\'ll see how it is when I pick it up again. Will update.

07-26-2006, 08:15 AM
hmm...I\'m surprised that when you took it in, it didn\'t mysteriously go away and you clutch is back to normal....hope everything works out buddy :)

07-27-2006, 04:41 PM
Well they finally got it right and it seems to be working right now. Al in all my car was with them for 6 days. The only saving grace was they gave me a loaner. Terrible service department. I had to chase them to find out the status of my car. They NEVER called me when they promised to in order to let me know what was going on - AJAX MAZDA. I won\'t be going back there again.

MAZDA Kitten
07-27-2006, 05:24 PM
Why 6 days?

I dropped my car off in the morning and picked it up at 5 and it was washed??

07-28-2006, 11:59 AM
Day 1 - dropped it off was told it would be ready in 3 hours. 4 hours later I had to call THEM. Not ready. Gave me a loaner. Picked it up that night. Pedal was loose and engaged really low.
Day 2 - took it back and they gave me another loaner
Day 4 - after the weekend - no one at the dealer called me. I called them. they said they found nothing wrong with it and to come in the next morning to look at it
Day 5 - I go back to the dealer, test drive the car. Clutch is still loose and engages right off the floor. They say that they will replace the whole assembly and master cylinder again and that it should be ready by the end of the day. End of days comes and goes ... no call. I call them. Service is closed everyone is gone. that evening I go to get something from my car. I go to my car ... and it\'s UNLOCKED.
Day 6 - someone finally calls me and tells me my car is now ready. I go to pick it up ... no apologies or anything from service. The clutch seems fine now.

Summary - Total cost - ZERO (warranty), 1.5 days off work, drove to the dealer 6 times. Poor service - PRICELESS.
service NEVER called me when they promised. I had to chase them to find out about my car each time. Yes, the car was washed when I picked it up. That\'s the only thing they did right. I won\'t be using them again.

MAZDA Kitten
07-29-2006, 05:03 PM

I\'d let Mazda Canada know but that is just me