View Full Version : Dealer etc..extras..warranty

03-09-2005, 05:38 AM
What extras should i ask for from a toronto area dealer ?
Should you subscribe to extended warranty ? can they throw that in ?

I dunno just looking forward to the car :)

Any other words of advice should get it in a day or so.. ;)

03-09-2005, 09:19 AM
If you\'ve already done the deal and are waiting on the car I don\'t really see any dealer throwing anything in, there\'s no point. They\'ve got your cash and a signed agreement. If you have not yet bought, you could definately try for an extended warranty, but then I doubt very highly that you will get any sort of a reasonable discount off of the price of the car.

03-09-2005, 11:10 AM
Shol, I have found what works the best is call a few dealerships and shop around. Once you have figured how low you can really go, walk into a dealership and say I want this option and this warranty for this price. From a salesperson\'s point of view, someone else has done all the work and they get all the commission for a sale that takes about 30 min. They will talk to their imaginary \"manager\" and will agree. That\'s how I did it with Westowne Mazda, the whole transaction for the salesperson took half and hours, but I got what I wanted for the price I thought was reasonable. The most important point is to be able to walk out if they don\'t agree. :D Good luck