View Full Version : ERIN MILLS Mazda gets its own thread for all the wrong reasons
Took my car there on Saturday for a regular oil change, I booked the appointment on the Tuesday earlier in the week. So I get my girl to drop off the car and have them call me once it\'s ready.
So I get the call and about an hour later and I go pick it up. So then the guy hands me the bill for 47 bucks, I look it over thinking they must have done something else. NOTHING else was done. It seems that their national oil change program is no longer in effect.
So I ask to speak with the manager. I ask him why Mazda canada has sent me nothing, I ask why they don\'t have the $ posted ( there is a big ass wall chart in the office with prices for various work including a blank oil change line) and then I ask why nobody told me considering there were 3 opportunities to give me the heads up. To clarify if I had have been told about the $ increase prior to having the work done I would not have cared because they would have left it up to me to make the decision, Likely I still would have had it done.
So the manager gives me some song and dance and I begin to fume, I tell him straight up is it worth losing my business and business 20 others over 10 bucks? He asks me what I want him to do, I told him make me want to come back here again and then he looks at me and asks again what I want him to do. So I tell him I want my next oil change @ n/c he says fine and I leave pissed.
So Just an FYI the price of the oil change is now almost $50 bucks since mazda will leave it to us to spread the word of mouth.
I plan to use my word of mouth to the fullest, since I deal with people all day and discuss many different vehicles, I\'m often asked to make recommendations on what vehicles are good and what are not so good from an insurance perspective. Going forward because of this situation I will no longer recommend MAZDA\'s to anyone, the car is a good car but the service is the garbage.
Dr Butcher
03-15-2005, 11:11 AM
I took my car into Morningside Mazda about three weeks ago, and was told the same thing. The price of oil changes has gone up and it would be around $40 (I\'m assuming before taxes). When I went in to pick it up they hadn\'t done the oil change so I took it to Gyro and after taxes the change came to $34... I\'m assuming dealerships can charge what they want now, and Morningside and Erin Mills have raised their price... I have no clue what other dealerships have done....
that\'s good to know, I\'d rather give my business to someone who wants it rather than someone who wants my money. I\'ll shop it around,
03-15-2005, 01:18 PM
$47 for a basic oil and filter change seems awfully expensive to me, but I think to drive to a dealership that is further away to save $15 is not that smart either. I wonder if the price will have gone up for my 6?
On a side note, I know a guy who has a BMW M3, and he gets charged $35 per spark plug, not installed! He has to go for his 24,000km service which is really nothing major and they are estimating the cost to be about $1,200 plus tax!
The price I was given would apply to all mazda\'s, I spoke w Mazda CDA and they advised the new oil change price is in effect since mar 1
but given what has been said above it\'s entirely up to the dealer what they charge
I called Mazda to file a complaint, I doubt anything will come of it... my only concern is the lack of communication between the people who purchased the car and the company they purchased it from.
03-15-2005, 04:31 PM
Ummm not to sound like an ass.... but you will no longer recommend a great car, due to a bad experience at a dealership? thats absurd. If that was the case, I could recommend no cars to anyone, since EVERY make of car has had dealership complaints. :sarc It makes more sense not to recommend a certain dealership, but the entire brand?
03-15-2005, 05:18 PM
It makes more sense not to recommend a certain dealership, but the entire brand?
I agreed. Just a bad experience in one dealership doesn\'t make MAZDA that horrible.
And maybe it\'s just me......i doubt i\'d get that pissed if this incident happened to me. I\'d prolly just take it to another garage next time.
I mean these things happen a lot in the business world.. I\'ve gotten used to them.
03-15-2005, 06:15 PM
Originally posted by PSIVIC
On a side note, I know a guy who has a BMW M3, and he gets charged $35 per spark plug, not installed! He has to go for his 24,000km service which is really nothing major and they are estimating the cost to be about $1,200 plus tax!
what yrs does he has? BMW cars have 3 yrs free maintainence for every 24-25k service for all new car.
and yes $47 for just oil change for our 3 is insane. most inline 4 cars cost only $35 tax in.
03-15-2005, 09:45 PM
His car is a 2004 from what I remember. And I mentioned the free service thing, but he said that he doesn\'t have that!
Originally posted by SwooshICE
It makes more sense not to recommend a certain dealership, but the entire brand?
I agreed. Just a bad experience in one dealership doesn\'t make MAZDA that horrible.
And maybe it\'s just me......i doubt i\'d get that pissed if this incident happened to me. I\'d prolly just take it to another garage next time.
I mean these things happen a lot in the business world.. I\'ve gotten used to them.
I think some of you misseed the point, I could care less what the oil change costs. If Mazda Canada is going to cancel a special promotion that they use to sell the vehicle, then there should be held responsible.
That dealer is garbage to begin with so I don\'t think me not recommending them will do much. If some of you are willing to deal with it I can respect that but just understand things only go up from here price wise. Eventually you will reach a point where the economics no longer become feasible, I see it every day with insurance. I feel a 30k car should not cost $50 for an oil change. I wish I could do it myself but the work involved thanks to the design of the 04\'s makes it a hassle.
03-16-2005, 12:21 PM
So Mazda has cancelled a PROMOTION. This makes them a bad company? Should I list of Manufacturers that do it everyday?
The promotion is over, that is why its called a promotion. If you see something on sale, and wait till it\'s off sale, do you boycott the store? How about 0% financing or special financing, that only lasts for so long! Its all relative man. They are great cars, and if the ending of a promotion sours you on a whole manufacturer, you will never be happy with a single one.
Edit - Compare it to insurance, since thats your field. If my rates go up, I cant do anything about it. I dont freak out and denounce my provider. Chances are my insurance will be the same or more outside of them.
Originally posted by midnightfxgt
So Mazda has cancelled a PROMOTION. This makes them a bad company? Should I list of Manufacturers that do it everyday?
The promotion is over, that is why its called a promotion. If you see something on sale, and wait till it\'s off sale, do you boycott the store? How about 0% financing or special financing, that only lasts for so long! Its all relative man. They are great cars, and if the ending of a promotion sours you on a whole manufacturer, you will never be happy with a single one.
Edit - Compare it to insurance, since thats your field. If my rates go up, I cant do anything about it. I dont freak out and denounce my provider. Chances are my insurance will be the same or more outside of them.
This was a canada wide thing that only mazda does and was a feature they used to sell the car.
If your rates go up you can do something about it you can shop around and find something better. and chances are that you will slag your old insurer because they ripped you off etc etc...
Is there that many of you that feel $50 is reasonable for an oil change on a 30k car??
I have never said my complaint was with the car, I used to love it but I\'ll hold off using that word and save it till something signifigant happens as more and more it seems I\'ll need to replace things sooner than I thought ie OEM brakes needing to be replaced inside of 1 yr.
I feel that the SERVICE you receive from any Mazda dealership is a direct reflection of the company as a whole and since I\'m in a position to endorse the car I will speak only from my experiences when asked.
I expect as a consumer to be looked after, if some of you can\'t be bothered and decide to roll with the punches that\'s your position not mine.
aside from venting in my original post, it was more an fyi to everyone here since you will all experience this.
03-17-2005, 06:18 PM
I went in for my 24K Service today at Avante Mazda.
The first thing I asked is if the price of the oil change has gone up. The service guy said that it went up 1 whole penny. Use to be 33.87 it is now 33.88.
I then asked how much it would be for a brake inspection which is part of the 24K service. He said sum crazy amount. I think it was 160. I said wait, I think I have a coupon that I received in the mail. The coupon was for an oil change, brake inspection and tire rotation for 48.95 plus tax.
Since I have winter\'s on I did not have them do the tire rotation.
I also brought my own oil, Mobil1 0W-20.
After all was said and done I paid 80.98 for my oil change and brake inspection.
Mobil1 0W-20 - $32.15 (Taxes in)
Brake Inspection, Oil Change $48.83 (Taxes in)
for those who bought their cars at erin mills mazda.. how long did u guys wait to get your 3? also when i was buying my 3 there i also asked if there service was good? but the guy was like its the best service you can get etc..and no complaints whatsoever...i dunno if this info he provided me was very reliable.
03-17-2005, 11:17 PM
YEs the Nation wide promotion is over...Thats all. What you don\'t know is how much the parts for doing an oil change on a Mazda 3 costs...Most dealerships are losing money on oil changes, the idea is to keep the customer in the store. On a Mazda 3 2.3L there is an oil cartridge, two \"o\" rings, a gasket for the drain plug, and the oil...these parts almost total $ they have to pay the tech\'s to do it. What most dealers want if to keep customers coming back to the dealer (come on people profit is not a four letter word to dealerships/any shop in the WORLD) The fact of the world is that cars of today/and the future are becoming more expensive to maintain and fix.
I have personally seen a number of Mazda 3\'s that have come in with oil leaks or worse (engine failures) that have come from other national brand stores whom have NOT changed the \"o\" rings...I have had two 3\'s this year with seized motor\'s that have had to been paid for by those \"oli change\" stores because they have tried to make money by not changing all the parts on the oil changes on Mazda 3\'s.
I\'m sorry that the promotion is over, but Mazda has started a new system that makes all the minor servies a set price (I\'m pretty sure).
Anyways...Mazda is not bad...its the world that is causing all these changes....Everything costs more these days...Hey who is going to pay for all the new tools I have to buy every year because they change the cars every year?? I can\'t claim it on my tax return? hows that fair?? So yah pay $10 more. Get over pay a whole ot more for everything else these days ie. gas, hydro, fuel, cell, TAXES!!!
03-18-2005, 07:12 AM
even promoto is over, $47 for a inline 4 engine car\'s oil change is too expensive. I drove 3 Hondas, none cost me $35 w/taxes for oil change.
Cosmo thanks for the feedback and I appreciate your response but I\'m not buying it.
I\'ve had several oil changes done and various places on every car I\'ve owned from my 68 Beetle to my 81 Chevette to my 93 Golf to my 94 Integra to my 04 MZ3
They are all 4\'s from different manufacturers and NONE of them cost 50 bucks to change even today...
My bill tells me how much I\'ve paid for each part including the gaskets etc... they total no more than 15 bucks tax in, what went up on my bill was not the parts but rather the labour.
Engine seizes and that kind of thing are a joke, are you trying to tell me that every car on the market today does not have that experience. There is a lemon in every bunch, as much as there is a crappy mechanic in every bunch if you know what I\'m getting at.
And to call the 18 year old Co-op student who changes my oil a TECH is just plain funny. Techs don\'t change my oil, the lackies change my oil and that goes for every place including my brothers garage where he did his apprenticeship.
And to blame the world for 25% inflating prices??? Those prices are set my Mazda, I don\'t see any other manufacturers charging this for their oil changes....nor has the price of 4L gone up at crappy tire.
I\'m sorry if I\'m taking it out on you but I\'m not a satisfied customer nor will I ever be with $50 oil changes.
Just so you know if you did work for yourself you could likely write off those tools, speak with your accountant I\'m sure they could help you out.
03-18-2005, 05:21 PM
Go purchase an oil filter for a mazda 3 at your local dealership with all the \"o\" rings and gaskets and oil and let me know how much the parts cost...then we\'ll talk.
03-18-2005, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by Cosmo
Go purchase an oil filter for a mazda 3 at your local dealership with all the \"o\" rings and gaskets and oil and let me know how much the parts cost...then we\'ll talk.
$9.09 + tax = $10.46 :D @ Avante (thanks to our discount)
5x$7.19/L of 0W20 mobil1 (now 6.99 @ CT) = $41.34
having a buddy at Speedy = priceless :)
oil change interval 10K.. $52 of synthetic beauty beats $47 @ a dealer
03-18-2005, 10:45 PM
OK so already the cost of the parts is over what you pay for an oil change including labor at the dealer costs...sooooo how is the dealer or anyone to make money when doing an oil change on one of these cars AND pay the technician, keep the lights on, heat on, phone bills...The whole idea behind oil changes is to have the customer come back to either the dealer/ or garage. AND would you people stop slagging Mazda\'s can ask for oil in bottle\'s if you don\'t want the oil out of the \"sealed\" 40 GAL drums. I have never seen a failure from the MAzda (Petro) 5W-20 oil either Semi-synthetic or regular oil. All shops are fighting to get customers in for oil changes...thats why there is so many different prices for oil changes...the fact of the matter is, do you want a factory \"tech\" working on your car or someone who is not framiliar with the product OR worse some lacky who neither know or cares about doing an oil change on your car. Your more likely to have alot of warrenty concerns found before you have any complaints about it. Now I know some of you will write back that you have a good tech working on your car right now at some other shop (other than the dealer), but for those who go to the other \"low\" cost shops...really how much are you saving?? and how mcu hare you risking??
03-18-2005, 11:30 PM
Originally posted by Cosmo
The whole idea behind oil changes is to have the customer come back to either the dealer/ or garage.
EXACTLY .. and if we have a choice why not go the \'better\' route where we won\'t be gauged??
you DO NOT get mobil1 0W20 oil when you go to a dealer!!! that\'s what my price was for..
anyway.. dealer gets oil in bulk.. come on.. you think they go to walmart and buy 1L bottles? gimme a break.. bulk oil costs $3-4/L _IF_ that!!
Originally posted by Cosmo
I have never seen a failure from the MAzda (Petro) 5W-20 oil either Semi-synthetic or regular oil. All shops are fighting to get customers in for oil changes...
umm you\'ve seen engine failures due to oil? or LACK of oil changes or WRONG intervals?
Originally posted by Cosmo
the fact of the matter is, do you want a factory \"tech\" working on your car or someone who is not framiliar with the product OR worse some lacky who neither know or cares about doing an oil change on your car.
you don\'t get it do ya??? a \'tech\' a \'lacky\' whether works for mazda or for \"quick lube\" can still **** your car up.. granted you would have an easier time getting warranty if you went the dealer option but there\'s this one guy on or something who fought mazda till he turned purple and he got denied AFAIK..
besides.. oil changes aren\'t THAT hard, if you have the time/tools to do it.. it\'s just that we usually leave that stuff to the \'specialists\' but many DIY-ers can do it better/faster than that mazda tech.. ;)
03-19-2005, 07:38 AM
Listen by all means bring in your own oil, I don\'t really care when customers bring in their own oil (except when its CTC Formula 1 crap)...but know this...most dealers have 5W-20 (Mazda oil, black and yellow bottle\'s) see this oil is used for the RX-8\'s...the semi-synthetic in the 40 GAL drums cannot be used because its a they have alot of normal 5W-20 on hand.
Now as far as mos DIY-er being faster and better than Mazda tech\'s...I haven\'t taken to many things to heart on this website, but now you\'ve struck a nerve....I did not do 8500 hr\'s of an appreticship 3 years of driving to trade school and making next to no money to have someone say that they think a Mazda tech can\'t do an oil change. I have worked for Mazda for 10 years. I am a Master Tech, I have competed regionaly for the Canadian Master Tech competition I even crew on a VERY good Canadian stock car team. I think I\'m a bit better than the average DIY-er.
So today when I\'m at work...I will be asking all the owners of Mazda 3\'s if they are members of the TM3 board, if they are I will do my best damn work possible, maybe even wash their cars...
Geese man were just trying to make a living...Alot of shop/dealers guage...but ALOT of dealers/shop do good work...don\'t group all the dealerships as one group......If your car were to ever grace my \"work bay\", I\'m sure you would be happy with the service.
Oh you asked about engine failures...I have only ever seen a few engine failure because of the grade of oil in some of our cars, but nothing on 3\'s yet...I have however seen engine failures on Mazda3\'s because of either wrong of filters falling off (2.0L) OR (and this is a big issue) \"o\" rings not being replaced by other shops on the 2.3L motors and the oil running out of the both engine were seized. Needless to say Mazda DID NOT pay for those motor\'s, both were paid by the shop\'s that did the oil changes...funny thing though, the guy with the 2.0L ( who\'s filter fell off into the splash shield) wanted Mazda to pay for his rental when the engine was back ordered for a week. Who should pay for the rental at that point? I\'m not sure who paid, but I think it was the other shop...Us siting that WE did not blow you motor up and Mazda is not responsible for that. Now that guy is a very good Mazda customer and the motor that I installed is running great still. I think he bought one of our oil change special time oil changes for free for around $190-250 (something like that)
Cosmo...heading to work...come and get it
Cosmo, thanks for putting up with us and let me be the first to say Thank you. It\'s not often that someone from the company takes the initiative to respond to customer concerns.
You bring up very valid points and have educated us on some of the potential risks to look out for re. engine maintenence.
now that the weather is nice I\'m gonna attempt my first oil change on this car probably next month, I\'ll sure to keep an eye out for some of the things you mentioned re- o rings etc...
03-19-2005, 03:40 PM
No problem I hope that I can help some of you guys...btw as per my last post I had every car I serviced today cleaned by our clean up kid...I even did one myself on a Mazda 3!
03-20-2005, 04:16 PM
is there anyone on here that works for em mazda?
03-20-2005, 05:18 PM
Not I
03-25-2005, 12:16 AM
First of all I think this thread is ****** ridiculous. I don\'t see how the price of an oil change at mazda would entice you to purchase a certain car anymore.
Stop bitching. You want the oil done at mazda pay the money. if not then stop complaining.
And I don\' know what the big deal about synthetic oil is anyways? It\'s not like the mazda 3 is an F1 car dino is fine. I\'d rather use dino and have it done every 5K then to use Syn and strech it out till 10K.
03-25-2005, 09:17 AM
My thoughts exactly...the only car I use synthetic in, is my RACE car...and even it only uses it for 200 laps be fore its changed!!!
Regular oil is fine as long as you change it at regular intervals 5-8K
03-25-2005, 09:54 AM
Originally posted by 2004mz3
is there anyone on here that works for em mazda?
I just reciently bought *crosses fingers for loan* there last night...
The title of the thread scared me for a min untill I read it...
03-25-2005, 07:43 PM
One thing is missing here .. Mazda has changed the price of all the minor 8,000km services.. If you go to the dealer now and ask for the full maintance package at say 16,000km (which includes engine oil and filter change) the dealer was charging approx. $70.00 (right from the mazda Canada approved price guide) . The same service now will cost $34.95 plus taxes..
As you see this price is more in line with the market .. Mazda has not at this point set a national price for just and oil change (i dont think they will) . For next few months ask the dealer the price before signing a work order and have them explain the differences..
03-25-2005, 08:21 PM
you guys change oil every 10K?
I do mine 5K for 20 bucks with filter (but I own a first gen protege).
Im not sure if the shop supports Mazda 3, I can ask if u want me to.
The price might go up a bit to like 25 or something though, cause I heard the filter system/filters are expensive for the mazda 3
03-25-2005, 08:29 PM
Originally posted by DWMmotorsport
One thing is missing here .. Mazda has changed the price of all the minor 8,000km services.. If you go to the dealer now and ask for the full maintance package at say 16,000km (which includes engine oil and filter change) the dealer was charging approx. $70.00 (right from the mazda Canada approved price guide) . The same service now will cost $34.95 plus taxes..
As you see this price is more in line with the market .. Mazda has not at this point set a national price for just and oil change (i dont think they will) . For next few months ask the dealer the price before signing a work order and have them explain the differences..
Thank you for clearing that up DWM. It would seem there are alot of people on these threads who are confused about the prices of the Mazda services. Its nice to see a dealer posting on here.
03-25-2005, 11:57 PM
Everyone is increasing prices these days. Even our toyota is costing 6 bucks more for Lubrication Service.
03-29-2005, 01:00 PM
If you don\'t mind disclosing, would you tell me which dealership you work for? I would like to have you perform my next oil change (24K) service.
03-29-2005, 06:17 PM
Not a chance
03-29-2005, 06:23 PM
I\'d better explain that answer. I do not want anyone to know where I work, because I am just interested in answering questions, I never slag or make comments about other dealership. Even if the dealer I work for is being slagged. I simply will not be brought into the middle of a customers fight with Mazda. I also do not want to have to deal with Mazda itself being upset with me...should I say something inappropriate.
03-29-2005, 07:11 PM
I don\'t blame you, I would do the exact same;)
So really, where do you work:D
03-29-2005, 08:09 PM
Somewhere in Ontario...
MAZDA Kitten
03-29-2005, 09:51 PM
So different dealerships have different prices for the oil change?
03-29-2005, 10:21 PM
Originally posted by DWMmotorsport
One thing is missing here .. Mazda has changed the price of all the minor 8,000km services.. If you go to the dealer now and ask for the full maintance package at say 16,000km (which includes engine oil and filter change) the dealer was charging approx. $70.00 (right from the mazda Canada approved price guide) . The same service now will cost $34.95 plus taxes..
As you see this price is more in line with the market .. Mazda has not at this point set a national price for just and oil change (i dont think they will) . For next few months ask the dealer the price before signing a work order and have them explain the differences..
Alot of dealers have different prices for oil changes....but some are sticking to the 26.95...but for $34.95 you get a full minor service...
MAZDA Kitten
03-29-2005, 10:46 PM
Thanks Cosmo.
Take to make some calls and start a new thread with who does the cheapest oil changes :p (Especially for us commuters who change their oil every 2 months:D )
03-31-2005, 10:03 PM
i hate those erinmills mazda fools man, they switched their prices and everythin, i took mine for a 16k check and ended up payin 91 bucks and some cents, tire rotation was like 15 or 16 bucks, and ended up payin 3 bucks for a bottle of anti freeze lol, that sux plus other garbage but car running better
I just thought all the erin mills threads should be together....
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