View Full Version : Erin Mills Mazda, Ontario Mazda and one other...

04-02-2005, 03:45 PM
Just to help people from hasels for the near future.

Erin Mills Mazda and Ontatio Mazda is owned by 1 guy along with one other dealership I cant remember.
They have the absolute worst customer service and techical abilities when it comes to the service department.

Im not going to go into detail with my experience with both, but I did after almost 1 month of not having my car got everything covered under warenty and them try to not pay for my rental car.

Anyhow if you want to buy the Mazda3 or any mazda in general, it wont be a problem buying from them or any other dealership as its like buying a chocolate bar from different gas stations. But!!! Never go to these dealerships for anything after that period! Even if it is a warenty part.. they will try to find away to make you pay for it watch out!! go to a known mazda dealership for excellent customer service in the service dept. that way you can have more trust in what they tell you and wont get hasseled.

Just to keep you aware.


04-02-2005, 03:57 PM
Yep..I agree, Im in the mist of getting my car from them...the management are a bunch of tossers...

MAZDA Kitten
04-02-2005, 04:55 PM
Yes tell us something we dont know :D

Even when I my squeaky clutch pedal part was on order.. I had to CALL them because it seemed like 2 weeks was taking a tad too long. What do I get...

Service: \"Oh the part has been sitting here for quite some time now.\"

Me: \"Oh really? Was someone ever going to call me and let me know that?\"

Service: \"uhhhhh he\'s on lunch now.\"


Now Ive been waiting for my tail lights (condenstation in them) for 2 weeks now too and I almost gaurantee they are there waiting.

04-03-2005, 09:47 AM
Yeah the lunch think really gets me.. idiots.. I am now going to put them on my front page and change my flash for my website and make an intire forum section dedicated on these dealerships mostly ontario, and erin mills mazda so they get nill to no people coming to there service dept. If anyone would like to add there experinece just email me im going to add it in with quotes from other customers experiences. When I recieve my cheque from them (paying my rental car after calling Mazda canada and doing an investigation) im going to send them and mazda canada my leter on it my site and a few others that speek of the dealerships with bad service..

Justice is going to be made...

04-03-2005, 04:03 PM
Erin Mills Mazda and Ontatio Mazda is owned by 1 guy along with one other dealership I cant remember.

I think the other dealership in the group is Morningside Mazda

04-03-2005, 09:57 PM

04-03-2005, 11:12 PM
How so?

04-05-2005, 01:57 PM
I think mazda3boss is mocking us...

04-05-2005, 03:45 PM
Didn\'t FLIPSPEED say that the reason Avante Toronto closed was because Mazda didn\'t want any one person owning more than a single dealership? If that\'s true, how do these guys own three? Mazda should not force the good dealerships to close and allow the bad ones to multiply:sarc

04-05-2005, 05:30 PM
Originally posted by profusion

Erin Mills Mazda and Ontatio Mazda is owned by 1 guy along with one other dealership I cant remember.

Wouldn\'t be surprised but highly unlikely it\'d be ...

Markham Mazda

04-05-2005, 08:15 PM
Sorry to here that I think Prima Mazda sucks as well. I\'m writting Mazda Canada a letter on the service I got from them.In a nut shell they changed my windshield 4 times and i had to get the pillers repainted. I will put my letter on there soon. i\'m on my 7th page.

04-06-2005, 07:54 PM
Originally posted by kyfe

I think mazda3boss is mocking us...

If so hes just a tosser...:sarc Have a nice day...