View Full Version : Eibachs Installed....

04-09-2005, 05:04 PM
just got them installed, very impresed initially...pics to come once i get someone to upload....

04-10-2005, 12:42 AM
Once you become comfortable with the ride and let them settle-in for a few weeks; do a 4 wheel alignment. Then I want you to report back to us at what MACH speed you now take turns with. I\'ve been know to hit 85km/hr+ on a left hand turn on a yellow light as perpendicular traffic looks on in horror/amazement as the tires slightly chirp yet the chasis stays on rails and there is a slight controlled 4 wheel drift.

My hard right hand turns are approximately up to 60km/hr depending on my nerves and how tight the turn is.

04-10-2005, 01:30 AM
LOL your too much

04-10-2005, 11:19 PM
sorry for the size, but here is teh after shot, pardon my amateur camera skills...


04-10-2005, 11:23 PM
You been pimped! *gives a tug at his collar*

\"Thank you MTV, for pimpin my ride\"

04-10-2005, 11:24 PM
YEAH YEAH!!!!! My Eibach Brotha!!!! Nice clean look. Next stop for you..... RIMMIES!!:hoho

04-10-2005, 11:27 PM
http://img128.echo.cx/img128/221/picture1550ax.th.jpg (http://img128.echo.cx/my.php?image=picture1550ax.jpg)

04-10-2005, 11:31 PM
Originally posted by bubba1983

http://img128.echo.cx/img128/221/picture1550ax.th.jpg (http://img128.echo.cx/my.php?image=picture1550ax.jpg)

Verry NICE!!!!!!

04-11-2005, 09:19 AM
OMG! That is so friggin sexy. There is nothing so beautiful as a well engineered car with the perfect lowered look. Not Civic/Integra knock-Kneed cut the spring pigeon toe bouncing down the highway shit. But the professional kit and the chasis slightly dumped and tight in the wheel wells.

FAWK! I keep on getting reminded of most AUDI\'S/BMW\'s when I see Mazda 3\'s dropped. It\'s that kind of engineered factory look I love.

After a week or two or doing your normal commute and runs around town on the streets your familiar with, report back to us please on your initial drive quality and handling opinions. Do you notice other owners looking over at your noticing you are lowered? Do you notice a slight drop when you get in your car and your bum falls a wee bit further down? Or do you notice the drop when you have to get out of the car and stand up?

Friggin Awesome!!!

04-11-2005, 02:40 PM
What\'s the drop? What was the total price to do everything?

04-11-2005, 02:56 PM
Eibach Prokit - 1.2\" (all around) same application for sedan and hatch part #
Eibach Sportline- 1.8\"(all around) same application for sedan and hatch part #

Yeah! Which kit did you get?

And in your opinion, Would you go any lower? Some guys say it is very addictive!

04-11-2005, 02:57 PM
its funny how you mention the bmw thing demon, i showed a friend the picture, and he\'s like waw, it looks bmw/ish. Anyways, being that im a 6\'3 tall mofo, getting out of the car at stock height was a lil tricky, and the biggest diff i notice now is when getting out, swinging that left foot out first, the ground meets your foot really quick...so now getting out is even more of a challenge....and yes, when you go to sit in your bum does that little extra flop down, haha. Ride wise, its not choppy bouncy liek you see mose civics going around town doign teh head bob bounce maneouver, or the weeve back and forth avoiding every damn manhole cover in teh city, you can actually drive over them, its a lil bit more of a jerk bounce, but its nothing bone shattering.

I have the stiffer rear anti roll bar installed, and when cornering, its by far no F1 lets put on some canyards on the front bumper to stick it to the ground, but....it is quite nicely stiff, and lesser roll, kinda gets rid of that \"mushy\" feeling. Im gonna wait about 2 weeks and then get an alignment done.

The Drop, Its the eibach pro kit, so whatever their numbers say thats what the drop should be i presume, i never took no initial measurements, but i will post up a before picture.

Price to do everything...well, cost me nothing, just the better part of my saturday and a burnt forhead from the sun. Me and my father did it in the driveway, to save me some more installation costs. The rears are a snap, roughly an hour 20 to do the rears...fronts on the other hand, were a little more involved, taking us most of the day, we were jus taking our time, being unfamiliar with the mazda setup, and following one of the walkthru\'s which i got off the M3F forum.

Ill update in a week or so for you car demon...to give you the heads up if you still want..

04-11-2005, 03:00 PM
Here are 2 before pictures...

http://img145.echo.cx/img145/9443/picture1504rf.th.jpg (http://img145.echo.cx/my.php?image=picture1504rf.jpg)

http://img145.echo.cx/img145/58/picture1496qd.th.jpg (http://img145.echo.cx/my.php?image=picture1496qd.jpg)

ill have to wait till they settle in, but i personally woudln\'t go any lower...cause im already dreading the winter months to come myself. Its very subtle (spelling) but yet effective as it is...

04-11-2005, 03:09 PM

why... why must you tempt me...

congrats bubba, your ride looks absolutely astounding!:D

04-11-2005, 03:10 PM
mucho appreciated...
ive been kinda out of the car thing for quite some time lately, been in a slump, but now im back in it full force, yay!!!

fat mike
04-12-2005, 08:47 PM
looks awesome I hate you even more now. I mean i thought I just caught up to you with the HIDs then you had to get springs!

04-12-2005, 11:20 PM
Looks great man, how much did it end up costing you if you don\'t mind me asking?

04-13-2005, 08:38 AM
LOL mike!!!

it cost me notihng, just the better part of my saturday, me and my father installed them ourselves...

04-13-2005, 06:54 PM
bubba your going to have to take me for a ride before i buy some . i have to see if the ride hurts my gimpa$$ back .

04-13-2005, 11:40 PM
YEAH!!! give me a ride too!!! PLEASE!! :D

04-13-2005, 11:41 PM
erm....thats sounding kinda tooo man loving for my likings!

04-15-2005, 08:29 AM
I think it\'s time for a weekly driver update and general debriefing on the look of your car, ride of your, what you feel when you walk up to your car from the side angle, front and rear when far away. I know it\'s vain, but once your lowered I love parking so far out in a Walmart lot and walking back to my sexy sleek lowered car.

04-15-2005, 03:07 PM
after a few days of driving now, they have settle down a little bit, as looking into the well now is kinda tricky!! lol You can realli notice the rear negative camber on it if you look at the right angle, no biggie tho. From far away walkin up to it, its very diseving, as it looks normal, but once you get About 30feet away you start to get that perma grin on yoru face, and up close, i especially can realli notice the diff, being im so tall, it almost looks like a mini car now, haha!

Im not much of a speed freak or performance driver myself, im jus not into going fast, but, ive started to become brave on some on and offramps to the city\'s inner highway system. I will say that, 80km/hour on most ramps here in town, u woulde think your nuts taking them at that speed, but now 80 feels more like a safe speed to take it, and entering the highway already at cruising speed before you exit the ramp is quite a nice feeling, the stock rsa\'s, haha, if they could speak in situations liek that, they would be saying something retarded like STOP DOING THIS TO ME. u can hear them work nicely....and feel the drift effect (Y)

i think thats somewhat a good update what u wanted CD?

EDIT: come to think of it, this makes me want to hop on the new wheel and rubba bandwagon...cause...the stockers are nice now....but its crying out for a new bigger set..that should set it off nicely!

04-15-2005, 03:19 PM
Friggin awesome feeling eh? Do other younger people look at the car now at stoplight etc. Do you notice other M3 4x4 owners staring at your car wondering why it is a wee different?

Your right about driving level headed most of the times, but every now and then the suspension does tempt you for the curves and twisties. You\'ll come to know your limits and the rest of the car along with the OEM tires which are decent, but now a grade or two below what the real potential is.
Save money for the future tire and or rim if needed in the future with your budget. Wait till they wear out even. The look and mega notches your suspension and handling has taken you up by now can suffice.

IMO The most basic visual/fashionable/performance per dollar is the mild suspension upgrade of LOWERING SPRINGS on any car. Everything comes in at a close second like intake, exhaust, tint maybe.

04-15-2005, 03:25 PM
naw, i don\'t notice any other youngers or m3 4x4 ers lookin on...i try to not attract much attention to myself...this city is corrupt i swear...

04-17-2005, 12:09 AM
bubba, soooo nice OMG i\'m VERY jealous . . . i agree that you have to take all of us out for a ride so we can all test out the eibachs. I\'m kinda iffy about lowering, cause the ride is so nice and smooth, but you say the eibachs aren\'t that bad . . . hhhmmmmm contemplating!

but congrats, it looks awesome, i wonder how much an install of it would be?!

04-17-2005, 07:07 AM
much love *blush*

install around my area is roughly in teh ballpark of $200....

if you guys want a ride, i\'ll be more than happy to give you a ride...you first, emc, haha

04-17-2005, 04:07 PM
200$ isn\'t toooo bad considering i\'d screw it up trying to install by myself and end costing way more that anyways :p but yes i\'ll have to test it first . . . :D

aren\'t coil overs a bit better investment, considering the horrid winters we have here in canada though? you can\'t adjust the eibachs can you?

04-17-2005, 04:10 PM
no you cannot adjust eibachs
the only coils out for the 3 are Tein and D2...

04-17-2005, 05:03 PM
hmm, i kinda want adjustable :(

i\'ll wait till theres a less expensive coilover available!

04-17-2005, 05:18 PM
hmmm adjustable ah?


this girl is too much fun!!

04-17-2005, 09:08 PM
K-sport, D2, and Tein are available.

cheapest is around $860USD dont look for that number to come down much more.

04-17-2005, 11:52 PM
yo Patrick...did you buy them yet?
I still haven\'t found any places with them in stock...

my new setup will be going on this thursday

04-18-2005, 12:40 AM
sooooo nice :)

i wanna lower mine too
but i m worried about the snow in winter and about killing my tires :(

04-18-2005, 09:08 AM
Trust me! 90% of factory cars built out there could use a lowering of 1-1.5\" anyways. The main visual appeal is the closing of the nasty wheel gap from a side profile and getting rid of the high ass stance like a hippopotamus on stilts. Moderately lowering you car makes no real significant difference to when a snow storm breaks; were all Fawked.

Most of us don\'t live in Rural areas where it wouldn\'t make a difference anyways. Once your stuck your stuck an inch and a half lower does not make a difference of tractions of snowplowing. The majority of us will still feel the snow brush the undercarrage of the car anyways with a mild drop or OEM height.

The majority of us living in some sort of organized municipality and a City Hall have prioritized and reg. scheduled route snowplows. Most of us who are smarter rock winter treads and steelies anyways.

04-18-2005, 11:54 AM
very informative car demon, i have to say that toronto was pretty good this past winter for plowing and such . . . but the only thing left is those daym potholes that get hid by the snow!!

and you are also right by saying thats its only 1.2\", and thats not a HUGE drop, just gives it asthetic appeal . . .

04-18-2005, 01:48 PM
Originally posted by car_demon

Trust me! 90% of factory cars built out there could use a lowering of 1-1.5\" anyways. The main visual appeal is the closing of the nasty wheel gap from a side profile and getting rid of the high ass stance like a hippopotamus on stilts. Moderately lowering you car makes no real significant difference to when a snow storm breaks; were all Fawked.

Most of us don\'t live in Rural areas where it wouldn\'t make a difference anyways. Once your stuck your stuck an inch and a half lower does not make a difference of tractions of snowplowing. The majority of us will still feel the snow brush the undercarrage of the car anyways with a mild drop or OEM height.

The majority of us living in some sort of organized municipality and a City Hall have prioritized and reg. scheduled route snowplows. Most of us who are smarter rock winter treads and steelies anyways.

True that! Lowering is definately my favorite mod - it makes any car look SO MUCH better. Personally I prefer the \"slammmed\" look with the wheels barely tucking into the fenders over a mild drop though.

04-18-2005, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by autoexe
True that! Lowering is definately my favorite mod - it makes any car look SO MUCH better. Personally I prefer the \"slammmed\" look with the wheels barely tucking into the fenders over a mild drop though.

Now that is what I\'m talking about! I admit that when I saw a pic of you car I went nuts..,even with the g.f. kissing my neck and giving me a lapdance trying to get my attention away from staring at the screen she was unsuccessful in my trance. I only minimized the screen for action when I was awoken to her when she slapped my across the face...then I pounced her.;) Jealous b!#$, she must know she\'s #2 behind automotive matters.:hoho