View Full Version : Exhaust too loud( like Vibrant) will pull over by Police?
04-14-2005, 08:38 PM
I just wonder if the Exhaust system too loud??? The Police can pull U over and give U a ticket or take ur car?? anyone have any idea about it??? :sarc
04-14-2005, 08:58 PM
yes they can, my friend who attended DKN 2 yrs ago, said cops were lining up at the intersection of McCowan & Major Mac to give tickets to all illegal modded cars.
but did you hear an urban legend? when you need cops for help or report some dangerous drivers, they never near you, but if you are just speeding, they just right behind you.
04-14-2005, 09:03 PM
I know the York Region Police pull those cars over, I think they\'ll write up the ticket to read \"undo noise\".
04-14-2005, 09:03 PM
You definately can get ticketed for a too loud exhaust, but IMO you really have to piss off the cop to get that BS. I have a friend who got that ticket, but he was already pulled over for another violation and they got him on that too.
04-14-2005, 09:06 PM
why don\'t cops ever pull over Harley\'s for their \"undue noise\"
04-14-2005, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by PSIVIC
You definately can get ticketed for a too loud exhaust, but IMO you really have to piss off the cop to get that BS. I have a friend who got that ticket, but he was already pulled over for another violation and they got him on that too.
i agree witg PSIVIC i had a friend like that. He honked at the old lady infront of him and got a ticket for his muffler.
04-15-2005, 10:43 AM
If you get it, fight it. My buddy did, and while at the court he said over a dozen people with muffler tickets were all cleared with no fines.
Cleared because of what reason? Cop no show?
04-15-2005, 03:08 PM
Usually it is an arbitrary call by the Polics and they are targetting US the RICE/IMPORT generation.
It is up to us to seek mods that are in compliance. There is a decible rating out there, but loosely and arbitrarily enforced. If we follow the leaders out in California I think the 95dB was a ballpark figure.
I\'m going over to the TPC board to dig up a Compiled list of MODS EXTERIOR & INTERIOR a Toronto Metro Cop had made of his research year or two ago. When I get it,we all should read it,print it out and keep it in our gloveboxes. Just because Cdn Tire, Performance Improvements, and Flea Markets sell stuff, does not mean they are legal.
...., I\'ll be back.
04-15-2005, 04:47 PM
Motor Vehicle Modifications and Upgrades (
Courtesy of Proboy Constable Craig Coleman of the Toronto Protege Club researched in 2003
I\'m gonna post this in the General Lounge Too and hopefully it will be stickied somewhere for reference. It is up to us to look into the law changes too, but here is a nice comprehensive base.
The muffler sound is not really set-out in Ontario I think, but further research may have it.
04-15-2005, 05:00 PM
^^ excellent readup....
i remember gongi over that many months ago, very informative!!
04-17-2005, 03:53 PM
Yeah, thanks for the link:D
04-25-2005, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by car_demon
Motor Vehicle Modifications and Upgrades (
Courtesy of Proboy Constable Craig Coleman of the Toronto Protege Club researched in 2003
I\'m gonna post this in the General Lounge Too and hopefully it will be stickied somewhere for reference. It is up to us to look into the law changes too, but here is a nice comprehensive base.
The muffler sound is not really set-out in Ontario I think, but further research may have it.
Thanks for the Link. I agree we should be aware of the legal requirements concerning mods etc.
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