View Full Version : MOM2005 Discussion

04-17-2005, 10:39 PM
Hi everyone. This is an open thread if you have any questions about Meet of the Mazdas.

Post any question you like, no question is too insignificant. Members of the planning committee will try to answer them to the best of our ability.

Just note, our responses cannot be taken to be 100% accurate. Things change. If you want confirmed answers, what we have to offer is found in the Meet of the Mazdas 2005 Informational Thread sticked in this category.

04-19-2005, 01:36 AM
This guy has some good prices for printing. Don\'t know what would be printed but.....he said he\'d cut some off the top for me too. He has the printer and just does it on the side, no overhead, so he can keep his prices low.


04-19-2005, 02:17 AM
Originally posted by methodyst

This guy has some good prices for printing. Don\'t know what would be printed but.....he said he\'d cut some off the top for me too. He has the printer and just does it on the side, no overhead, so he can keep his prices low.


We\'ll see what kind of printing we have to do.... I work at Office Depot, so I might be able to get some \"heavily discounted\" pricing on printing stuff *wink*.

But I\'ll keep your guy in mind too. Perhaps if we come across specialty printing needs or something that I wouldn\'t be able to get done, we will refer to him

Thanks Meth.

04-19-2005, 02:10 PM
K, I just had a thought.... as for sponsors.

To get Ample advertisement and sponsorships, I\'m thinking we should classify area of locations, and get different types (if possible) of places...

ie: Central / east/ west/

Detailing shops
Performance Shops

Ideally (not to say it WILL be done... obviously not depending on how much time everyone has)

Right now I\'m searching through forums to gather the areas, shops ... checking out recommended shops, that Mazda\'s have gone to in the past... for more ideas of sponsorships.

And my next question, I\'m thinking to attempt to contact Mazda Canada, ya think they\'ll help out???

04-19-2005, 03:00 PM
I like the idea of having East/Central/West sponsors. This way ppl have a list of places depending on their location.
As for Mazda Canada, not usre if they will help, but I hope they will..

04-19-2005, 05:51 PM
I would hope Mazda Canada would chip in since this is their products that we\'re promoting for the event.

04-19-2005, 06:35 PM
so far, I only see Honda is quite happy to help some local clubs, if we can have Mazda to help/sponsor MOM, it would be great.

04-19-2005, 06:49 PM
Well, I am going to try, we\'ll see what happens though. Everyone cross your fingers!!!

04-19-2005, 09:31 PM
can u guys/gals define \'sponsorship\' in this case?

04-19-2005, 09:35 PM

One that finances a project or an event carried out by another person or group, especially a business enterprise that pays for radio or television programming in return for advertising time.

Basically.... them sponsoring us to advertise for them....

04-19-2005, 10:17 PM

but more specifically
parameters/requirements for being a sponsor...

and again, specifically, in return for what?

ie example of a package (if we provide these, what do we get...)
- package a, u do these, we do this for u
- package b...

04-20-2005, 01:25 AM
Well Basically we\'re asking for sponsorships, and we will advertise them, whether it\'s in the goodie bag (with discounts)/coupons ......

Or sponsorships and have their name on a Plaque that we give out...

Both will have the option of coming out to the event and have a place to show their demo cars/or advertise....

As for having \"packages\".... We do not want to RATE supporters. If there was enough fundage that we could possibly get, it would be easier to do it that way, but right now, we\'re just working on looking for the potential sponsors. If we find people supporting more than we could hope for, then perhaps we will start adding the packages.... Depending on how much support we can get. ya know?

I\'m hoping by the next meet, we will be able to decipher that....

04-21-2005, 01:17 PM
I am not sure if this was thought of but what about Performance Mags??
TO has a few, and I know they go to car events... We could get some ads put in there AND OR get them to come to the event and do a write up... That way we hit all their readers :)

What do ya think?

04-21-2005, 01:23 PM
I know Chase from Chase audio and I am sure we could get hime out if we wanted to do some sound comps.

04-21-2005, 02:14 PM
Yet again I don’t know if this has been discussed but..
Should we create a WEB site that is a Direct advertisement for only MOM where it gives all the details (time, location, events, SPONSORS) and then have a link on there that brings them to the TO forum site for more info.

So when we start pumping out flyers at and ads we can say check out this web site for more info… So we give people the info they need right away. And with our forum link it will show them our Mazda On-line community.

I don’t know if this step has been over looked or not?

04-21-2005, 02:47 PM
I completely agree!!!!!

As for Magx, there Performance Audio and Sound...

And that there... Sports Compact National (I dunno whether they;\'re still around)


Definately think there should be some radio stations..... Even car Magz... Perhaps even DKN??? If that maybe possible.???

04-21-2005, 02:51 PM
As for updating purposes... I just spoke with Jeff from Avante,

And so far I\'m pretty lucky since he\'s actually got a Manager\'s Meeting tomorrow, so he said he\'d help with the proposal of MOM.... so hopefully that\'ll be great if they could!

As for others... I\'m still trying to find the number of Mazda CAnada, rather than just an email... So.... I\'m still on that

I\'ve got a friend who\'s working on bringing up to Defcon Racing about MOM, although ... they don\'t really work too much on Mazda\'s..... but there is another shop in Pickering that always deals with Mazda\'s called Mazdie\'s on Toy Rd.... so maybe? But I have no contact ... I hate cold calling. :P

Anyway.... Another shot... I\'m about to bring up advertisement ideas and stuff to this detailing shop that I know..... Hopefully!

04-21-2005, 03:10 PM

Ya for sure we can hit up all of those avenues :D
I\'ll start my callin tomorrow !! I am sure PA mag would love to attend as I have seen them at other car club meets.

And keep us posted as to what happens to Jeff and the meeting...

04-21-2005, 04:50 PM
Well I hope so too!!!.... Avante has been great to a lot of us....

I talked to a contact of mine who has just bought out a detailing service.... he\'s opening it up within the next two weeks. I talked with him about advertising and stuff like that and he said he\'d be interested..... blah blah.... So we\'ll see how things go when time comes around sooner...

oh and I got Mazda Canada\'s number... whoot

Call starts tomorrow... (laugh) If they\'ll let me speak to anyone at least

04-22-2005, 09:22 AM
once a location is determined in stone...imma hit keiwetter mazda again...

04-22-2005, 04:33 PM
Hey guys. Wondering if you guys know what the date of MOM3 will be. I have heard rumours of Aug 20th. I\'m hoping it\'s not on that day since 10 of us from toprotege.com have already pre-registered for a car show in Guelph that day.

Can anyone confirm this please and thank you? :(

* crosses fingers

04-22-2005, 05:50 PM
So far, in the other thread seen here MOM 2005 (http://torontomazda3.com/forum/read.php?TID=2193), it has been confirmed for August 20th (personally it\'s not a good day for me either, but you win some, you lose some)

04-22-2005, 09:34 PM
Originally posted by Scooter

stupid question of the year,...but

I see Aug 20th confirmed. Is that 100%???

Only reason I ask is that 10 people from Team TOP (toprotege.com show team) are already registered for a show in Guelph that day. The organizers are going to be REALLY pissed off at me, but if MOM is that same day, I\'m probably going to have to back Team TOP out of the Guelph show. I know this is a small deal to you guys, but it\'s pretty big for us, so please let me know if Aug 20th is 100% confirmed.

Not asking you guys to change the date,....just asking for confirmation. Thanks for your understanding.

Any chance you guys can register someone on our board to share the updates with us as things come up? It would really help on the various local boards so people can keep the date open, etc.

The committee voted in favour of August 20th at our last meeting. This is the date we are aiming for. The only way that MOm isn\'t going to be on this date is if the conservation area is booked.

04-23-2005, 09:39 AM
Got News from Avante.....

Promotional merchandise they\'re in

Jeff is working the financial part in.

I\'ll give ya\'ll the update at the next meet as to what these are!!! Ooooooooooooooh I\'m so excited!!! :p

04-23-2005, 02:47 PM
Now don\'t be letting the cat out of the bag Chris...


04-24-2005, 11:37 AM
But it\'s the MOM committee meeting... I hafta let the cat outta the bag:D

04-27-2005, 02:24 AM
originally posted by S.F.W.
here is the weblink
http://www.trca.on.ca/parks_and_attractions/places_to_visit/bruce_mill#maps .

\"twenty minutes north of Toronto, Stouffville Road, east of Highway 404.\"

TeamBedlam has more info on the site, but as I recall we plan to book the southwest corner. That would hold 300 or so cars...

OOOhhh, I think we should fill the driving range up with civics and rollas,
then have a contest who could break the most windshields!!!


04-27-2005, 04:40 PM
OOOhhh, I think we should fill the driving range up with civics and rollas,

I have my clubs in my trunk!!!:p :D

05-03-2005, 05:33 PM
I see the date has been updated to the 13th. This is good news! :D

05-03-2005, 09:55 PM
Hehehe... yeah we discussed a date to be earlier... because we want you guys to be able to come!!! It\'s an event for all the Mazda\'s right??? So I hope you guys can make it!!! :D

05-03-2005, 10:09 PM
Originally posted by Saphress Hehehe... yeah we discussed a date to be earlier... because we want you guys to be able to come!!! It\'s an event for all the Mazda\'s right??? So I hope you guys can make it!!! :D

Good stuff. It\'s much appreciated. :)

05-04-2005, 01:42 PM
Originally posted by Scooter

Originally posted by Saphress Hehehe... yeah we discussed a date to be earlier... because we want you guys to be able to come!!! It\'s an event for all the Mazda\'s right??? So I hope you guys can make it!!! :D

Good stuff. It\'s much appreciated. :)

Hey scooter... are you guys still strongly affilliated with ajax mazda???

05-04-2005, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by Saphress
Hey scooter... are you guys still strongly affilliated with ajax mazda???

No, I don\'t really know of anyone that uses them from our board. We have strong hook-ups with Dave Wood Mazda (Newmarket), and Avante Mazda though. Most of our members go to DWM because they treat us VERY well. Even the guys from Sauga drive to Newmarket for servicing. They are that good.

05-04-2005, 06:48 PM
Originally posted by Scooter

Originally posted by Saphress
Hey scooter... are you guys still strongly affilliated with ajax mazda???

No, I don\'t really know of anyone that uses them from our board. We have strong hook-ups with Dave Wood Mazda (Newmarket), and Avante Mazda though. Most of our members go to DWM because they treat us VERY well. Even the guys from Sauga drive to Newmarket for servicing. They are that good.

Hmmm..... aight... cool thanks though, I\'m trying to think up of some other affiliates with all car clubs from the east side that I could contact.... I know that there are a lot of contacts on the west side.... but too far to get to for me :P
Thanks though! ;)

05-05-2005, 02:29 PM
On the Eastside I would recommend you talk to Jeff at Lockdown Security http://www.lockdownsecurity.ca/

You could also try NoyzBoyz

those are two that I can think of off the top of my head

05-05-2005, 06:41 PM
Sweet... thanks Scooter! ;).... I think someone is going to be talking with lockedown already... but I will try and contact noyzboyz tomorrow... apprieciate it! :D

05-11-2005, 09:48 AM
well since we have a date written in stone....ill make my way out to keiswetter again to talk to them about coming along again this year...

05-27-2005, 11:27 AM
Hey hey
I just got hit with this from the \"Sweetie Girls\" forum....
Hrm... This is a AWESOME promo idea for us too....

There is a TV show in TO that takes 2 teams of 3 and within 72hrs ya have to redesign a car!!!
Thing of the HUGE props we\'d get from that????
FREE PROMO at least about OUR club!!

Anyone like the idea?

05-27-2005, 11:30 AM
Plus I contacted Performance Mag, Modified Mag and crap.... was it NOW or Eye.... Well it was one of them... Calling Chase Auto today.

05-29-2005, 06:34 PM
I think that\'s a great idea !!!! :D

ok..... So my next idea... is to start making flyers.... at least ones to distribute to dealerships to promote until August.... would that be possible???

Lawrence... may I have the logo file??? I want to design something .... and start making photocopies... I\'m sure I can make regular b&w photocopies at work..... but what about colour??? ANy ideas???

I just think it\'d be something that could help with more sponsorship.... Making cold calls... or going up to companies that don\'t know us... doesn\'t seem like the letter is doing enough....

06-08-2005, 07:55 AM
Here is the addy for people to check out

07-12-2005, 02:18 PM
any updates? You gonna\' be sending out invites / posting on the other local boards anytime soon? Haven\'t seen anything on toprotege.com yet. People are starting to ask for updates, so I just thought I would post here to ask.

07-12-2005, 06:49 PM
this is a good question for Xenon. He is the chairperson of the event.

07-14-2005, 12:43 PM
Sorry, getting the word out is my job and I hadn\'t got around to doing it until today when I realized how close August 13th is. :(

07-14-2005, 03:58 PM
Originally posted by wtom

Sorry, getting the word out is my job and I hadn\'t got around to doing it until today when I realized how close August 13th is. :(

Not sure which boards you\'ve hit up, but you might want to also do:
http://www.msprotege.com (go to the Canada section and post in any areas close by, also in Michigan, New York, etc.)

http://www.miataphiles.com - this one takes a LONG TIME to register. You need to get your account approved, so I would recommend you try ASAP.

http://www.mx-3.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi (they have sections for Toronto and Ottawa)
http://protege.justdrive.ca/ (it\'s a small club but a few Ottawa guys might want to come down)

Sorry, don\'t want to step on any toes here. Just trying to make things easier. Want this year\'s MOM to be just as good or bigger than previous years. These are all of the clubs we invited last year. We also included pictures from the previous year\'s MOM in all of the posts on other boards to try to build some hype.

07-14-2005, 05:06 PM
To be honest Scooter... yer not stepping on any toes...

Frankly I think we need all the help we can get right now... trying to get sponsorships have been difficult.... and trying to make contacts to promo the meets have been hard too...

I can say we apprieciate your eagerness to making this successful... or your attempts! No joke...;)

07-14-2005, 06:17 PM
Thank You VERY Much Scooter! Greatly appreciated! No toes stepped on here!

As of 11:10am ET on July 15, 2005, I\'ve created the following threads;

http://ib2.toprotege.com/ikonboard.cgi?s=42d6926c58f0ffff;act=ST;f=3;t=2173 7
http://p210.ezboard.com/fcanadiannationalmiataclubfrm25.showMessage?topicI D=15.topic

07-14-2005, 06:28 PM
I\'ve seen Wtom has visited the RX7-RX-8 forums... And of course we\'re a bit ticked off how we\'re grouped together...
It\'s not going to be fair to either cars... Especially now that the RX-8\'s have been selling like crazy (there are at least 4 in my neighbourhood... you don\'t want to know how many 3\'s there are... there are 3 in my driveway!)

So who do we talk to for this request?


07-14-2005, 06:50 PM
Neo, we\'re aware of the issue and will try to separate the two generations.

07-15-2005, 01:24 AM
Thanks Wtom... YOU THE MAN!!! :D

Forgive me if I don\'t show up in my 3... Always better to pimp in my 7... ;)


07-15-2005, 07:57 AM
Originally posted by Neo

I\'ve seen Wtom has visited the RX7-RX-8 forums... And of course we\'re a bit ticked off how we\'re grouped together...
It\'s not going to be fair to either cars... Especially now that the RX-8\'s have been selling like crazy (there are at least 4 in my neighbourhood... you don\'t want to know how many 3\'s there are... there are 3 in my driveway!)

So who do we talk to for this request?


I\'m guessing the reason it was set up this way was because there were 3 RX7 + 2 RX8s there last year. Having their own classes was over-kill last year. My suggestion would be that Wtom keep an eye on both of your lists of people attending. If the numbers warrant seperating the classes, then go for it. But if the showing is going to be as small as last year, as people have mentioned, getting awards sponsored is tough. So you have to cut back wherever you can.

Personally I\'d love to see you guys all show some great numbers. It was a little dissapointing last year. But I think it had to do with the fact that we unknowingly held MOM on the same day as an Auto-X or a track day or something like that.

Saphress - I sent a list to Xenon a couple of days ago with all of the people we contacted last year for sponsorship & donations. I added a couple of others, as well as direct names to contact. Hopefully that will help. I mentioned to him that we had difficulty getting a few sponsored last year as well. In the end we sponsored a couple ourselves (as a club).

If you guys need help with any other contacts, etc. Just ask. I\'ll do my best to help out wherever possible.

P.S. - How do we reserve a BBQ? Who do we contact, pay, etc. Does it need to be done in advance, or do we do it there? toprotege would like to get one for sure, and we don\'t want to end up missing out.


07-16-2005, 11:11 AM
hello! just like to thank wtom for bringing this event to our attention over at mazda6club!!

majority of our members are LAZY to go to meets, but i/we\'ll try our best to gather more mazda6\'s to join this great event!!! wtom was kind enough to post pictures which made us realize what we were missing out on... the most people we ever had gone to a meet was about 17-20 people on our last bbq.... hopefully we can gather that same (or more) amount of 6\'s for the MOM!

07-20-2005, 12:39 PM
Originally posted by Scooter

P.S. - How do we reserve a BBQ? Who do we contact, pay, etc. Does it need to be done in advance, or do we do it there? toprotege would like to get one for sure, and we don\'t want to end up missing out.

We got you down ... it\'s first come first served by request only. Not sure if any of the other committee members have contacted you about this yet tho.

07-20-2005, 02:59 PM
Originally posted by wtom

We got you down ... it\'s first come first served by request only. Not sure if any of the other committee members have contacted you about this yet tho.

Sounds good. Nope, haven\'t heard from anyone on it. But it\'s all good, as long as one is reserved for us, we\'ll wait to hear about payment info.

07-21-2005, 03:18 PM
I sent an email to the events-promo email indicated in your thread on the RX7/8clubs a few days ago and I haven\'t gotten a reply. Is someone not checking it or should I email someone? I am Chair of the RX Club of Ontario and we are trying to encourage attendance at your event please contact me at charngill@osgoode.yorku.ca to let us know how we can provide assistance and potential sponsors to create individual prizes for the 7s and 8s.

And for the record, I was at last years event with my 7 and there were definatetly 5-6 other 7s as well as the same number of 8s. Definately a poor showing but not as low as suggested above in previous posts. Lets see what we can do this year! We can advertise your event on our website at www.rxclubofontario.com, just get in touch with us.

Thanks in advance.

07-22-2005, 12:25 AM
btw... can anyone answer this...

how do the payments work? like do we give it to a certain person? or is it all paid at the site?(Admission + BBQ rental)..

is there also a deadline for reservation of a BBQ?
im still gathering my fellow mazda6clubbers to attend... so we dont end up having a whopping 4 members attending.

07-22-2005, 01:29 AM
On it...

Check yer email Spirit ;)

07-22-2005, 01:41 AM
I believe what we\'ve gathered... is that admission is paide at the site.... and BBQ\'s are reserved and payable at the site. Correct me if I\'m wrong Warren! :P

If you can give a round about estimate of how many people will be coming... as in even if there will be 2 people in a car...

I need to know a rough estimate so I can ensure there will be enough goodies to go around... I\'m crossing my fingers and hoping that there will be :P

07-22-2005, 09:28 AM
The admission fee is paid to park staff. It is their money.

BBQs must be reserved prior to the day of. We have to advise the park how many BBQs are needed. Hopefully teambedlam can chime in on when the latest is that he can advise the park of BBQ numbers?

Payment for the BBQ rental, charcoal purchase, and any other items we may have the day of (ie. bottled water, pop, etc.) can be paid to any of the MOM planning committee members. We\'ll have T-Shirts clearly showing who is a planning committee member.

07-25-2005, 12:18 AM
I\'d like to thank the people for deciding to split the RX-7/RX-8 category... We\'re now in the midst of getting things organized on our side.

I was wondering if you guys have a map layout of the area we\'ll be in... See which section will be dedicated to the RX\'s. I know the Mazda3/Protege crowd will be the biggest. But we\'re expecting at least 20-25 cars this year. And seeing as how RX owners can\'t tell time, we know we\'re going to be \"fasionably\" late (roll in is for 11am. Expect us anywhere between 11:30-11:45am). I have no idea why the rest of the people can\'t tell time, but you tell us to show up for 11am roll call, and we\'re guranteed to be at least 30min\'s late! lol ;)

This will give us a good indication of how to sort out our guys...



07-25-2005, 02:39 AM
So tell em Roll in is now 10:30... BWahahaha :P

07-25-2005, 08:42 AM
Yeah, you know, that would make sense... But I\'ve tried that in the past, and those bastards took longer!! Literally no sense of time! :D

So where\'s that map? :p


07-25-2005, 10:59 AM
teambedlam is our logistics guy and should be able to provide a digital image of our lot soon.

07-25-2005, 09:23 PM
oh is there a layout where the cars are to be segregated and parked? i hope you dont leave us out... just coz we have the \"grocery getters\" of the mazda pack... :D

07-26-2005, 10:20 AM
Xenon is hopefully getting emails informing him of how many cars from each club will be showing up, that way he can map out the footprint in the lots of where everyone will be parked.

Grocery getter? I thought you drive a Mazda6 and not an MPV? :p

07-26-2005, 06:16 PM
haha thanks... yeah grocery getters!!! MPV\'s are \"kid-haulers\"... lol:D

btw, we\'re probably renting one bbq... and bring our own little hibachi\'s.... that ok too right?

07-26-2005, 08:18 PM
Originally posted by wtom teambedlam is our logistics guy and should be able to provide a digital image of our lot soon.

ask and it shall be done... Here are to images of the site. I am going to work on the parking arrangements this weekend. I\'ll post again when i have them


Watch out when you are driving through the park. The road isn\'t exactly smooth. It\'s paved all the way to the parking lot but some of the road has heaved and shifted. There will be signs posted to guide you to the end of the road

07-27-2005, 01:00 AM
Wait a min...all our mazdas are going to be parked in the parking lot while we walk to the grass area for our BBQ?? I thought this would be like last year where our cars could be driven onto the grass and come along with us for BBQ...plz clarify

07-27-2005, 08:06 PM
All the cars will be in the parking lot and the BBQ will be off to the right side.
Last year the BBQ was off to the side by about the same distance it will be this year.
We will be loading the parking lot up starting from the BBQ area.
We won\'t be using the entire parking lot as it can hold over 400 cars.

07-27-2005, 09:59 PM
Originally posted by Neo

Yeah, you know, that would make sense... But I\'ve tried that in the past, and those bastards took longer!! Literally no sense of time! :D

So where\'s that map? :p


What who are you talking about. Cause I know it can\'t be me.:p

07-28-2005, 12:46 AM
Who? You Hevnsnt? No, Never! LOL! :D

We\'ll see who\'s going to be late for the roll in.... ;)


07-28-2005, 10:26 AM
Can some give me a call who is organizing the Meeting of the Mazda\'s? My name is Alan Balinsky, I am the General Manager of Scarboro Mazda 416-752-0970

07-28-2005, 10:37 AM
Originally posted by 01Racing

Can some give me a call who is organizing the Meeting of the Mazda\'s? My name is Alan Balinsky, I am the General Manager of Scarboro Mazda 416-752-0970

I\'m very surprised you guys didn\'t call Scarboro Mazda already. They were one of our sponsors from last year iirc. Someone give Alan a call and maybe inquire, he\'s a good guy.

07-28-2005, 10:41 AM
Actually... I thought we did????

07-28-2005, 10:54 AM
Hi Alan!

Ok... I will contact you today or tomorrow, will you be in? Sometime in the morning before 12 on either day... I\'m hoping to contact you today, but most likely it will be tomorrow before noon.

07-29-2005, 07:45 AM
hey guys,
kiwee here from the TOP, just checking in to see how everything is shaping up.
so far we have ~18 cars plus guests confirmed.
what are your numbers looking like?
may i suggest starting an attendance list? unless there already is one and i am too blind too see it.
we are all really looking forward to a great event this year as we all enjoyed last year.
thanks for your efforts and hard work.

07-29-2005, 02:34 PM
Hey Kiwee... how\'s this...

Drop it into the Roll Call list... and we can start calculating there! :P If you know the amount of cars ... and how many people will be going that would be great... !!! ;)

08-05-2005, 03:15 PM
Looks like Protege numbers are gonna be in the 50\'s again ... COME ON MAZDA3 OWNERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

08-06-2005, 06:15 PM
Ok guys..... !~!!!!!!

Garaunteed what we\'re raffling off... and a ticket will be given to everyone!!!!

Tien S Tech Suspension Kit

Viper Security System

And either a Cat or Exhaust... dunno what brand... will be confirmed soon

Hope that quenches some people\'s thirst!

08-07-2005, 10:18 AM
In a effort to try and recruit new members why don\'t all current members carry flyers in their cars.
I am sure like me I see a lot of M3 in parking lots such as malls etc. When you see one put a flyer on the car giving details of the club etc. I know in a parking lot in Newmarket I see a least 3 to 4 M3 there every day. Just a thought...

08-09-2005, 06:47 PM
Ok... how\'s this... if I get all my girl friends to come... and dress up ... ;) DK stylez/// Hahah :sarc

08-09-2005, 08:03 PM

Btw... I am trying to get Mazda to provide a 2006 Miata to be shown at the event..

08-10-2005, 02:40 AM
So Ami told me... WOOOOooooHOOOOooo!!

If you need help errr... Borrowing it... I\'ll drive :P

08-11-2005, 10:56 PM
Hey Guys,

I\'m from the Miataphiles club and we look forward to attending the MOM this year. Big thanks to all that put in the huge effort to organize the event. We are currently estimating 25-30 cars from our group to attend.


08-12-2005, 12:43 AM
Sweet... I was noticing the email that was distributed... from a DAve T to everyone??? I must say... Keudo\'s... that was AMAZING... :D

08-12-2005, 09:29 AM
say 30 Miatas, 40 to 50 Proteges/Protege5s, 40 RX-7 and RX-8s, another 15 MX3s ... throw in roughly 10 to 20 of the \"Others\" ... we got quite a big group! Surpassing last year\'s attendance numbers at least! Let\'s just hope the rain doesn\'t change anyones plans tomorrow!

08-12-2005, 03:50 PM
Originally posted by wtom

say 30 Miatas, 40 to 50 Proteges/Protege5s, 40 RX-7 and RX-8s, another 15 MX3s ... throw in roughly 10 to 20 of the \"Others\" ... we got quite a big group! Surpassing last year\'s attendance numbers at least! Let\'s just hope the rain doesn\'t change anyones plans tomorrow!

I wouldn\'t think that many Proteges. My guess would be about 30.

08-13-2005, 07:07 AM
Holy ****, the weather made a turn for NO RAIN today!!!!!! Awesome! :D

08-13-2005, 05:54 PM
Wonderful event! Thank You!

hopefully we (6club) would be invited again next year (assuming its going to happen again!)!!! :hoho

i wish i could have met some of you - i did speak to whodilly a bit though :)

08-13-2005, 06:39 PM
Oh it will happen again next year. We are already in the process of chosing who will run next years.

08-13-2005, 07:16 PM
we have some pictures compiled here.. MOM2005 (\"http://forum.mazda6club.com/index.php?showtopic=38258\")

08-13-2005, 07:33 PM

Ummmmm I hope someone was nice enough to pick up the Green and beige folding seat I left at the Park ..... Please please... It was pretty close to our area...

08-13-2005, 07:53 PM
hey sabio, I think Kevin/TeamBedlam has the chair....we found it left behind and lonely as we were cleaning up..

08-14-2005, 12:06 AM
we need more 3\'s Next year
Meet of the Mazda\'s planning comittee Great Job at setting up and organizing everything - you guys put a lot of time into this meeting and it showed:):)
Id also like to thank Whooodilly who brought a whole bunch of stuff out, who everyone benefitted from
and the rest of TM3 for being so kind to share all the goodies and
thankyou to everyone else that came and made it a big success:) :)

08-14-2005, 12:18 AM
MazdaTree - Thanks for the compliments on the event. It was great to see it turn out such a sucess. I do agree though, we need more 3\'s to show for the event. We have 884 members in total, and has 17 show up...

Most importantly, thank the sponsors. Without them we could not have pulled this event off. Show them you appreciate their sponsorship, and drive business to their shops.
Avante Mazda - Jeff, primary sponsor for $$, and the wash buckets !!

Lockdown - Jeff bates, donated the Viper Alarm system
Tires23 - Donated Tein S Tech Springs
Essentail Speed - Custom Catback

08-14-2005, 12:21 AM
Sorry guys, one other request. Please boycott Scarborough Mazda.
They tried to screw our primary sponsor Avante. We originally went to them for sponsorship, and were rejected. When Avante signed on, we gave them an exclusive. So what does Scarborough do... Shows up with his pimped out Rx-7, and Truck, tries to force our hand into sponsorship.

Oh and to top it all off, he tried to plaster everyones cars with his business card.
Very much, not cool.


08-14-2005, 02:29 AM
(laugh) What a day!!!! :D

To the crew that showed up... THANK YOU for reppin the TM3... you guys were great... !! We had a lot of help from u guys.... Much apprieciated..... :D And thanks for comin so early too! :P... Less hectic for us... :D It was a BEAUTIFUL site to see you guys roll in while Warren and I got caffine :P

As for the sponsors..... :D... Jeff Holley dudes... Mr. Holleywooooooooood!! Damn straight on that! Avante Avante Avante... Hahaha... Couldn\'t have done it without him!

And the other sponsors.... much apprieciated from them too!! It wouldn\'t have been a success without their help and their donations... :D Jeff Bates, Kevin from Essential and Tires23... And Performance Plus... Staples...(our unofficial sponsor)... and Mazda Canada :sarc

08-14-2005, 07:14 AM
Hey guys/gals,

The meet was a great success. On behalf of the RX Club of Ontario I would like to thank all the committee members for doing a wonderful job and Avante Mazda and the other sponsors for their support. Thanks also to wtom for helping to split the rx awards in two (told you we wouldn\'t disappoint). Because of all the hard work there were over 30 RX cars yesterday and that is the most I\'ve every seen at one location.

I would like to appologize for any bad behaviour by any one of our members (burnouts, speeding, noise, etc.). The RX club is new and is only a few months old. We are in the midst of establishing rules and conduct for our members and hope that in the future we are on our best behaviour.

Thanks again,

RX Club of Ontario

Saphress - Were you the asian girl in the blue top?

08-14-2005, 12:19 PM

That was me... (laugh) the one who was ready to fall over and just sleep by the end of it all?? Yuuuuuuuuup

08-14-2005, 01:07 PM
oh and as for the Burnout... it\'s all good...

(laugh) Frankly... with the type of event that it is... I would\'ve expected more .... which we are all grateful that people were on good behaviour. So I\'m quite happy that a lot of people were very kind.... and sweet...

There might have been one thing that I did dislike. Avante Mazda put a lot of money and work into this event... if it wasn\'t for Jeff Holley and Avante ... FRank... this event probably would NOT have happened this year. In the beginning, when we were looking for sponsorship.... a lot of dealerships declined due to other projects... or shows... or just not being interested. Avante backed us up completely... and they DESERVED an exclusive promo ... It doesn\'t matter, what type of car they have to promote.... since with Avante, they aren\'t show cars.... With Avante, it was about FAMILY. And that\'s what we\'re presenting here... a family gathering. Stock and modded cars.

With that... Avante deserves a lot of respect with the amount of backup we had from them. MOM did not need sly outcomes of battleship of who was better, I don\'t really care for what dealership has backup on the modded cars...

The amount of money, time spent, work, and hardship to make this event even possible, they deserved a hell of a lot in my books... It was a shame and a disappointment to have someone try to ruin that right by coming in who declined sponsorship in May... then two weeks before the event try to come back in to actually just try to make a quick buck off of you guys by wanting to just come in and VEND. Not fair at all... and for that I\'m quite unimpressed with that, considering the fact of someone\'s immaturity and high ego to think that they have the right to promote at an event by transporting Mazda Canada\'s things to us. Due to that, we\'ll be lucky if Avante sponsors again next year at all.

Jeff has helped us out a lot at the club.... ideas, good deals on cars... and a lot of backup... That immaturity of an unwanted battle was just dumb.

08-14-2005, 02:48 PM
Although I didn\'t attend this yr MOM, but for sponsorship problem, you can write an offical letter to complain other dealer(s) if they had some \"not-welcomed\" action at the show to their own boss, Mazda Canada and/or BBB (if dealer is the member of BBB).

glad this yr MOM is a success, and looking forward next yr one.

08-14-2005, 03:14 PM
thanks for making me feel welcome at the MOM this year, it was nice to get out and
meet a bunch of you guys and gals!

i thought the event went well, and u guys who organized it did a great job!
u even got the weather to cooperate!:D

everything went smoothly execpt putting up the tarp:) (but there wasn\'t enough trees . . .)

thanks to whodilly and his girl for thinkin of every damn accessory u could imagine
thanks for the \"gingerale\" to campeotto

it was too bad i had to split to get to work!

08-14-2005, 03:30 PM
Thanks to EVERYONE who came out from TM3 club!!! I\'ve posted my pics in the Pics and Vids section ... enjoy! :)


08-14-2005, 08:37 PM
Great event guys! Very well organized and great prizes! Miataphile\'s had a great time!


08-15-2005, 12:49 AM
I would also like to mention that the Meet of the Mazdas torch has been passed. In 2006 The RX Club of Ontario will be hosting the event.
Good luck guys, if you need any assitance or guidance, feel free to ask, we learned a lot this year.

08-15-2005, 01:11 AM

Thanks for giving us the oppertunity to host the event. We\'ll definately have a steep learning curve, but I\'m sure we\'ll be able to get our act together!

You guys did an excellent job this year. Very impressed... I hope next year we\'ll be able to put on a show just as equal as this years!

We\'ll catch some of you guys on the road!!


08-15-2005, 03:06 AM

Yeah.... let\'s not talk about curves... hehehe... we did learn a heck of a lot... but surprisingly.... we pulled it off boys!!!

On another note.... is anyone else still burnt???

I showed Aldo all the pics... he says, he wished he had come..... and all this time he was makin fun of me... grrrr.... :P

08-15-2005, 07:55 AM
Originally posted by SABIO LOST AND FOUND :) Ummmmm I hope someone was nice enough to pick up the Green and beige folding seat I left at the Park ..... Please please... It was pretty close to our area...

I do have it. PM me and we can set up a time/place to get it back to you.

08-15-2005, 08:00 AM
Originally posted by Broli u even got the weather to cooperate!:D everything went smoothly execpt putting up the tarp:) (but there wasn\'t enough trees . . .)

Like i said onsite. the point of the tarp was that, if we put it up then it would not rain. It did it\'s job even though it wasn\'t up very high.

08-15-2005, 09:18 AM
On behalf of the Toronto Protege Club I would like to extend our thanks to TM3 for hosting a successful event this year. We all had a great time and your hard work paid off.

We would also like to thank Avante for really stepping up to the plate and coming through so huge on the sponsorship end. As well, thanks to all of your other sponsors, (Lockdown, Tires23, and Essential Speed who hopefully has turned their act around)

That\'s a shame about Scarborough Mazda. I didn\'t know about any of that until now. The funny thing is,...not sure if you guys realized, but the white Protege5 that a lot of people voted for (came 2nd place) is from Scarborough Mazda as well. He has come out to previous MOM events, and people see him around in Scarborough all the time. Our members always invite him to sign up on our board whenever they see him, but he never does. Doesn\'t even talk to our members at MOM. Seems Scarborough Mazda thinks they\'re too good for everyone.

Anyway,.....what can ya\' do.

Great job on this year\'s event. I think a good time was had by all.

08-15-2005, 09:58 AM
MOM \'05 was a great success guys!!! Thanks to the TM3 committee for well planned out event. Big thanks to Whodilly for bringing extra food for everyone and I did managed to burn all my knuckle hairs off again on the BBQ. All around great day, hopefully next year more 3\'s will come out!

08-15-2005, 10:16 AM
You guys did a great job...I was glad to come out even if it was for less than 2 hours!

I didn\'t really get to talk to many people, besides who I know from past meets, but the turnout was amazing to me! My son had a great time running me tired as well :)

Congrats to the winners, and to the planning committee!

08-15-2005, 11:07 AM
FYI... we recieved our 1st complaint... :(

In regards to the \"other\" category... the guys from the Other category, are upset and found that they got the short end of the stick. It is wanted that they get either placed in with the mx3;s and the mx6\'s for next year rather than to be \"other\" and they want an apology letter

08-15-2005, 11:10 AM
Originally posted by teambedlam

Originally posted by Broli u even got the weather to cooperate!:D everything went smoothly execpt putting up the tarp:) (but there wasn\'t enough trees . . .)

Like i said onsite. the point of the tarp was that, if we put it up then it would not rain. It did it\'s job even though it wasn\'t up very high.




08-15-2005, 11:13 AM
Naw, we were aware it was a scarborough Vehicle... but in the end of it all, they paid to get in... so it\'s only fair. We had realized it was a Scarb vehicle when we found a bunch of business cards around the car... we took em off and replaced them all with AVante :)

Reaaaally.... well, agreed on that part then. It\'s quite unfortunate, but we tried to minimalize it as much as we could. I\'m happy that you guys ahd fun! :D

Originally posted by Scooter

On behalf of the Toronto Protege Club I would like to extend our thanks to TM3 for hosting a successful event this year. We all had a great time and your hard work paid off.

We would also like to thank Avante for really stepping up to the plate and coming through so huge on the sponsorship end. As well, thanks to all of your other sponsors, (Lockdown, Tires23, and Essential Speed who hopefully has turned their act around)

That\'s a shame about Scarborough Mazda. I didn\'t know about any of that until now. The funny thing is,...not sure if you guys realized, but the white Protege5 that a lot of people voted for (came 2nd place) is from Scarborough Mazda as well. He has come out to previous MOM events, and people see him around in Scarborough all the time. Our members always invite him to sign up on our board whenever they see him, but he never does. Doesn\'t even talk to our members at MOM. Seems Scarborough Mazda thinks they\'re too good for everyone.

Anyway,.....what can ya\' do.

Great job on this year\'s event. I think a good time was had by all.

08-15-2005, 11:45 AM
an appology letter? LMAO! That\'s gay.

Originally posted by Saphress

FYI... we recieved our 1st complaint... :(

In regards to the \"other\" category... the guys from the Other category, are upset and found that they got the short end of the stick. It is wanted that they get either placed in with the mx3;s and the mx6\'s for next year rather than to be \"other\" and they want an apology letter

08-15-2005, 11:51 AM
thank god the weather turned out

08-15-2005, 11:54 AM
(shrugs).... Well... they are upset... gotta make things right ... I told him with the funding we had, that\'s what everything was based upon. Whatever we could afford.

But in any case, if they\'re upset, they\'re upset... (shrugs)

08-15-2005, 12:03 PM
Thanks everyone for the comments! :)

Saphress, you mean the three or four cars that were parked way out? Sure they\'re not just upset that we singled them out like that in the parking lot?

Or they expect us to make an MX6 group, 323 group etc?

08-15-2005, 12:29 PM
Originally posted by Scooter
Seems Scarborough Mazda thinks they\'re too good for everyone.

I\'ll make note to never give Scarborough Mazda any of my business or my friend\'s and family\'s.

I couldn\'t make it out this year but props to the organizers and sponsors of MoM 2005. :)

08-15-2005, 02:15 PM
Hey Warren... It was a bit of both... That they were parked in the \"other\" lot where there were no sign to indicate them...

They said that 2 way tie for 2nd place for Other was unfair... They are wanting next time perhaps an idea or possible resolution is to be placed with the other cat categories

ie: Best Mx3/323

And such ideas as that???

AS for them being parked away... yeah, I think that may have been an error ... but as for the awards... I told them that there wasn\'t much we could do since we had limited funds.

08-15-2005, 02:17 PM
ummm.. who was in that grey matrix with the subs... anyone know why he was there? parked with the P5\'s for awhile... annoying people with the same song over and over.......

maybe we can crash a matrix meet

08-15-2005, 02:35 PM
Actually SAbio

He was a friend of one of the Mazda 3\'s I believe

08-15-2005, 02:48 PM
For the 323/MX6s that showed up, we do apologize. You four guys showed up as one of the early ones and we thought there would be more attendees from that group (323, 626, MX6, etc) but there wasn\'t. I felt bad that you guys were out there and especially the one car that accidentally ran over the piece of rock/curb marker.

I personally apologize for not asking you guys to move your cars closer to park within another group/aisle.

08-15-2005, 03:05 PM
Originally posted by Saphress

Actually SAbio

He was a friend of one of the Mazda 3\'s I believe

I have met him before at the last TM3 meet. Nice guy...but... at MOM he should not have been parked there

08-15-2005, 03:27 PM
Yuup.... as James put it, they felt \"they got the short end of the stick\"

08-15-2005, 03:53 PM
He was actually there, cuz he thought the MOM idea was cool, and he was thinking about doing something like that for the Toyatas...... or that\'s what I understood from him.

Originally posted by SABIO

Originally posted by Saphress

Actually SAbio

He was a friend of one of the Mazda 3\'s I believe

I have met him before at the last TM3 meet. Nice guy...but... at MOM he should not have been parked there

08-15-2005, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by Saphress

He was actually there, cuz he thought the MOM idea was cool, and he was thinking about doing something like that for the Toyatas...... or that\'s what I understood from him.

thats pretty cool!

Mazda leading the way!:)

08-17-2005, 03:30 PM
some of the guys from toprotege are wondering if there\'s any way that we can get a copy of the pic taken of our club in front of the tent. If anybody has it, could they please email it to me at darrenstud22@hotmail.com


08-17-2005, 04:46 PM
Originally posted by Scooter

some of the guys from toprotege are wondering if there\'s any way that we can get a copy of the pic taken of our club in front of the tent. If anybody has it, could they please email it to me at darrenstud22@hotmail.com


Hey Darren Stud 22 :D The young girl is Electra-Fire from our club and she\'ll be sending out the pics soon. We\'ll definitely be sending each club their respective group shots along with the rest, if someone hosts them online. No worries, we\'re not selfish with pics. :)

08-17-2005, 10:29 PM
Originally posted by SABIO

Originally posted by Saphress

Actually SAbio

He was a friend of one of the Mazda 3\'s I believe

I have met him before at the last TM3 meet. Nice guy...but... at MOM he should not have been parked there

He\'s my buddy, and I had explained to him that it was a Mazda event and he would have to park away from the main area. This being said, when we arrived at the meet (early), he was instructed to move his vehicle to a certain spot (which he did), but the meet kinda grew in size. He would have moved his vehicle again, but nobody asked him.
And yes, he was there also to learn about putting one of these meets together for the Toyota\'s, he\'s part of the TRD club and is really pushing them to do the same kind of yearly super meet.
As for his sound system, that\'s a whole other story... he is co-designing the system to go into my 3 and we were both looking at the other 3\'s to see what could be done (but not much showed up with any major sound mods).

I opologize if this has/had offended anybody; although I thought it was harmless.

08-17-2005, 11:48 PM
Hey DJB...

;) Sorry... with all that sun .... I kinda got dilerious and forgot your alias... sowwy

I don\'t think he intruded. He didn\'t know about the sound thing, we told him... and he happily oblidged without a huff... which was very much apprieciated. I for one, didn\'t think he intruded at all. It\'s juss a fam thing ya know? He\'s your friend... he\'s our friend :P Or that\'s the way it\'s supposed to be... hehehe

As for the wanting to do the same thing. I think we should be honoured that he came out to the event... looking for the steps to take. He was askin a lot of questions on Sat, which was cool... if he\'s got more, cuz I know I couldn\'t talk to him enough about it, tell him to contact me. tigress143@hotmail.com.... MSN... if the other MOM committee also wanna holla in on this....!!!... Let\'s help a brotha out. ...

(Yes i\'m bein gay right now.... I\'m hyper and tired at the same time)...

08-18-2005, 12:06 AM
I\'d be glad to help, amijacobson@hotmail.com . Feel free to ask, lots of advice on doing this again...I learned so much the last 4 weeks...

08-18-2005, 12:52 AM
Thanks a bunch guys, I\'ll pass the contact info on to him.
However, I know he just moved into his new place and is having issues with his internet connection. I may have to be the middleman for any questions... but you might see him from time to time at some of the meets cuz he\'ll probably wanna ask questions himself (I\'ll warn him to keep his wild radio under control lol).

P.S. - The sun got to me too... I\'m still pealing :hoho

08-18-2005, 02:22 AM
Originally posted by wtom

For the 323/MX6s that showed up, we do apologize. You four guys showed up as one of the early ones and we thought there would be more attendees from that group (323, 626, MX6, etc) but there wasn\'t. I felt bad that you guys were out there and especially the one car that accidentally ran over the piece of rock/curb marker.

I personally apologize for not asking you guys to move your cars closer to park within another group/aisle.

Well, I don\'t know who went so far to send you a complaint and requesting an apology letter. It wasn\'t me but I share their frustration. I can only shake my head when I lose my title (I was the \"Other\" winner in MOM two years ago, but wasn\'t able to attend last year) to a rust bucket 323 that decided to park in the middle of the lot where there was much heavier voter traffic. Okay, no disrespect to the 323 owner, but really, losing to a dilapidated econobox that apparently garnered a majority of the votes wasn\'t my kind of idea of enjoying an afternoon after spending a good 3 days previous preparing my car. MOM is the best thing going to keep the Mazda flame alive, but I can\'t help but feel that organizers must try harder to make these events a success.

08-18-2005, 06:08 AM
Hey guys,

It would have been difficult to anticipate these kinda issues before they occur. Please don\'t take it personal. We\'ll learn from this. TM3 guys did a fabulous job.

I will be part of the MOM committee for next year and will strive to ensure that everybody is treated fairly. If anybody has any comments, opinions, and/or advice please email me so that I can make sure your ideas are discussed during our meetings.


08-18-2005, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by jello_g
... 323 that decided to park in the middle of the lot where there was much heavier voter traffic.

I must admit this was a mistake we overlooked. We should have enforced the \"parking with your group\" rule instead of allowing you guys/gals to separate the cars. It did become unfair with the voting as the three MX-6\'s were all the way \"out there\" while the 323 was right there along with every other car. I do apologize for over seeing that, personally.

RX Club, for your MOM06 next year, please ensure the parking is compact and no one is \"left out\" in any way whatsoever, but ensure that all cars of the same category/group park close together, no matter what.

08-19-2005, 04:38 PM
Hey guys
You know what they say: better later than never...
been busy lately with over activities. I was really impressed with TorProtege5 club, they really came together after so many years; hopefully, we\'ll get there, too.

To the entire TM3 planning committee & the sponsors esp. AVANTE Rich. Hill

You guys rock!!!


I only had 2 regrets:
too few m3\'s showed up & I couldn\'t stay for the entire event.

08-20-2005, 12:56 PM
this link should help all..


08-27-2005, 04:16 PM
Originally posted by teambedlam

Originally posted by SABIO LOST AND FOUND :) Ummmmm I hope someone was nice enough to pick up the Green and beige folding seat I left at the Park ..... Please please... It was pretty close to our area...

I do have it. PM me and we can set up a time/place to get it back to you.

Hiya... You have been PM\'D Twice... any chance in meeting up soon?

08-28-2005, 02:10 AM
Originally posted by SABIO

Hiya... You have been PM\'D Twice... any chance in meeting up soon?

i don\'t think he\'s been on here for a while so try a different method (http://torontomazda3.com/forum/read.php?TID=478&page=2#7980)