View Full Version : My mom is buying the smart car!!!!

04-20-2005, 06:54 PM
She has a car already, but yesterday we were driving to go my sisters and she saw teh smart car and for some reason liked it a lot. I found it to be WAY WAY WAY to small (but thats just me). ANywasy the followiung day she went to the mercedes dealer and put her name on the waiting list. i dont really like the smart, but am waiting to drive it for some reason. ill let you all know how it drives...

04-20-2005, 07:08 PM
For some reason I really don\'t think the masses are ready for the SMART CAR\'s intended purpose although they are affordable. I can only really see the Yuppy-ish downtown urban dwellers or commuters in Tokyo, N.Y., Toronto, London and various busy gridlock traffic centres of the world. I may be wrong, but I wish her luck..,and tell her to get the ejection seat model. My gawwd, I hope she ain\'t touching the highway with that thing.

04-20-2005, 07:45 PM
I really don\'t see the appeal in them, especially given the price.

04-20-2005, 07:53 PM
I only thought about it before getting the 3, along with Echo hatch, cause over 1000km/tank with diesel was attempting, but without too many diesel stations near my route to and from work, I dropped it as a choice.

04-20-2005, 11:27 PM
(laugh) One of my gurls keeps talking about getting one. And she thinks its oh so pretty to have the option of changing the panels/

04-21-2005, 12:11 AM
Please convince your mother to not get the Smart......the company is not doing well in Canada, and as such has officially said they will NOT release the car in the USA, and a third model was to be released here in Canada which they have now decided against. I honestly wouldn\'t be surprised if the company decides to leave Canada.

Having said that, I think the concept for the car is great, but just not for North America. The car is supposed to be used in a city where traffis is an absolute nightmare, with narrow roads, etc. North American city\'s might be slightly conjested, but there is no shortage of space.

04-21-2005, 01:13 AM
Just pray your family won\'t wake up one day and find...

Source; http://www.mbcanada.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=7930&st=0

04-21-2005, 01:22 AM

Smart car tipping...must have happened in some rural town devoid of cows. :D :D :D

04-21-2005, 01:26 AM
I feel sorry for that guy but at the same time it\'s kinda funny.

04-21-2005, 08:55 AM
Originally posted by car_demon

For some reason I really don\'t think the masses are ready for the SMART CAR\'s intended purpose although they are affordable. I can only really see the Yuppy-ish downtown urban dwellers or commuters in Tokyo, N.Y., Toronto, London and various busy gridlock traffic centres of the world. I may be wrong, but I wish her luck..,and tell her to get the ejection seat model. My gawwd, I hope she ain\'t touching the highway with that thing.

I live downtown and I\'d never want to be seen in one :sarc

Sometimes when I see one on the road, subconsciously I\'m always wondering how it\'d look like when it trips over one of the potholes and do a little somersault.................. *evil grin*

04-21-2005, 11:51 AM
pic looked kinda fake in a way, but nonetheless made me giggle! mwaahahaha!

although, i do envy the smart owners ONLY because they are saving way more cash then we are on fuel, and thats the ONLY thing i believe that they have going for them :D

04-21-2005, 12:38 PM
thats a good one for animal rights ppl...
save the cows, tip the smart cars lol
if only i knew how to use photoshop:p

04-21-2005, 12:48 PM
I know I shouldn\'t laugh but that is freakin\' hillarious! When I was reading the post I kept telling myself \"This has got to be a joke!\"

Personally I think people are buying Smart cars because they are trendy. If I was going to pick up a \"smaller\" car I\'d probably go for a Mini Cooper. However that said, I did see one tearing down the 407 during a snowstorm during the winter. So maybe it\'s not all that bad?

04-21-2005, 03:45 PM
Trendy or just a passing mass FAD of wanting one! It looks like it\'s gonna rank up there with the NewBeetle, Cooper desires; except this one shouldn\'t last. Every now and then the N.A. market gets taken aback with something different but it\'ll pass I hope. Untill then let the cobalts, neons, focus\'s live on.(dammit, I can\'t beleive I said that) :( ;)

04-21-2005, 04:56 PM
Shes buying it on impulse, thats all. i doubt if itll even be driven. My dad drives a 2003 530i and my mom already has a S430. But i cant convice her. whatever its her money shes throwing away, i told her to buy the mazdaspeed 3 when it comes out for me and ill give her mine, she laughed and said no..i guess ill have to keep making payment on this one.( i was really thinking she would gewt the mazdaspeed3 for me) she was in such a good mood i thought i could milk it a little, but she didnt bite...i had to try right...

04-21-2005, 06:22 PM
Damn! Since I\'m ghetto like Martin and Sanford & Son while you be livin\' like da Huxtables.:p ;) The only impulse my folks get is deciding on what trim levels in cars under 20K not including taxes. The only cars bought for me were Mattel Hotwheels. But enough of the stugglin\' middleclass lashback. Your folks most likely have earned their way in this world and the finer things in life open up as a reward. It\'s different when she just wants another toy.

The high 16K-low 20K market is the battle ground for most automakers in which the bread\'n\'butter is made. Money on cars spent in this class is driven on BANG FOR BUCK but if you have a few left over you upgrade in trim design, features and engines. Your mom\'s should have fun and it\'ll be neat for you to boot around in it too to the corner store and get attention. Sorta like a guy walking a cute dog or lil\' neice or nephew...girls come around.:)

04-22-2005, 06:34 PM
I actually like the smart car. There\'s alot of them in Europe.

Whats even better is the A-Class, those look nice. I think we\'re getting them in 2007 as the sports tourer.

04-23-2005, 01:11 AM
They make sense in Europe though....crazy high gas prices, narrow conjested roads, very small geographically. None of those factors exist here in NA, so it\'s no wonder why they\'re losing money. Mercedes had a B-class on display at the auto show, really nice little hatch that looked not that much different than a 3 Sport. Starting at around $30K, I was told it will be in showrooms at the end of 2005.

04-24-2005, 12:15 AM
Car_Demon......i dont know what you mean, but im in the middle class man. Im in no way what so ever wealthy. Not poor either, but definately not weatlthy where i can afford anything i want..if that ws the case id me driving a BMW M3 (my dream car).

i think id\'ll be cool , i just hope some college kids or whatever dont flip it over like in that link, that would be shitty. Just talking about a M3 makes my all warm inside, damn i like that car.
I agree though, the smart does make more sence in europe, but well see, ive never driven one yet so im kind of lookin foreward to it. Its always nice to drive a new car, doesnt matter what it is, (ok, maybe not a kia rio) but most new cars are nice to drive.

Anyone here coming to the meet on the 30th, it\'ll be my firstone...kind of excited

04-24-2005, 02:37 AM
juz came to read this article about smart cars....http://www.lemonaidcars.com/update.htm

Originally posted by lukel90

Car_Demon......i dont know what you mean, but im in the middle class man. Im in no way what so ever wealthy. Not poor either, but definately not weatlthy where i can afford anything i want..if that ws the case id me driving a BMW M3 (my dream car).

i think id\'ll be cool , i just hope some college kids or whatever dont flip it over like in that link, that would be shitty. Just talking about a M3 makes my all warm inside, damn i like that car.
I agree though, the smart does make more sence in europe, but well see, ive never driven one yet so im kind of lookin foreward to it. Its always nice to drive a new car, doesnt matter what it is, (ok, maybe not a kia rio) but most new cars are nice to drive.

Anyone here coming to the meet on the 30th, it\'ll be my firstone...kind of excited

04-24-2005, 12:16 PM
The car should come with two strings so you can carry it like a back pack when it runs out of gas. I think it\'s a cute car!! But I still wouldn\'t get one hehe. It looks like a toy car..if you roll it back it\'ll take off. Is your mom still waiting for it?

04-24-2005, 05:40 PM
the waiting list is actually pretty long, they said 6-7 weeks. i was like WTF..whats wrong with these people. i wouldnt want the car, but its not my money. i just wish my mazda had similar gas mileage

04-24-2005, 11:29 PM
yah i saw like 6-8 of them at a euro gtg today....looks pretty roomy inside BUT that car is too small for most of ontario....i can see this being a popular car for someone that lives/works/breathes toronto and is too scarred to leave its walls (ie traffic rarely hits 60-70km/hr lol

and the price....if i were to ever buy one i wouldnt pay over $9000 brand new, i mean think about it...what do u really get

04-25-2005, 12:52 AM
I agree, the car is way overpriced. If gas mileage is your only concern, get a Golf tdi.....you only have to fill that thing up like every 800-900km\'s! Oddly, I saw at least four or five today, and all were in the boonies in North Richmond Hill. I live in Midtown T.O. and never see them here:sarc

04-25-2005, 01:11 PM
I cant believe it\'s a diesel. :sarc

04-28-2005, 08:33 AM
actually the options list is pretty extensinve stock. i mean climate control, AC, PW, PD, PM, 6 fricken air bags, cd, stability control, its actually pretty good on the options. but i wouldnt buy one if it were me

05-16-2005, 03:55 PM
everytime I see one, I just want to see if my protege is stronger or the smart (as in I want to ram it).

I would be freaked out driving one, especially if there was a truck behind me

05-26-2005, 03:06 PM
Originally posted by PSIVIC

I agree, the car is way overpriced. If gas mileage is your only concern, get a Golf tdi.....you only have to fill that thing up like every 800-900km\'s! Oddly, I saw at least four or five today, and all were in the boonies in North Richmond Hill. I live in Midtown T.O. and never see them here:sarc

i live in richmondhill .. and what psivic says is very true .
the folks up here love small cars (not to mention it comes in handy when parking at FMP or Pacific Mall)

but ya, there are two mini coopers on my street of 2o-something houses .... so do the math and its 1 in every 10 households