View Full Version : Saying my first Hello

05-08-2005, 08:56 PM
Thought I\'d make a post to say \"Hello\" to all of the M3 Enthusiasts here at you\'re fourms.
I\'ve found it a great help in finding useful information for a first time buyer of this vehicle (both general and specific). In that respect, I would like to thank the moderators and all who are responsible for this fourm\'s existance.

I have set my mind to buying a M3 for a few months now; quite simply, nothing really compairs to it in style, performance and price (from what I\'ve seen so far).
Yesterday, I was seconds away from signing on the dotted line when I stopped myself because I was just going headstrong into the sales office before actually taking time to consicer all I was about to purchas. I REALLY WANTED TO BUY THE CAR AND HAVE IT AS SOON AS I COULD.
Don\'t take this the wrong way, I didn\'t stop myself because I didn\'t like the car. In fact, I will be going back to complete the deal once I decide (hopefully with some input from some of the members here at the TM3 Club).
What I\'m looking at is the Mazda3 Sport GT with the GFX package (since I am told that it is the package with both the leather seats AND moon/sunroof for that model).
The biggest decision which I am having trouble deciding is (and don\'t laugh) the colour!
Originally I was thinking of getting the car in \"Black Mica\" but realized from having a black car years ago that every little scratch, scrape and chip in the paint is extreamly noticable to the eye. \"Arctic White\" is nice, but like ANY other white car, you have to wash the car every other day to keep the paint looking clean. The \"Velocity Red\" and \"Sunset Orange\" (which is actually very nice, but you\'d have to see the car in person to agree) both scream out attention and I can guarantee increased \"pull-over\" potential from the police...lol. The \"Indigo Blue and Winning Blue\" just don\'t do it for me; so... that leaves the silver and grey\'s.
Question: Since every car owner wants to have their vehicle be unique and not like everyone else... what is the most common shade of grey being purchased and which one least? Which one looks better (in the opinion of the TM3 Club members)?
Seems kind of silly, i know... but, it\'s something I\'ve been banging myself over the head about for the past few days... PLEASE give me some feedback.

Also, just an interesting note for those of you with clean driving and insurance records. Prior to deciding on purchasing this vehicle I was looking at used Acura Integra\'s. I found it very interesting that an older 2 door model (\'98) cost considerably more to insure than a brand spanking new M3 Sport GT! (could be a decision maker for anybody reading this who is in the market for a car). The M3 may have 4 (or 5 in my case) doors, but is still considered from an insurance point of view (don\'t screech...) a family wagon.

Oh and if anybody has any suggestions or advice to offer prior to me purchasing (which will happen in a few days). Please do so... I welcome any \"heads up\" on any tips or otherwise!
From the varous Mazda dealerships I\'ve visited, I will most likely be purchasing the vehicle from \"Airport Mazda\" in Etobicoke... anybody have any warnings about them?



05-08-2005, 09:13 PM

colour you should get: velocity red :p i\'m a bit partial to that so yah :).. go to the showroom, check out the lot, do not make your mind up in a second. USUALLY your first choice is the one you really want, but that wasn\'t the case for me. silver is the most populat car colour and TiGey (lately white) is the TM3 colour of choice.. pictures do not do much justice to colours, if you can wait i would advise you go to the meet on the 19th or at the end of the month. if you can\'t, go to dealers or just look out the windeow and you\'ll see a lot of 3s. have you seen the new carbon grey?

Sport = hatch.. you cannot get GFX package for the sport/hatch, so you\'re either looking at getting sport + leather + sun or sedan + gfx package

dealer: go to avante, let them know you ran into a few ppl here on TM3 and they referred you ;) you\'ll get a good deal. call them up. talk to noah or jeff (http://torontomazda3.com/forum/read.php?TID=1993&page=2#32004) and you won\'t be dissapointed. Oh, achilles is very good on prices as well.. \"it\'s worth the drive to Acton\" :)

meanwhile, grab a beer and browse around.. there\'s a crapload of info here :)

EDIT: btw, have you taken one out for a test drive? no? try it, b/c during mine i decided i did not want leathers b/c they were slippery (http://torontomazda3.com/forum/read.php?TID=805) (to me) and i preferred the cloth two tone seats

also, don\'t forget about \"sand mica\" :)

05-08-2005, 09:22 PM
Goin to Avante tomorrow to close the deal with Noah.

I\'m getting carbon grey mica.:)

05-08-2005, 09:23 PM
1st welcome to TM3. but Sport GT don\'t have GFX options.:p and leather and sunroof are add on options.
If you want your car to be unique, you\'ll have to do a lot of aftermarket stuff. So far, TM3 members have HIDs, rims and tires, lowered suspension, tint, etc, but little or none w/body kit, all I think still can\'t make the car be unique cause it is a mass production product. for color, you can go to our poll to see how many members own T.Grey (including myself). if you have $$, of course you can spray the car to another color:D.
As insurance, our range from around $1800/yr to over $7000/yr, so really depends on your own record.
And if you have time, join our monthly official meet at the last Sat of each month, even you don\'t have 3 yet, or choose not to, we\'ll still provide you enough info to encourage you to get the 3.

05-08-2005, 09:57 PM
Thanks for the info guys!
My mistake on the GFX thingy... it slipped my mind that the dealer said that the equivalent of that package is included in the GT model with the options I\'ve chosen, but not a package itself.
I plan on coming out to the meet since it\'s just a few minutes away from my place. However, I will most likely be purchasing the vehicle prior to the 19th.
Good idea about taking the test drive with the leather. I tested the cloth and loved the car; when I heard that leather was available (reasonably cheap) I jumped at the chance before I even checked how it would feel when driving; thanks for that advice.
I look forward to reading thru the rest of the fourms to see all the interesting Mod\'s and packages that are available.

Hope to see you guys at the meet! I\'ll be driving a Ford (Found On Road Dead)... but i\'ll be sure to park it Out of view lol.



05-08-2005, 10:29 PM
Decisions, Decisions.... Been There, Done That !!
Took me 2 months to finally decide. :p

Go with your gut instinct, and pick the colour YOU want.
I always like the Nissan Murano, especially in the copper colour.
And when I saw the 3 in Sunset Orange, it reminded me of a poor man\'s Murano.
But everyone said I\'d get tired of that colour, so I ALMOST bought the Titanium Gray.

My advise is to visit as many dealerships as you can and see the colours in person,
.... side by side... during the day and at night... and on a sunny and a cloudy day. :sarc

Once I saw the Titanium Grey and Sunset Orange next to each other, my decision was made.
Sure, Orange is an attention-getter.... but that\'s what I wanted.
Personally, I think there are way too many silver and gray cars on the road.
But that\'s my opinion.... like said.... choose the colour YOU want.
I did.... and I\'m happy I bought the Orange.

As for Carbon Gray.... I don\'t think its available in the hatch. Only on the sedan.

I too, almost bought the leather.
But I really liked the two-tone cloth seats.... especially in red (matches the dash).
Leather is more expensive looking, but hot in the summer and cold in the winter (no heated seats).
.... Besides you\'ll save $1000 by not getting them. :D

Anyways, Good luck on your purchase.
I bought mine at Westowne, and would highly recommend them to anyone.
Make sure they throw in some freebies.... All-Weather Mats, Wheel Locks, Touch-up Paint, etc.

Oh ya.... welcome to TM3

05-08-2005, 11:05 PM
What is the price, on the road that you offered? Ask around before you buy, I am sure members here will let you know if what you are offering is a fair price for the car.
As for insurance phone your agent and ask them what will it cost you. Don\'t want any surprises, maybe the monthly payments will be out of your budget but it will be to late to cancel the deal. Take it easy, think it through, the car will be there tomorrow,next week next month.

05-08-2005, 11:20 PM
I got insurance quotes on the sedan3 and the sport3 before deciding (I liked them both equally so I decided that running cost would be the deciding factor). It turned out that the insurance for the sport was like $15 less per month than the sedan...I guess the insurance company looks at it like a station wagon. Whatever, as long as it saves money! :D Another thing - apparently the residuals are higher for the sport which would lower your monthly payment if you\'re considering a lease.

As for colour, I thought I was decided before I came into the dealership but then I wanted the car so bad I almost went with a second-choice colour b/c the wait for mine was potentially a month! In retrospect though I\'m happy I went with my first choice - don\'t let the potential for a wait change your decision unless you desperately need the car.

05-10-2005, 11:19 PM
Ok... went to Avanti (great guys btw) and did a little more price checking and such.
Talked to Noah, as you advised, and he was extreamly helpful (and quite happy to see another person come in by direction of the TM3 Club).

So far, on our first rounds of the Numbers game this is what we\'ve come up with.

Mazda3 Sport GT
Leather (which I may still decide not to get, but priced in this quote to be on the safe side)
Colour is not decided upon yet either.
Metalic Paint
Air Tax
Gas Tax

(and he admitted to me that there is still some room for playing with the #\'s)

Does this sound reasonable for the first round of negotiations?

One other question... The M3 Sport GT is listed as having the standard option of \"Sporty Bumpers\"... is this the same as what they call the \"Aero Flares Front/Rear\" in the Accessories List, or are these something totally different?


05-11-2005, 02:24 AM
From what I can recall... you\'ve got about $700 to play around with... ...

05-12-2005, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by DJB

One other question... The M3 Sport GT is listed as having the standard option of \"Sporty Bumpers\"... is this the same as what they call the \"Aero Flares Front/Rear\" in the Accessories List, or are these something totally different?

Does anybody have an answer to this?

Thanks in advance.


05-12-2005, 07:08 PM
Tell Noah that Kevin says hi. Bought a car from him on Monday.

05-13-2005, 08:43 AM
Originally posted by Saphress

From what I can recall... you\'ve got about $700 to play around with... ...

Yeah, from what we paid for ours, I would suggest you keep shopping......aim for around the $28000 mark;)

05-13-2005, 02:38 PM
Originally posted by DJB

One other question... The M3 Sport GT is listed as having the standard option of \"Sporty Bumpers\"... is this the same as what they call the \"Aero Flares Front/Rear\" in the Accessories List, or are these something totally different?

Hey bryan...

Here you go...

\"rear aero\" (http://accessories.mazdausa.com/commerce/AccessoriesFullImageView?selectedImage=/accessories/images/05_M3_5Door_RearAeroFlares.jpg&selectedName=AERO%2 0FLARES,%20REAR)

\"front aero\" (http://accessories.mazdausa.com/commerce/AccessoriesFullImageView?selectedImage=/accessories/images/05_M3_5Door_FrontLipSpoiler.jpg&selectedName=SPOIL ER,%20FRONT%20LIP)



05-13-2005, 07:25 PM
Thanks \"TheBiz\".

I remember seeing the photo of these... but I want to know if these are the same as what they call in the options list as the \"Sporty Bumpers\" or are these truly an add on accessory as listed on the Accessory list.
I was actually thinking of adding these to my list, but have decided that once I get the vehicle, I will probably opt for a 3rd party bumper kit anyhow; therefore, paying the extra for these will be a waste.
Thanks for your reply anyhow.

Anybody know, offhand, if any of the regular members who show up at the meets have any bumper/sidskirt kits installed? I would really like to see some in person. I plan on coming out to the meet on the 19th at Weston and 401 (if that\'s still where it\'s going to be held)



05-16-2005, 09:36 AM

To clarify, they are a Mazda accessory and not inluded.

Front Flares $634.99 installed
Rear Flares $634.99 installed

But I a sure that there are aftermarkets available for much less.

05-17-2005, 01:09 AM
Thanks Biz,

I kinda thought that but wasn\'t sure. Guess I\'ll be getting the after market stuff since I don\'t think these ones have that much style to them in compairson (especially not for the $$$ they\'re asking). ;)