View Full Version : Low coolant??

05-17-2005, 02:08 PM
I just went outside to fill my windshield washer and check my other fluid and I discover sometime bad. My coolant lever is a little bit below the min :( . I just wonder if this is normal for the coolant to go down like that. My car is about 8-9 months old with 16K on it. Most of the klik (about 70%) are Highway. I had my older car for about 3 years and I put 60K on it without adding any coolant (but a lot of oil:p ).

I just want to know if I should go to the dealer and how I should react if they told me its normal or just full it up and there you go.

05-17-2005, 02:33 PM
My coolant was a bit lower than the Min line when I check my it a few weeks back. I asked the technician to fill it up when I went in for oil change later. I don\'t know if this is normal or what since I rarely check the coolant before :p . Btw, I\'ve my car for 7-8 months with 12-13000km on.

05-17-2005, 03:37 PM
Look like I\'m not the only one. I just want someone who can tell me why it happen. I doubt it simply evaporate, it have to go somewhere.

05-17-2005, 05:17 PM
Was it above the min mark when you got the car? Alot of ours have (until we fixed it) been below the min mark when they were delivered.

05-17-2005, 06:52 PM
Originally posted by david3
Was it above the min mark when you got the car? Alot of ours have (until we fixed it) been below the min mark when they were delivered.
I\'m pretty sure it was close to the max. I checked all the fluid when I got the car and I would have see that. Someone claim on an other forum that it might be the coolant that went inside the radiator. I dont know if it make sense though.