View Full Version : Night time photo shoot

05-24-2005, 01:48 AM
Just went out for a leisurely drive around the hood to find some place to take some pictures of my car. I just finished putting in the lighted door sills today (if anyone needs some help, let me know - it\'s not so straightforward.. :sarc )

Anyway, I\'ll let the pictures do the talking...what do you think?? :D

p.s. - a cop showed up out of nowhere and really couldn\'t believe that I was taking pictures of my car for the sake of taking pictures of it...like, aren\'t there people that do that kind of thing? :sarc

A close-up of the LED mirror turn signals..

A light from above shines down on the white stallion..

View of Lighted door sill as you get into the driver\'s seat..

Close up of the lighted door sill - the blue doesn\'t really match the blue OEM lighting but I still like it.

Rear-3 quarter view..nothing very special. I thought the lines of the car showed up really well here (ie - above the rear fender)

The end :D

05-24-2005, 02:00 AM
I just realized that when I resized the pictures they got blurry..anyone know how I can resize them (smaller) and keep them sharp? I know that making them smaller will cause loss of pixels and hence blurriness, but I think that these pictures got more blurry than they needed to.. :sarc

EDIT: I just resized the pics using another graphics editor and they came out much sharper :)

05-24-2005, 02:04 AM
What did you use to resize them? Try using Photoshop if you haven\'t already.

edit: what did the cop end up doing?

05-24-2005, 02:10 AM
I just had to reformat my computer last week and lost photoshop (and I can\'t find my disk) :(

In the mean time I\'m using Corel Photopaint..

So yeah - the cop came and looked around for a bit...asked what I\'m doing...I was like \"WTF...camera, tripod, car with parked with doors open and lights on...I must be pedalling drugs\"
He honestly couldn\'t believe that I was just taking pictures of the car..unbelieveable...then he was like \'it looks pretty new so why would you be selling it?\'...and then again I was like \"WTF...I\'m not selling it...just taking pictures\"
Finally, he was like \"so you\'re just taking pictures eh?\"
\"yes...yes officer...for the hundredth time, I\'m just taking pictures...\" :sarc

05-24-2005, 02:16 AM
damn cops...:sarc
what time was this?

05-24-2005, 02:17 AM
approx 1-1:15am... :D

05-24-2005, 02:18 AM
it was a pretty bright lot by a busy street (Yonge)...so I don\'t know what kind of shady business I\'d be doing there..

05-24-2005, 02:19 AM
I\'ve taken photos at similar times before...actually, sometimes even later...I wonder what would\'ve happend if a cop happened to pass by.

05-24-2005, 03:15 PM
ha ha, he probably thought you just stole it and was taking pics for customers overseas!! ha ha

05-24-2005, 03:21 PM
hehe - jeez, so many scams you could be pulling that involve a car, camera, and tripod! :P

I even told him about the LED mirrors and lighted door sills that I just installed but he didn\'t seem to believe me that was part of the reason I was taking pics..

in fact, he didn\'t even check them out! :(

05-24-2005, 03:32 PM
lol...you are lucky he didn\'t ask you to check out his white V6 impala, \"i\'ve got stickers, flashing lights AND a cage in the back. Here here (*opens rear door) i\'ll take you for a spin\" HA HA...j/k....lol you should have asked him to park his car in the pic too...i know i would...it would make a nice pic to have 2 white cars :)

05-24-2005, 08:21 PM
How about some info about the LED mirrors. Like where can I get them? And do they actually work properly?

05-24-2005, 08:28 PM
Originally posted by SABIO

How about some info about the LED mirrors. Like where can I get them? And do they actually work properly?

LED mirrors: I put up a post in the exterior mods section, where to get them, and step-by-step instructions on how to install them. :)

In summary: $49USD from ebay (seller HK-plus). Yes they work properly. They could be a little brighter though.. but I like them :D

05-24-2005, 11:29 PM
like those sills i still have mine form the first GB. rofl no time to install, and not really up to tackling this task. have any more detailed instructions? and u used the regular tape stuff right?

05-25-2005, 12:24 AM
Originally posted by Zaku_4

like those sills i still have mine form the first GB. rofl no time to install, and not really up to tackling this task. have any more detailed instructions? and u used the regular tape stuff right?

I can put up some instructions but I didn\'t take any pics along the way. Maybe one day if they stop working and I have to take everything apart I will take some pics. But yeah, I found it was quite a bit of effort to hide the wiring and to tap into a source that goes on when the door opens and goes off otherwise. But for me it was worthwhile in the end.

Once I did one side of the car the other side was a piece of cake. I also stored aways all of the pins that hold the interior panels in place away somewhere and couldn\'t find them for about an hour :D ...

Oh yeah, and when I finally thought I had it all done and put EVERYTHING back together, I went to open the door and the stupid thing didn\'t light up.. I was like WTF...basically I forgot to reattach one of the wires to my power source b/c I d/c it to avoid shorting the circuit.. had to take everything apart again to get to it. doh!

06-10-2005, 11:25 AM
Lookin really nice... Good Job. I\'m really likin the LED turn mirrors!