View Full Version : Ongoing CEL issues

05-31-2005, 10:15 PM
Ive been reading about numerous Mazda 3 owners having CEL issues.
I, for one, have had my CEL go on and off for the past 2 months. I took my car into the dealership after I first saw my CEL, the dealership replaced the purge selunoid valve, but after 10 minutes of driving, the CEL came back on.

So, i brought it in again. I told the service department that I had already brought the car in for the same issue in the past. After a 4 hour wait, the dealership tells me that the car computer retained the initial CEL error code, so all they had to do was reset the light....I already knew that the light would go back on.....

but the shop was closing in 5 minutes and i couldnt be bothered with an arguement....

so, i drove off, after 15 minutes of dreiving, the CEL, came back on...

The dealership i deal with is Gyro Mazda, its either that they are dumb, outdated, or just lazy.....

i told them that this was the second time that i was bringing the car in for the CEL, and i told them that ive been having hard starts in the morning, engine stalls, rough idles, and crappy acceleration from idle...something is obviously wrong?

its obvious that there are plenty of cars with this CEL issue.....im sure they know of the problem...but maybe theyre just lazy or ignorant and they dont want to bother fixing it or they dont want to bother trying to find out whats really wrong?

Ive heard of some people who had to get their fuel pumps replaced and gas pumps replaced....this is probably the solution that I need?

Does anyone know of a mazda dealership in the GTA that knows how to deal with the CEL problem???
because my dealership obviously doesnt...

any help would be greatly appreciated


06-01-2005, 08:11 AM
I assume you have a 2004, cause I haven\'t heard of the CEL issue on 2005\'s. Might want to check out Mazda of Toronto, Avante of Richmond Hill, Westone Mazda and/or Dave Wood Mazda in Newmarket. All are good dealerships with tons of happy customers and are very highly regarded.

06-01-2005, 08:36 AM
Just give us a call we\'ll be glad to help you.


06-01-2005, 03:10 PM
Just a thought...What gas have you been using? Do you allow the tank to get near empty on a regular basis?
Try using a completely different gas station then normal for a couple of tank fulls, but one you know is busy(Fresh Gas), and take your air filter out and tap it to clean it.Maybe this might help! If problem persists have the dealer pressure check your fuel pump.



06-06-2005, 09:19 AM
Hey bDeE, any update on your problem ?.....just curious!:)



06-06-2005, 05:13 PM
nah not yet, ive been busy with work....im probably gonna call avante to book an appointment sometime this week...

an interesting point tho...

when the first CEL came on, it would turn off after 30 or so starts....then they changed the PSV, and after 10 mins of driving, the light came back on, and now, even after 30 or so starts, the cel doesnt go off at all....

i wonder what changed? and now my car stalls more than ever...probably every 2nd morning when i start it up, and reverse out of my driveway, the car stalls.....


06-07-2005, 08:48 PM

I too have had the CEL problem, except it was consistently on. I have a Mazda3 GT sedan 2005. Have had it for less than three months. I took it in and they said the pump was leaking. The part was replaced yesterday (vacuum and sensor). The CEL is no longer on, but I will give it couple of weeks to see if the problem reoccurs.

I was very surprised to have any problems this soon. Hopefully this will be the first and last.

06-08-2005, 06:16 PM
I take it you guys don\'t have any modifications on the engine ie. intake, headers, turbo :D Just bone stock right?

06-08-2005, 08:25 PM
Nope, just the basics.

06-08-2005, 09:01 PM
as stock as stock can be....

06-08-2005, 09:09 PM
I also heard that the CEL can go on if your gas cap is not screwed on properly. Some of the caps are faulty and do not seal. The next time you go for a drive, check to see if you get some pressure when you remove the gas cap, that indicates that it is sealed properly.

06-14-2005, 08:18 AM
Made an appointment for saturday, I hope it gets fixed....

The service department i usualy go to told me that it was ok to drive with the CEL on, as long as it wasnt blinking and that it was probably a sensor problem.....i doubt its just a sensor problem tho...

I was driving to work on day, and I was at full stop, waiting to make a left..I decide to start turning since I only saw one car and it was about a block away from me...So as I was about to turn, my car would not accelerate, it just kinda rolled into the turn...

lol...for awhile I was stuck in the middle of my left turn and I almost got hit by oncoming traffic!

good god!

and just the other day, I was on the DVP south off ramp, waiting to merge into Don Mills, and my car just stalled!

Everything seems to happens after a full stop....

and my car likes to stall when I reverse from a full stop.....


So i doubt a sensor problem could cause all of this to happen.....
Its probably a faulty fuel pump :(

hehe and to add to my ongoing CEL issues, a rock smashed my windsheild a week ago.


06-14-2005, 08:29 AM
Wow, it seems like a lot of members here have had to replace their windshields due to rocks lately. Sorry to hear, keep us posted on what happens on Saturday. BTW, you have an auto tranny, right?

06-14-2005, 08:35 AM
yep, correct, ive got an AT.

Ive been reading CEL posts on the mazda3forums, it looks like a lot of other people have the exact same problems ive been having...

some people have gone back to get the CEL checked 6 times....lol..

Itd be nice if Mazda service departments would read these forums, it would probably help them in analyzing problems and fixing them faster