View Full Version : 6 disc changer

D Rock
06-02-2005, 11:59 AM
dont mean to sound like a tool here but i probably will...meh

i recently bought an 04 mazda 3 sport gt slightly used. the guy at the dealership said it had a 6 dsc cd changer in it. now having the car it seems either im retarded and cant load into any other discs but one, or its only a one disc cd player. the guy told me that since it has a load button it has to be 6 disc, but he didnt sound so sure. i tired loading the discs like it said in the book (hit load button hold for 2 sec then the number of the disc) but nothing. it even has buttons on the right on the 6 and 3 to scan through discs. is there a way i can check to see if it is 6 disc?

show me whos the retard, the guy at the dealership or me!

06-02-2005, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by D Rock

dont mean to sound like a tool here but i probably will...meh

i recently bought an 04 mazda 3 sport gt slightly used. the guy at the dealership said it had a 6 dsc cd changer in it. now having the car it seems either im retarded and cant load into any other discs but one, or its only a one disc cd player. the guy told me that since it has a load button it has to be 6 disc, but he didnt sound so sure. i tired loading the discs like it said in the book (hit load button hold for 2 sec then the number of the disc) but nothing. it even has buttons on the right on the 6 and 3 to scan through discs. is there a way i can check to see if it is 6 disc?

show me whos the retard, the guy at the dealership or me!

i have a single disc cd player and it has the load button.. as well as the scan through discs buttons.. you may have had wool pulled over your eyes :(

06-02-2005, 12:20 PM
Which dealer you got your car?! Go back to the dealer and ask them to put \"back\" the change on!!

You may check this thread (http://torontomazda3.com/forum/read.php?TID=2155) for similar CD changer questions.

06-02-2005, 01:02 PM
Press and hold the \"Load\" button for a few seconds... if it beeps and says \"CD IN\" then you have a 6-disc. If nothing happens, then you don\'t.

06-02-2005, 03:57 PM
Also check the CD player panel does it have the 6-disc logo? Sometimes people buy the 6-disc player but they opt to use the regular CD panel instead.