View Full Version : Tech Racing Intake installed

06-09-2005, 07:45 PM
Hey guys, I had the day off yesterday so I picked up the intake from Flipspeed and installed it right away.

First off, I\'m pretty happy with the quality of the intake. The area where the MAF sensor sits is machined real well so I did not have any problems putting it back in.

Here\'s a pic of the contents in the package (Air filter is not oiled)


There is absolutely no documentation... No big deal though, I asked Flipspeed to take a pic with his phone and send it to me so I used it as a guide... I was staring at the pieces for a good 20 minutes trying to figure out what goes where :sarc

The numbers you see is the order of placement. 1 is connected to the throttle body and so on.

After taking the battery cover & cooler pipe thing off, I disconnected the negative terminal from the battery just as a precaution (good habit to get into when doing work on the car).


The arrows in the picture give you a general idea of what needs to be removed/unscrewed before you take the air filter cover off.

Once you loosen or remove everything it\'s time to take the cover off... this was pretty tricky because everything was initially so tight, it took a lot of patience and some force to get everything off.

After you take the cover off and the hose from the throttle body is disconnected you can gently pull on the piece where the air filter sits to remove it.

That takes care of the easy part!!!!

I had to jack the front driver side of the car up to get access to the wheel well area... The resonator was extremely difficult to take off. ( have the cuts on my arms to prove it). It\'s only held in place by 3 bolts, but removing these bolts were extremely difficult. I wasn\'t prepared to remove the bumper to gain easier access so I jacked the car up, remove some of the plastic pieces on the bottom of the car to get better access.

At this point I really couldn\'t take any pictures for you guys seeing that I did the install by myself and I needed both hands throughout the process. When you get to this point you just need a lot of patience (and a good flashlight).

After the resonator was taken out, I assembled the intake in the order shown in the pic above and did a test fit. ( I sprayed some WD40 on a plastic bag and using my fingers, I put a really small amount around the plastic and metal tubing to lubricate them. I used a very small amount to ensure it does not get into the piping.) Looking at the Blue pipe, there is a metal connector sticking out of it. I used the stock bolt to connect that to the chassis of the car, so the intake doesn\'t move al over the place. I used the resonators stock mounting point to secure the intake to the car.

here are a couple of pics of the finished install....



I did come across 1 problem though and it\'s a pretty annoying one too (still haven\'t fixed it). from the picture at the top, when joining item number 2 with item number 4, using number 3 (with me? lol).. I found the blue pipe to be maybe 1/2 inch to 3/4 inch too long. the silver an blue pipes are about 1/2 a centimeter apart, so when I really hit the throttle I can here them hitting each other causing a really annoying and embarrassing sound... like banging 2 pieces of metal together. I have an idea of how to fix it, but it involves getting access to the back of the bumper again.

One more thing to take note of, I the filter doesn\'t not come oiled. I had the K&n oil kit from my previous car, so I just oiled it up a little. The filter sits right behind the wheel well so I am a little worried about it getting wet... We\'ll see what happens.

Overall throttle response feels smoother and the car idles smoother too. Sounds really nice. Performance gains are pretty good, I\'m guessing the average of any CAI, but you can feel the difference. The best part is, it cost me about 170 with taxes :)

This is the first write up I\'ve done, so I\'m sored of all over the place... If anyone needs any clarification, please let me know.


Whos ur dadd
06-09-2005, 08:55 PM
Great detailed write up! Thorough... love it!

06-09-2005, 09:12 PM
I just drove an acura 3.2 with an intake and it sounds amazing esp. with the vtec going. now I want one on my 3!! :D

does this kind of thing void the warranty?

06-09-2005, 09:17 PM
Originally posted by Optimzer

I just drove an acura 3.2 with an intake and it sounds amazing esp. with the vtec going. now I want one on my 3!! :D

does this kind of thing void the warranty?

If your CAI or SRI soaks in water and your engine hydrolocks, then Mazda has the right to void your warranty when you bring them back a busted engine.

But hydrolocking isn\'t something that you would worry about living in the GTA.

Great job Ex-Rolla. Looking good. Post some audio clips of the sound if you can.

06-09-2005, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by Whos ur dadd

Great detailed write up! Thorough... love it!

Thanks! When i first started the install, Everything I did i wrote down, step by step... Once i got to the resonator, I got so frustrated i completely forgot about my little notebook... next thing I know the intake was installed :)

Originally posted by Optimzer

I just drove an acura 3.2 with an intake and it sounds amazing esp. with the vtec going. now I want one on my 3!! :D

does this kind of thing void the warranty?

Considering I bought it from a mazda dealer, I\'m going to go on a limb and say no.

You have to keep in mind that whatever the problem might be, there has to be proof that the modded part was the cause of the problem....

If one dealer denies you service, go to the next one. :)

Originally posted by RedRaptor
If your CAI or SRI soaks in water and your engine hydrolocks, then Mazda has the right to void your warranty when you bring them back a busted engine.

But hydrolocking isn\'t something that you would worry about living in the GTA.

Great job Ex-Rolla. Looking good. Post some audio clips of the sound if you can.

Thanks RR... Water is something that I am concerned about. The filter sits right in front of the wheel well (There is an area on the plastic that looks like gills... you know what I\'m talking about? a little difficult to explain.) I can actually see the filter through those \"gills\". When i fix the rattle sound that I manthined, I\'m also going to adjust the filters position and close those openings...

I\'ll see if i my digi cam can pic up the sound so i can upload a sound clip for you guys.

Forgot to say thanks to Flipspeed for the hook-up!

06-10-2005, 12:33 PM
Hey Mark, excellent write up man. I\'m glad it fits b/c it did say that it was for the 2.0 on the box. I think I\'m going to try this project as well.

06-10-2005, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by FLIPSPEED

Hey Mark, excellent write up man. I\'m glad it fits b/c it did say that it was for the 2.0 on the box. I think I\'m going to try this project as well.

I\'m going to stop by before i go to work today so you can listen/see it.

06-10-2005, 12:55 PM
You know you could turn it into a short ram intake too in winter. It looks like a pain in the ass though to remove the blue pipe again.

06-10-2005, 01:34 PM
So if people wanted to oick one of these up, where do they go ?

06-10-2005, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by Eurojet

So if people wanted to oick one of these up, where do they go ?
Mazda of Toronto
6167 Yonge St. south of Steeles

06-11-2005, 10:33 PM
not bad for 170...is the filter of high quality and reusable?

btw how much does a mazda oem flat filter and k&n go for our cars?

06-12-2005, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by 2004mz3

not bad for 170...is the filter of high quality and reusable?

btw how much does a mazda oem flat filter and k&n go for our cars?

Quality seems okay, but it\'s does not come pre-oiled. I was told you don\'t have to oil it, but every aftermarket cotton filter I\'ve owned, needed to be oilded, so i can\'t see why this one is any different. I oiled it anyway.

I have a K&N filter from my old CAI, so I\'m going to swap the new one out for the old one.

06-21-2005, 10:42 AM
Hey Ex-High-Rolla :)

Very nice, always love engine mods and pics of the process! One thing I do suggest is changing the bolt that holds the blue pipe bracket to the car frame (i can\'t remember if the stock one has any give? or is it just a metal bolt?);

my AEM intake

It\'s the only pic I have from my install but the bolt that came with my kit is 80% rubber (middle piece is a rubber cylinder, quite bendable, and at the ends the normal bolt thread). It has a lot of give but at the same time it holds the pipe in place.

I highly suggest getting one of these rubber bolts because when the engine is pushed, the throttle bottle is vibrating pretty hard so when there\'s no give between the intake and the body, somewhere along the pipe there will be trouble.

How did you get out the third bolt of the resonator? My friend and I used flame to burn away that piece of the resonator! hahaha (my install and link to pics here (http://www.torontomazda3.com/forum/read.php?TID=973), post dated March 26/05 05:01:22 ET)

EDIT: Oh, yes do block off a bit of the wheel well \"gills.\" I used duct tape. Dun want water and dirt splashing onto the filter and making it more dirty than it needs to be. Trust me that area inside gets dirty EASY.

Just tape enough to block direct path of water/dirt to the filter. Leave opening for air circulation. :D (nerd mode off)

06-22-2005, 09:46 PM
Hey Rolla, if you\'re worried about sucking in water with the CAI why not try and incorporate an AEM style bypass valve. If the filter becomes wet or is immersed in water it bypasses it as a safety precaution and sucks air from wherever you install it. I think it only costs like $50 or so, not a bad price to protect your motor.

06-23-2005, 01:18 AM
Originally posted by wtom

Hey Ex-High-Rolla :)

Very nice, always love engine mods and pics of the process! One thing I do suggest is changing the bolt that holds the blue pipe bracket to the car frame (i can\'t remember if the stock one has any give? or is it just a metal bolt?);

It\'s the only pic I have from my install but the bolt that came with my kit is 80% rubber (middle piece is a rubber cylinder, quite bendable, and at the ends the normal bolt thread). It has a lot of give but at the same time it holds the pipe in place.

I highly suggest getting one of these rubber bolts because when the engine is pushed, the throttle bottle is vibrating pretty hard so when there\'s no give between the intake and the body, somewhere along the pipe there will be trouble.

How did you get out the third bolt of the resonator? My friend and I used flame to burn away that piece of the resonator! hahaha (my install and link to pics here (http://www.torontomazda3.com/forum/read.php?TID=973), post dated March 26/05 05:01:22 ET)

Hey Wtom, thanks for the advice. The bolt that came with the kit, doesn\'t seem to be threaded properly in order for it to screw into the stock mounting position on the car (your first pic). I used the stock bold with a locking washer so it won\'t loosen up due to vibration.

Regarding your comment about the throttle body moving around a lot, you\'re absolutely right, so i had to reposition the pipes so they wouldn\'t hit each other when i floor it (i think i mentioned that earlier). Due to the fact that the intake is 3 seperetae sections connected by rubber pipes, there is a lot of room for sway, which will also absorb the vibration vs a 1 pc pipe, so the rubber washer, in my case, would not be required...

EDIT: Oh, yes do block off a bit of the wheel well \"gills.\" I used duct tape. Dun want water and dirt splashing onto the filter and making it more dirty than it needs to be. Trust me that area inside gets dirty EASY.

Just tape enough to block direct path of water/dirt to the filter. Leave opening for air circulation. :D (nerd mode off)

I was thinking of a way to partially cover up the opening in the wheel well. I\'ll try out what you suggested... just wondering though, how is it holding up? I figured after one too many wet days, the duct tape would simply fall off? has that been the case?

Originally posted by PSIVIC
Hey Rolla, if you\'re worried about sucking in water with the CAI why not try and incorporate an AEM style bypass valve. If the filter becomes wet or is immersed in water it bypasses it as a safety precaution and sucks air from wherever you install it. I think it only costs like $50 or so, not a bad price to protect your motor.

that\'s not a bad idea, i can replace item number 3 in the first pic i posted with the bypass valve... I think once i partially cover up the openings, i should be okay, but better to be safe than sorry ;) .

I actually got into the habbit of not \"flooring\" it when it\'s raining out, so the amount of air and \"possibly water\" getting sucked into the intake would be minimal... \"i hope i\'m not making anyone with a CAI paranoid... I\'m just being cautious\"

Edit: Taking the 3rd bolt off from the resonator was pain in the arse... My hand (somehow) found its way in there and using a ratchet, one click at a time, eventually came off. Mind you during the whole process my whole arm got cut up. \"i just hope i never install an intake again :p \"

One more thing i should mention regarding the sound of this intake, is that from 3000 to 4000 rpm, it creates a whining sound... It actually sounds awesome (similar to a supercharger).


06-23-2005, 12:12 PM
Originally posted by Ex-Rolla
Regarding your comment about the throttle body moving around a lot, you\'re absolutely right, so i had to reposition the pipes so they wouldn\'t hit each other when i floor it (i think i mentioned that earlier). Due to the fact that the intake is 3 seperetae sections connected by rubber pipes, there is a lot of room for sway, which will also absorb the vibration vs a 1 pc pipe, so the rubber washer, in my case, would not be required...


I was thinking of a way to partially cover up the opening in the wheel well. I\'ll try out what you suggested... just wondering though, how is it holding up? I figured after one too many wet days, the duct tape would simply fall off? has that been the case?

LOL I missed the details then. I read quickly thru your original post :) If the rubber is there then should be okay, no probs from destructive vibrations.

Interesting enough the duct tape is still there against the gill openings! Just be sure you clean the area where you gonna stick it against first. :)

I\'ve had no probs with rain ... drove through quite a few storms (fishing trips) with the intake, no probs. Installed for three months now.

06-23-2005, 01:44 PM
sounds good wtom... When i get a chance, I\'ll cover it up.... Duct tape saves the day!!! Solves every problem :)

12-05-2005, 01:36 AM
installed the tech racing intake on saturday!

it was easy with this walkthru!!
thx Rolla!

it sounds pretty good!

and the throttle seems more responsive!

i am pleased with the way it turned out!!!

12-05-2005, 10:08 AM
Originally posted by Broli

installed the tech racing intake on saturday!

it was easy with this walkthru!!
thx Rolla!

it sounds pretty good!

and the throttle seems more responsive!

i am pleased with the way it turned out!!!

np... glad you like it!

04-28-2007, 04:05 PM
I had this intake installed a couple days ago and I'm having a considerable amount of problems with it.

I had it installed at a shop, didn't do it myself and after the install everything was smooth for the first half hour and then my engine light went on. I came back to the shop and plugged it into the computer to see what's wrong with it. Turns out the error has nothing to do with the air sensor (as originally presumed) but it's an Idle error. I took the car into MoT and they tried to fix it with no luck. Shortly after I left MoT the engine light came back on and it doesn't turn off. The Idle on the car is noticeably rougher but that seems to be the end of the problem, thankfully.

So I'm debating whether I should take it out?

05-01-2007, 12:13 AM
were any of the MAF wires pulled on? I've heard that can cause CEL's and idling issues if there's a short and the MAF gives incorrect readings to the ECU.

05-01-2007, 11:30 AM
i dont remember any idle issues when i had it in?

05-02-2007, 06:59 PM
I don't know if anything was pulled on because I had the shop install it. I was occasionally glancing over to see what was being done and as far as I remember everything was done fine.

It keeps coming and going...

05-04-2007, 07:53 PM
Sounds like the MAF wires being pulled.

05-07-2007, 07:14 PM
Try this...

the length of the MAF wires seemed ok, but just as a precaution and because of all that i've read about any intake on our cars, i unclipped the the wires that were attached to the battery box. if you look at the 3rd picture, with the battery in clear view, you'll see a thick tube concealing a number of wires with white round clips around it. this was originally attached to the battery box. try removing them and see how it turns out. If it is the wires being pulled it should resolve the problem right away. Also, remove the negative battery cable for a few minutes, maybe even overnight, just to make sure the ECU is reset.

let me know how it turns out. You shouldn't be having any problems.

07-11-2007, 01:32 AM
You know you could turn it into a short ram intake too in winter. It looks like a pain in the ass though to remove the blue pipe again.

Can this be acomplished by removing number 4 on the pic (blue pipe)? if sri is best for winter, why not just keep it like that in summer? is there a difference in performance or sound? and where can i get water shield? thanks folks.

07-11-2007, 10:49 AM
You could leave it as a CAI in winter if you wanted to. There is no rule that states you HAVE to change it in the winter.

just don't drive through 4 feet of snow, or 4 feet of water, and a CAI will prolly not give you any shit.

If you switch it to a SRI, I would suggest maybe also fashioning a heat shield for it, so that it doesnt suck in hot air from the engine

07-11-2007, 08:04 PM
If you switch it to a SRI, I would suggest maybe also fashioning a heat shield for it, so that it doesnt suck in hot air from the engine

that's exactly the reason why using it as a SRI, i think, is kinda useless, unless as you mentioned a Heat shield is used. If you choose to use it as a SRI in winter then CAI in the summer, it is fairly complicated to remove the indicated piece.

TRUST me, if you're careful, you will NOT have any water problems. Those small vents in the wheel well were paritally covered when i installed it, and the duct tape is still there. I have had the CEL come on on a few occasions, but that was from my own stupidity. I floored it immediately afetr a high pressure wash. a few hours later, the light was gone.

07-11-2007, 08:52 PM
Thanks for the info....i have a ton more noob questions...damn search button.