View Full Version : $700 jl amp..worth it????

Axela Mazda 3
06-11-2005, 05:12 PM
i went to gg electronics today and got a quote for the jl 300/4 amp for 612 + tax = 700....man that is way out of my budget for a 4 channel amp....i\'ve been looking at rockford fosgate\'s p4004 for 379.99 + tax = 435 at bestbuy...the $265 difference can get me a good pair of components....is the jl 300/4 amp really worth it for that much cash????....advice anyone?

06-11-2005, 06:39 PM
My best friend has the 300/4, I have the 500/5 and e6450, and I can tell you with some certainty that I would not pay that much just for the JL name. Yes the amps are awesome, but not if you\'re gonna be paying those kind of prices. Just read some reviews on some other amps (like the ones you stated), there are plenty of affordable amps out there. Personally I have always owned only JL gear and have never been let down, but I always seem to find great deals (i.e. my e6450 only cost $500 after tax with remote bass knob included).

06-11-2005, 07:28 PM
Axela...do you drive a titantium hatch? If so, I saw you @ G&G. I was the blue sedan parked beside you...

06-11-2005, 07:38 PM
Originally posted by Axela Mazda 3

i went to gg electronics today and got a quote for the jl 300/4 amp for 612 + tax = 700....man that is way out of my budget for a 4 channel amp....i\'ve been looking at rockford fosgate\'s p4004 for 379.99 + tax = 435 at bestbuy...the $265 difference can get me a good pair of components....is the jl 300/4 amp really worth it for that much cash????....advice anyone?

May I make a suggestion? Get the Fosgate its a much better Amp.How do I know for sure? Check the specs on these amps.An amp should be able to double its power for every halving of resistance example; an amp rated 150wrms @ 4 ohms should give you 300wrms @2ohms.Thats called headroom and the better headroom the less chance of the amplifier clipping.



06-11-2005, 08:26 PM
Flagrum, sorry, but that\'s not exactly true. An amp doesn\'t just double power if you cut the resistance in half (i.e. 4 ohm to 2 ohm). Plus, the JL amp is actually designed to give you the rated power no matter what impedance you are trying to drive (1.5-4). Not to mention the fact that JL amps are quite under-rated. Like I said in my other post, I wouldn\'t pay that much money for the 300/4, but you can\'t really compare the two on based solely on output at different impedences. Other factors must be considered like how much power the amp is drawing (efficiency), featuers (filters, boosts, outputs, etc.) cooling efficiency, etc.

06-11-2005, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by PSIVIC

Flagrum, sorry, but that\'s not exactly true. An amp doesn\'t just double power if you cut the resistance in half (i.e. 4 ohm to 2 ohm). Plus, the JL amp is actually designed to give you the rated power no matter what impedance you are trying to drive (1.5-4). Not to mention the fact that JL amps are quite under-rated. Like I said in my other post, I wouldn\'t pay that much money for the 300/4, but you can\'t really compare the two on based solely on output at different impedences. Other factors must be considered like how much power the amp is drawing (efficiency), featuers (filters, boosts, outputs, etc.) cooling efficiency, etc.

True I\'ll give you that, but the specs still show that the JL Amps cannot double thier wattage and I guess I was thinking about the price difference.:)



06-11-2005, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by PSIVIC

Flagrum, sorry, but that\'s not exactly true. An amp doesn\'t just double power if you cut the resistance in half (i.e. 4 ohm to 2 ohm). Plus, the JL amp is actually designed to give you the rated power no matter what impedance you are trying to drive (1.5-4). Not to mention the fact that JL amps are quite under-rated. Like I said in my other post, I wouldn\'t pay that much money for the 300/4, but you can\'t really compare the two on based solely on output at different impedences. Other factors must be considered like how much power the amp is drawing (efficiency), featuers (filters, boosts, outputs, etc.) cooling efficiency, etc.

Plus I knew I\'d get you all riled-up hehe :D



Axela Mazda 3
06-11-2005, 11:17 PM
THANKS FOR THE ADVICE!!!!....I still have until thursday to think about it because they don\'t have it in stock by then....but right now i think i\'m more to the fosgate because of the price....PSIVIC you think you can get a better price then $700?????? if so can you help me plzzz because i really want the JL amp!..thanks

S.F.W....yeah it\'s me, i parked beside your car on purpose hehhe..

06-12-2005, 12:11 AM
Originally posted by Axela Mazda 3

THANKS FOR THE ADVICE!!!!....I still have until thursday to think about it because they don\'t have it in stock by then....but right now i think i\'m more to the fosgate because of the price....PSIVIC you think you can get a better price then $700?????? if so can you help me plzzz because i really want the JL amp!..thanks

S.F.W....yeah it\'s me, i parked beside your car on purpose hehhe..

Sorry man there was just a little bit of a joke in there, but seriously for the money I personally feel you\'ll be better off going for the Fosgate unless you can get the Jl within 100 bucks of the Fosgate.But also you should be able to get the P4004 cheaper than that, believe me I\'ve seen the store cost on that amp.



06-12-2005, 12:16 AM
Flagrum, no worries man, it\'s all good. I\'m just pointed out that it is slightly misleading to say that the JL cannot double it\'s power cause it was specifically designed like that. I know when I buy an amp and it is rated to deliver 250W to the sub channel, I want it to do so regardless of what set-up I am running. That is what has enabled me to keep my JL stuff so long. I have had three different models of JL sub powered by the same amp, and each time it has gotten 250W!

Axela Mazda 3......I don\'t know if I can do anything for you, but when I go to G&G Andy just shows me his JL dealer cost book, tells me to pick what I want, and he adds a 10% margin to it and that\'s it. Did he show you the cost? If not, then he could be marking it up further, in which case I could likely help you.

It does seem as though there are at least three people on this site looking at buying JL Audio gear, perhaps we can organize a bit of a group buy and see if we can\'t secure better pricing. I know if the deal was right I would pick up a 10W3v2 to replace the 12W3v2 in my 6 right now.

06-12-2005, 12:24 AM
Hey thats not a bad idea, lets wait and see what S.F.W. thinks and we can go in as a treo, or more if anyone else reads this post.:D



06-12-2005, 12:36 AM
I\'d probably be in...I just need a couple days to ponder how I\'m going to proceed. I need a lot of gear, and it seems it\'s going to cost significantly more than I thought.

Axela Mazda 3
06-12-2005, 03:57 AM
a group buy would ge a really good idea...if we can get an extra 10% discount....im buying the amp right away....and i want the xr components as welll!!!!.....

06-12-2005, 10:16 AM
So does everyone here think they can have their minds made up by say next Saturday (18th), and if so, we could all arrange to meet there and just give it a shot. I don\'t know that they will do too much better, but how could they not if there is the potential for between $3-$5K worth of JL business?!?

Here\'s my thoughts.......as I have stated before, he just shows me his cost, adds 10%, and that\'s it. He told me he never goes below that, but I say we push for something like 5-7.5% margin.

What do you guys think?

06-12-2005, 11:30 AM
Originally posted by PSIVIC

So does everyone here think they can have their minds made up by say next Saturday (18th), and if so, we could all arrange to meet there and just give it a shot. I don\'t know that they will do too much better, but how could they not if there is the potential for between $3-$5K worth of JL business?!?

Here\'s my thoughts.......as I have stated before, he just shows me his cost, adds 10%, and that\'s it. He told me he never goes below that, but I say we push for something like 5-7.5% margin.

What do you guys think?

Man, that Saturday I\'m invovled in a friends suprise party, I have to pick her up and I\'m hoping to have my car by then, either Friday or Saturday pick-up crossing fingers its Friday.But I\'m all in and I should have my mind made up;)
Maybe if one of us has the time to venture down there during the week and run it by Andy or is it better to just go in as a bunch? I live pretty close so its no problem for me.

And S.F.W. don\'t go buying all that stuff yet...I\'ve been checking out prices and that $3000 is way out there.That guy must have been quoting you above retail to get that price.



06-12-2005, 11:37 AM
Ya, I can have my mind made up by Saturday...

I think the prices are reasnable for JL equipment from an authorized dealer. But I\'m curious what you\'ve seen around...
shoot me an e-mail amijacobson@hotmail.com

06-12-2005, 11:49 AM
I have a friend on another board that might be in for a sub as well, so it should be a pretty good deal for G&G if they participate. Flagrum, I can\'t decide if we should go there ahead of time and run this by Andy. On the one hand he could tell us that he can\'t do less than 10% margin and at least we wouldn\'t be wasting our time, but on the other hand I think if there are like 4-5 of us there all pretty serious I think that might persuade him to just do the deal for a quick low margin sale.

I know G&G gets pretty damn busy on Saturdays, so I say we head down earlier than later. If that might be a problem we can do it on Sunday perhaps also.

06-12-2005, 12:48 PM
i have the p4004 its a good amp

06-12-2005, 12:51 PM
I am good for earlier Saturday, or anytime Sunday. Oh and I think we are best off just showing up. Best deals are always made on the spot.

06-12-2005, 04:17 PM
Sorry guys I can\'t tell this early if I\'m good for this weekend but, Sunday would be the best day I think for me and I think s.f.w. has a point we\'ll just mob him.

Also I just got back from NOSH....what a joke:D and a waste of gas.This guys prices are outrageous I told him I had a place that would give 15% above cost and he says \"That guy must want to loose his licence to sell JL\" I even quoted some prices and he tells me he can\'t even come close to them.Then he asks me what amps I\'m getting, I tell him Fosgates but that I\'m getting a killer price on them.He says well Fosgates don\'t come near JL\'s maybe I can entice you into buying a JL amp.Okay I say how much for the 500/1? he won\'t tell me out loud but shows me the book pointing at the price $999.00.I go are you serious? barely containing my laughter.....anyways, I definitely feel sorry for anyone who walks in there blind they\'ll not only take your shirt, they\'ll grab your undies too.:D



Axela Mazda 3
06-12-2005, 09:24 PM
i should be able to make it on sunday.....not saturday for sure....or friday is good too

06-12-2005, 10:34 PM
Well, it\'s looking like Sunday is the safer bet, so why not say Sunday at 11:00am (when they open)? I just have to make sure that Andy is gonna be working, otherwise it might make sense to go another time. Let me know guys and we can exchange contact info.

06-12-2005, 10:56 PM
Sunday @ 11 works well for me.

Axela Mazda 3
06-13-2005, 01:28 AM
thats good with me too...sunday at 11

06-13-2005, 09:14 AM
Sounds good to me also, but I would check to make sure thier open.Thier message center says closed Sundays till Labour day.



06-13-2005, 10:56 AM
Really? I just saw an ad in the Sun yesterday that said their Sunday hours are 11-4. Well, I\'ll give them a call after work and make sure they\'re gonna be open, and also to check if Andy will be working.

So we are all set then......tentatively Sunday at 11:00am.

06-13-2005, 04:35 PM
sweet! If all goes according to plan, I\'ll buy all my gear...

06-13-2005, 06:16 PM
Hey Guys I just called G&G and they definitely are not open on Sundays until Labour day...go figure.And I also found out that today is Andy\'s day off.So I guess new plans.



06-13-2005, 06:36 PM
What time works for ppl Saturday? Maybe we can make an appointment...

Axela Mazda 3
06-13-2005, 06:59 PM
i need to work 1-7 on saturday...so anytime b4 that if they open early

06-13-2005, 07:29 PM
I could go first thing on Saturday, but the later on in the day it gets, the less chance there is of me making it as I\'ve got plans.

06-13-2005, 08:16 PM
I can do Sat morning, 10am ?

06-13-2005, 08:33 PM
I\'ll have to get back to you guys about Saturday.I should know by Wednesday.



06-15-2005, 06:55 PM
I\'m in for Saturday morning, the earlier the better...They open at 10 am.



06-15-2005, 08:31 PM
I\'m good for Saturday @ 10am.

06-15-2005, 08:57 PM
Originally posted by S.F.W.

I\'m good for Saturday @ 10am.

Hey S.F.W. Please check your Hotmail.



06-15-2005, 09:43 PM
hey flagrum...just replied...

06-15-2005, 11:12 PM
10:00am on Saturday sounds good to me also!

Axela Mazda 3
06-15-2005, 11:37 PM
i\'m in for saturday morning too....so we\'ll meet there at 10 am sharp??????

06-16-2005, 12:52 AM
yes that\'s the plan. If anybody needs to reach me sat. morning my cell is 416-801-0804.

06-16-2005, 08:10 AM
Guys, I think it\'s important that nobody go in and talk to him until we are all there. I say we all wait outside in the lot until each of us has arrived.

Just so I get this right, the members meeting there are:

2) S.F.W.
3) Flagrum_3
4) Axela Mazda 3
5) Possibly Eurojet
6) Raocorp (from another board)

Anyone else?

06-16-2005, 09:23 AM
I agree...we must go in together. They can not play divide and conquer that way. And they will understand we are all serious.

06-16-2005, 09:44 AM
Agreed, theres a little strip plaza right next door,...maybe park there? There is usually no parking in front of the store, atleast whenever I\'ve been there.



06-17-2005, 12:46 AM
Just got word that a buddy of mine from another board will be joining us! Updated the list at the top.

06-17-2005, 03:11 PM
Originally posted by PSIVIC

Just got word that a buddy of mine from another board will be joining us! Updated the list at the top.

Cool, the more the merrier. See you guys Saturday!



06-19-2005, 08:18 AM
Hey Guys,

To the few of us who showed up at G&G on Saturday....I think it would be kudos to Andy and G&G if we were to show the deals we got there, after all 10% above store cost is excellent, especially on jL equipment in my opinion and without any dealing!! Plus I did\'nt really catch what you guys paid on some of your stuff and I\'m curious, just for my records and to tell friends.

So here\'s what I got;

ProWedge CVS110RG-W6v2....................List:$800.00.........price paid: $420.00

VR650Csi\'s 6.5 in components..............List:$440.00.........price paid: $242.00

thanks to PSIVIC for steering us there, and again to ANDY whom I think is a great guy, very knowlegdeable, if not opinionated for giving us all a great price.

G&G Electronics
4371 Kingston Rd.
Andy Lenton; sales consultant.



06-19-2005, 09:43 AM
Since I already had two full JL systems in each of our cars, I didn\'t need a heck of alot, but I bought a sub anyways:D

JL Audio 10W3v2 (dual 2 ohm voicecoils) with JL grill:

List = $430 + tax
Price = $230 + tax

Also, just to add to Flagrum\'s post, G&G also carries a full line-up of other products and can offer equally sweet deals on those!

For anyone that does end up going there, please mention that you are part of the Toronto Mazda 3 club so that he knows where the business is coming from.

Axela Mazda 3
06-20-2005, 02:03 AM
want to thank psivic, flagrum_3, S.F.W and eurojet...thanks for helping me decide what speakers to buy, eduacating me on car audio knowlege and also for showing me your sound systems!...

jl 300/4 for 605 + tax
jl vr 650 components for 242 + tax

can\'t wait to get them!!!!

06-20-2005, 08:29 AM
Originally posted by Axela Mazda 3

want to thank psivic, flagrum_3, S.F.W and eurojet...thanks for helping me decide what speakers to buy, eduacating me on car audio knowlege and also for showing me your sound systems!...

jl 300/4 for 605 + tax
jl vr 650 components for 242 + tax

can\'t wait to get them!!!!

I forgot to ask you, what are you using channels 3&4 for? Do you have a sub, rear speakers, or are you going to bridge the four channels to two and give your fronts a real kick?

Axela Mazda 3
06-20-2005, 02:17 PM
i have a jl 10w0 in a bandbass custom made box....im bridging channels 3 and 4 for it....and of course channels 1 and 2 for the vr components...

Axela Mazda 3
06-20-2005, 02:20 PM
oh..and i forgot to ask you guys...im not going to change the rear speakers yet due to $$$....im just wondering if i will hear distortion from them if i crank up the volume...or would the bass and my front vr cs over sound them????

06-20-2005, 03:47 PM
I doubt you will hear too much distortion as your front speakers will be noticably louder once you power them off of an external amplifier. If there is any distortion just fade to the front a bit more until you can pick up some rears.

06-20-2005, 07:13 PM
Originally posted by Axela Mazda 3

oh..and i forgot to ask you guys...im not going to change the rear speakers yet due to $$$....im just wondering if i will hear distortion from them if i crank up the volume...or would the bass and my front vr cs over sound them????

I\'m curious, How are you powering the rear speakers? You said your using your 300/4 to run the sub right? And are your rears stock?



Axela Mazda 3
06-20-2005, 11:23 PM
yup! Stock rear speakers. The 300/4 is for the front vr and the sub only.

06-21-2005, 12:19 AM
Better late than never...here\'s what I purchased.
250/1 Sub Amp - $440
300/4 Speaker Amp - $605
VR650CXi - rear speakers - $154
VR650CSI - front speaers - $242
CVX110GW3V2 - 10W3 sub with box - $330.00

all prices plus tax.

06-21-2005, 09:21 AM
Originally posted by Axela Mazda 3

yup! Stock rear speakers. The 300/4 is for the front vr and the sub only.

Hey Axela,

So how are you powering your rear speakers? That was the main question.



06-21-2005, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by Flagrum_3

Originally posted by Axela Mazda 3

yup! Stock rear speakers. The 300/4 is for the front vr and the sub only.

Hey Axela,

So how are you powering your rear speakers? That was the main question.



I would assume he is using the stock deck......all that is required for his proposed set-up is to buy a two channel LOC, run the front speakers to that, from there a single pair of RCA\'s to the 300/4, and the amp should have a switch on it that allows it to take that two channel signal and use it for all four available channels. If you haven\'t already purchased the LOC, might I suggest spending the money now and getting a four channel unit so that you\'re not stuck in the future.

06-21-2005, 03:57 PM
Just got a call from Andy, all of the gear is in......except for mine! No worries though as I still have the 12\" in my car so I\'m in no rush. I just would\'ve liked to have arranged/attended another mini meet to go and pick all the stuff up.

06-21-2005, 05:16 PM
odd...When was andy expecting your sub? I am going to try and make it in either tomorrow or Thursday to pick my toys up...

06-21-2005, 05:31 PM
It was supposed to come in today, but it didn\'t. I actually ended up cancelling the order just a few minutes ago, I can get the same sub right away at the same price through another shop. Don\'t tell Andy this please, don\'t want him to feel bad:(

Axela Mazda 3
06-22-2005, 02:07 AM
flagrum...psivic is right...the rear speaker is powered by the stock head unit...untill i get some more $$, get another amp and rear speakers. I bought the naivone 4 channel LOC a month ago already. I recieved a call today from Andy so i went to pick up my stuff. I will call Lockdown tomorrow and set up a install date. CAN\'T WAIT!!!

I opened up the VR components and noticed that the box says it\'s made in germany, but the back of the woofer says made in china...LOL?!?!?!?

06-22-2005, 08:22 AM
The woofers are made in China while the cross-over networks and possibly the tweeters are made in Germany. All of their speakers are like that, so don\'t worry.

06-22-2005, 09:58 AM
Originally posted by Axela Mazda 3

flagrum...psivic is right...the rear speaker is powered by the stock head unit...untill i get some more $$, get another amp and rear speakers. I bought the naivone 4 channel LOC a month ago already. I recieved a call today from Andy so i went to pick up my stuff. I will call Lockdown tomorrow and set up a install date. CAN\'T WAIT!!!

I opened up the VR components and noticed that the box says it\'s made in germany, but the back of the woofer says made in china...LOL?!?!?!?

In that case, I would suggest not using the rear speakers at all for now, they would just ruin the sound quality of the system...(lousy speakers & less than 20Watts).

When you\'re getting your system installed have them play around with the tweeter location to try to find the right spot, instead of just throwing them in the stock location, which in my opinion does not work very well...just a suggestion!

Give us an update once your system is in,




06-22-2005, 11:18 AM
Originally posted by PSIVIC

Originally posted by Flagrum_3

Originally posted by Axela Mazda 3

yup! Stock rear speakers. The 300/4 is for the front vr and the sub only.

Hey Axela,

So how are you powering your rear speakers? That was the main question.



I would assume he is using the stock deck......all that is required for his proposed set-up is to buy a two channel LOC, run the front speakers to that, from there a single pair of RCA\'s to the 300/4, and the amp should have a switch on it that allows it to take that two channel signal and use it for all four available channels. If you haven\'t already purchased the LOC, might I suggest spending the money now and getting a four channel unit so that you\'re not stuck in the future.

Yeah I\'ve already ordered a 4 channel LOC from Navone, should get it in a week or so...probably around the same time as my car.
I\'ve also picked up an template for the front speaker adapters and I\'m going to attempt to make custom adaptors which will angle the woofers towards the front in an attempt to focus the speaker towards the centre console and improve the imaging.
Psivic did you use Dynamat or anything in either one of your vehicles? If so how many square feet do you think I would need to purchase, to do all 5 doors....just wondering.




06-22-2005, 01:06 PM
Flagrum, I didn\'t use any dynamat, the speakers are easy enough to get at that I could install it at any time, though for now I wanted to keep the install simple and the costs down. Also, not sure what kind of \"template\" you got for fabricating the speaker plates, but I find it best to use the actual speaker once it\'s pulled out so there is no margin for error;)

06-22-2005, 02:18 PM
I am planning on using a dynamat type solution in my car. I picked up 50 Sqaure feet of B-Quiet ultimate. It is similar to dynamat, but a canadian product and more reasnably priced.

06-22-2005, 03:03 PM
Originally posted by PSIVIC

Flagrum, I didn\'t use any dynamat, the speakers are easy enough to get at that I could install it at any time, though for now I wanted to keep the install simple and the costs down. Also, not sure what kind of \"template\" you got for fabricating the speaker plates, but I find it best to use the actual speaker once it\'s pulled out so there is no margin for error;)

It was actually a tracing of an adapter made to fit the VRs into our 3s and I\'ve checked it with my speakers, which I just happened to pick up this morning...man the sub looks good... and I just can\'t wait now to get set-up.It dosn\'t look much bigger than the custom box you have in your 3...Do you remember the depth of your box in inches? I liked the way yours fit and you could still lift the tray.



Axela Mazda 3
06-22-2005, 03:09 PM
Hey guys, i just called lockdown and spoke to Jason. He told me that installation would cost $300 for my vr components, 4 channel amp and a sub with all the wires and adapters for the speakers. Is that a reasonable price??. S.F.W is quoted $350 for 4 speakers, 2 amps and sub with all wires.

06-22-2005, 05:32 PM
Axela, $300 sounds fair to me. I got quoted $350 for the system in my wife\'s 3. Flagrum, I don\'t know the dimensions off by heart, but I\'m going to Chase tonight to have him build me another one for the 10\" I ordered. I told him I want to duplicate the box we have EXACTLY, so he wants to be sure and measure it all out. Once I get the dimensions I\'ll send them over to you.

06-23-2005, 02:35 PM
Flagrum, I had the box measure out last night, and I didn\'t have a pen so the only dimensions I remember off by heart are the depth at the bottom of the box was 13\" and at the top was 8\". If you need the others let me know and I\'ll go when the wife gets home and measure it out.

Anyone install their JL stuff yet? Andrew (Raocorp from ClubSi) installed the 10W3v2 into his Prelude and he said it is amazing. He was running a fairly high end Kenwood Excelon sub previously and he said that the JL plays louder and more cleanly at the same volumes (not really a surprise).

06-23-2005, 04:21 PM
Originally posted by PSIVIC

Flagrum, I had the box measure out last night, and I didn\'t have a pen so the only dimensions I remember off by heart are the depth at the bottom of the box was 13\" and at the top was 8\". If you need the others let me know and I\'ll go when the wife gets home and measure it out.

Anyone install their JL stuff yet? Andrew (Raocorp from ClubSi) installed the 10W3v2 into his Prelude and he said it is amazing. He was running a fairly high end Kenwood Excelon sub previously and he said that the JL plays louder and more cleanly at the same volumes (not really a surprise).

Hey thanks PSIVIC, so 13\" depth at the bottom..I just measured my box at H 12.75\" W 16\" Depth 11.5\" so the depth is good I should be able to open the tray,...excellent.

Also I just received an email from JL they said the 10W6v2 can handle 200-800 Watts continuous, so I\'m safe going with the RF6001bd amp rated 600Watts * 1 @ 2ohms.But they also said to play it safe and keep the gain low...

Thanks again,



06-23-2005, 04:25 PM
Originally posted by Flagrum_3

Also I just received an email from JL they said the 10W6v2 can handle 200-800 Watts continuous, so I\'m safe going with the RF6001bd amp rated 600Watts * 1 @ 2ohms.But they also said to play it safe and keep the gain low...

Thanks again,



Oh for sure you\'ll be safe......I have a friend who has been putting 500 watts RMS into his 12W3v2 and it sounds fantastic!

06-23-2005, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by S.F.W.

I am planning on using a dynamat type solution in my car. I picked up 50 Sqaure feet of B-Quiet ultimate. It is similar to dynamat, but a canadian product and more reasnably priced.

Hey S.F.W, Where did you purchase the B-Quite, and how much was it? It comes in 2\' by 50\' rolls right? What do you expect to cover with that amount?

...and sorry for all the questions,




06-23-2005, 04:49 PM
Originally posted by PSIVIC

Originally posted by Flagrum_3

Also I just received an email from JL they said the 10W6v2 can handle 200-800 Watts continuous, so I\'m safe going with the RF6001bd amp rated 600Watts * 1 @ 2ohms.But they also said to play it safe and keep the gain low...

Thanks again,



Oh for sure you\'ll be safe......I have a friend who has been putting 500 watts RMS into his 12W3v2 and it sounds fantastic!

Well, I\'m still going to play it safe,...I know I can run it at possibly 600Watts rms, but I don\'t want to shorten the life of the woofer and JL said 400Watts is they believe the optimum for that sub.
Also from what I\'ve been reading the Rockford subs are very conservative in thier power ratings.Its not unheard-of for thier subs to run at 60-70% efficiency which means, from what I understand, that this specific amp could possibly push 800watts of clean power.

There is something I forgot to ask you,...Will the tweeters, when installed in the stock locations still be able to pivot and if so have you tried aiming them towards the windsfield?...I\'ve read this is one trick the SQ guys use for staging.




06-23-2005, 05:18 PM
The tweeters from the VR\'s are smaller than the stock tweeters, so there is a decent amount of room in there. You could swivel/point them, but not too much.

06-23-2005, 07:04 PM
I picked up the B-Quiet for $133.75 taxes and shipping included via their ebay store. If you want I can send you the link to their store...I compared that price to the caraudiocanada members price, and it was about $20 less.
As for size it only says \"50 sq. ft.\". My plan is to do the trunk lid, and the front doors speaker area. Whatever is left over from that I will either put in more areas of the trunk or do the rear speakers.

Axela Mazda 3
06-24-2005, 12:33 AM
I\'m getting my stuff installed at lockdown on saturday morning. They use power acoustik wires and they charge me about $100 for them. I searched through ebay and they are only selling power acoustik wires (exact same as lockdown) for 19.99 with 15 shipping, way cheaper then lockdown. Are these wires any good? or it doesn\'t really matter? I can get pheonix gold and even stinger 4 guauge amp kits off ebay for less than 100. Should i wait and get them off ebay or just go for the power acoustik ones that lockdown uses? Any idea?

06-24-2005, 12:54 AM
I would just stick with what lockdown is selling. You can always get cables cheaper. But look at $20-$30 US for the cables on ebay. Plus shipping. Probably end up around $50-$60 canadian. If the cables don\'t work properly(unusual but can occur), or if there are any issues where do you go? Instead spend a little bit more now, and you have peace of mind.

06-24-2005, 08:22 AM
I would probably just get the wiring from Lockdown. Who knows how long they\'ll take to get to you if you order them through eBay, and if there are any issues it\'s not exactly easy to return/exchange. As for the brand of wiring, I have no personal experience but I\'m sure they\'re fine. I used Stinger wiring in both of our cars (not because I have a preference, but because I got them for cost price).

06-25-2005, 04:37 PM
S.F.W. What exactly did your installation quote at Lockdown include? What about a LOC or Y cable, maybe distribution block? Can you give a rundown of the quote?




06-25-2005, 07:46 PM
It really wasn\'t a formal quote. It was just a rough discussion. It included installation fo the 4 speakers and sub, as well as the two amps. All wiring necessary.
I have my install booked for Wednesday. I have ordered the soundgate LOC from lockdown, as well they will be making custom wood adapter plates for the 6.5 speakers. I will also have b-quiet ultimate installed in the door panels and trunk.
I\'ll keep everyone updated..

06-28-2005, 07:09 PM
Originally posted by Axela Mazda 3

I\'m getting my stuff installed at lockdown on saturday morning. They use power acoustik wires and they charge me about $100 for them. I searched through ebay and they are only selling power acoustik wires (exact same as lockdown) for 19.99 with 15 shipping, way cheaper then lockdown. Are these wires any good? or it doesn\'t really matter? I can get pheonix gold and even stinger 4 guauge amp kits off ebay for less than 100. Should i wait and get them off ebay or just go for the power acoustik ones that lockdown uses? Any idea?

Hey Axela, Where\'s the update? :)...Actually I was at lockdown today and saw them working on your 3, I got another trace for the speaker adapter to check with the one I have.
I noticed that cool chrome stubby antenna, Where did you get it?...I like!
By now you should have heard your new system and awaiting your update.



06-28-2005, 07:16 PM
Originally posted by S.F.W.

It really wasn\'t a formal quote. It was just a rough discussion. It included installation fo the 4 speakers and sub, as well as the two amps. All wiring necessary.
I have my install booked for Wednesday. I have ordered the soundgate LOC from lockdown, as well they will be making custom wood adapter plates for the 6.5 speakers. I will also have b-quiet ultimate installed in the door panels and trunk.
I\'ll keep everyone updated..

Hey S.F.W thanks, will also be waiting for your update, but a couple more questions if you don\'t mind...Did the price include the installation of the b-quiet? And did you ask for anything special, or are you just placing everything in the stock positions?

Thanks again.



Axela Mazda 3
06-28-2005, 08:12 PM
Hey Flagrum, i bought my antenna off of ebay for 9.95 + 5 shipping. I love the way it looks but the reception is not as good as the factory one. I got my stuff installed finally and the components are amazing!!! Even the guy (forgot his name) who did the install said they are ****ing good. He turned the volume to 32 and it still sounded really clear. The total for the install (LOC, vr components, 300/4, sub, custom wood brackets) came up to $322. I was quoted $290 before but because i needed an extra pair of rca for the 4 channel amp, they charged me another $20 (original $25). I also got a really good deal for the amp kit. I was suppost to get the 4 gauge amp kit for $100 but they ran out. They ended up using a 2 gauge amp kit and charged me $110 which is a really good deal because the 2 guauge amp kit is suppost to be $150. Jason gave me this deal because he promised me before that it was going to be $290 over the phone. Lockdown ROCKS! I was there from 10:30 to about 5:30.

Axela Mazda 3
06-28-2005, 08:14 PM
I really need to sound deaden my doors because they are rattling like crazy. SFW, tell me about the b-quiet after you get your system installed tml. Thanks!

06-29-2005, 08:13 AM
Axela Mazda 3, glad you\'re happy with the stuff......either you never told me or I don\'t remember, but which subwoofer(s) are you running?

Axela Mazda 3
06-29-2005, 04:20 PM
I have a 10w0 in a bandpass box....the bass if not as tight as the one you have (which one is it by the way?) in your wife\'s car. I might upgrade it but not untill i change the rear speakers because it does ruin the sound quality a bit.

06-29-2005, 05:54 PM
My wife has the 10W3v2 (dual two ohm voice coils) in a sealed box, being fed about 150 watts.

07-01-2005, 05:16 PM
Originally posted by S.F.W.

It really wasn\'t a formal quote. It was just a rough discussion. It included installation fo the 4 speakers and sub, as well as the two amps. All wiring necessary.
I have my install booked for Wednesday. I have ordered the soundgate LOC from lockdown, as well they will be making custom wood adapter plates for the 6.5 speakers. I will also have b-quiet ultimate installed in the door panels and trunk.
I\'ll keep everyone updated..

Hey S.F.W, How about an update, you had your system installed Wednesday did\'nt you? Just curious of the final tally and details.I was also thinking, once we all have our systems in maybe we should have a mini meet and compare systems and set-ups....mind you it will probably still be a while for me, i\'ll be picking my 3 up on Monday, hopefully and probably a few more days to get the system installed if all works well.



07-01-2005, 05:50 PM
Got the system installed on Wednesday. Dropped the car off around 10:30am, they didn\'t finish until around 8pm. It was originally done around 7pm, but Jeff noticed a problem as he was tuning the system, so he re-inspected all the wiring to find the problem.
Final bill came out just under $600.00 . This included the custom wood brakcets for the speakers, install of the amps, speakers, sub. Also picked up an LOC, as well as having them put in b-Quiet in the doors, the trunk(back, front, underneath spare, everywhere possible).
System sounds amazing! It is everything I was hoping for, and then some. All the people that were at the mini meet yesterday heard the system.
I would definately be up for a mini meet once everyone has their systems installed.

Also need to thank PSIVIC, Eurojet, and Flagrum, for guiding me with my decision, and also letting me listen to their set up\'s.

Also the Lockdown team. Raj and Jeff, for doing and amazing install, and staying late to make sure it was perfect. Many other places would have not tested as thoroughly, and would not have stayed 2 hours after close to make sure the install was perfect.

Lastly, I am very pleased with the b-Quiet sound deadening. I don\'t have any trunk or door rattling at all, and the sound stays in the car. Jeff at lockdown also mentioned that he felt the B-Queit was superior to dynamat.

Wanna listen or need more info? I am more than happy to share the knowledge I have gained.

07-04-2005, 12:20 AM
Awesome news Ami, I can\'t wait to hear it!

Axela Mazda 3
07-08-2005, 10:47 PM
hey SFW,

Remember you showed me howmuch bquiet you have left over after your install at silver city parking lot?? You said you can sell me some of it right? Can you still sell me some of your left over bquiet? I want to buy about 15 square foot off of you if that\'s okay, im pretty sure you still have at least 30 square foot after you did your doors and trunk. If you can\'t or don\'t want to its okay. If I just get 10-15 square foot i think that will be more then enough to do my doors and trunk.

07-10-2005, 10:23 PM
Originally posted by Axela Mazda 3

hey SFW,

Remember you showed me howmuch bquiet you have left over after your install at silver city parking lot?? You said you can sell me some of it right? Can you still sell me some of your left over bquiet? I want to buy about 15 square foot off of you if that\'s okay, im pretty sure you still have at least 30 square foot after you did your doors and trunk. If you can\'t or don\'t want to its okay. If I just get 10-15 square foot i think that will be more then enough to do my doors and trunk.

Dibs on the other 15 sq ft ?? S.F.W. if your willing to part with all of it, I\'ll be getting the install done soon and could sure use some.




07-10-2005, 11:34 PM
Sure thing guys, I am pretty happy with the deading already done in my car. So yes I will sell the reaming to you guys. PM or e-mail me, all I ask is what I paid. We can set up a time and place to meet.

Axela Mazda 3
07-11-2005, 04:06 AM
let\'s arrange a mini meet again like last time at silvercity or a different location??.

07-11-2005, 03:15 PM
Hey S.F.W...Thanks man, like Axela says we can just meet somewhere.The SilverCity would be okay for me any weeknight this week, so far.Just tell me how much you want for the stuff so I\'ll have the cash handy.By the way how much do you think the 15 or so sq ft will cover?

Thanks again,



07-11-2005, 04:43 PM
how about Thursday evening, 9:00pm silver city Richmond Hill?

Flagrum, I figure 15 Sq Ft. should be enough for the doors, and trunk deck. Probably have some left over for spot locations.

07-11-2005, 04:49 PM
as for cost, thr 50 SQ ft. roll cost me $134 US shipped. Which equals roughly 163 canadian, which equals $3.26 per foot, which makes roughly $49 for 15 Square feet. Cool? If my math is off please correct me...

07-11-2005, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by S.F.W.

as for cost, thr 50 SQ ft. roll cost me $134 US shipped. Which equals roughly 163 canadian, which equals $3.26 per foot, which makes roughly $49 for 15 Square feet. Cool? If my math is off please correct me...

Hey S.F.W.

Price sounds good and Thurday at 9:00 is perfect.If its good with Axela we\'ll see you then.
And just to mention, I finally got my Navone 4-channel Loc today, total cost $49.00 taxes everything in...now I just have to grab my amps tommorrow and make an appointment with Jeff....Hopefully within a week I\'ll have some decent tunes.



Axela Mazda 3
07-12-2005, 01:37 AM
9 oclock on thursday is good for me too! So i\'ll see you guys there!!! $50 bucks for 15 ft is a good deal for me...can\'t wait

07-13-2005, 04:45 PM
Okay just to confirm,....Thurday night 9:00 p.m. at Silverstar....yay or nay?




07-13-2005, 05:31 PM

Let\'s meet in the east end of the lot. near the hydro towers. Or just call my cell 416-801-0804, when you arrive.

Axela Mazda 3
07-13-2005, 05:32 PM
flagrum_3, do you mean silver city? (silverstar?). Yeah 9 thursday night at richmondhill silver city

07-13-2005, 05:36 PM
Originally posted by Axela Mazda 3

flagrum_3, do you mean silver city? (silverstar?). Yeah 9 thursday night at richmondhill silver city

Oops yeah, sorry...lack of sleep, Silver City.

