View Full Version : Alarm Systems

06-17-2005, 11:16 PM
I dont think my 05 mazda 3 GX has an alarm system, i mean it has power door locks and a remote but, not too sure about the alarm... if there is one , i dont know about it.
i want to buy an alarm but i dont know whats good and whats not because none of my friends have them. I dont want to spend alot of money, i heard viper is good but are they expensive? i live in kitchener so theres probably not as many people breaking into cars as Toronto haha, but none the less... any reccommendations for an inexpensive alarm system, i gotta protect my sub! and is there anything other than the one special bolt you get with your wheels that you can use to protect Tire theft?

06-17-2005, 11:55 PM
I think the GX model doesn\'t have an alarm system yet the GT has it, however; I won\'t bother to buy my own alarm system, coz personally I think those alarm systems won\'t do much better in preventing ur car from thefts (but of coz if it comes w/OEM alarm, I will be glad to have it!). Those 2 hundred bucks alarms won\'t do anything to stop the thefts other than just audible sound, IMO the only things it could possibly work are the ELECTRONIC ENGINE IMMOBILIER (we have it!) and 2 WAY ALARM (which would cost u around $500!).

Plus as we bought comprehensive insurance, the insurance will pay us back from any thefts anyways, however; ur personal add-on SUB is not covered! :sarc

06-18-2005, 10:26 PM
i wanna get that one that beeps u back if ur car is in trouble, that way i can run there and whip teh bitch thast stealin from me lol

07-02-2005, 04:19 PM
A relatively inexpensive 2-Way alarm system i found was the Viper 5000 which includes 5 auxilary outlets in case u decide to add other components (remote starter for example) and it\'s retail value is roughly 350 Canadian depends where u buy. If u need more info PM me and ill help u out :) im getting one put in my crappy 929 Serenia until i get my mazda 3 in august lol