Is programming a REMOTE START fob different than a standard fob?
I've an 07 M3 that has a factory Mazda remote start/alarm installed, but I don't have the fob for it (long story...) Anyway - bought a new four button fob from Mazda (P/N 0000-8F-F06-CA) and went to program it as per the standard programming instructions found on another forum (the lock/unlock, key on/off 3 times, door open close 3 times, and then hit any button on the remote) -which works great for my std 3 button fob - but when I push any button on the four button unit, nothing happens.
Any body know how to program a Mazda remote start four button fob?
I presume any new fob you get from a dealer comes with a battery installed, right?
Re: Is programming a REMOTE START fob different than a standard fob?
Remote start transponder has different instructions:
(click for full size)
Re: Is programming a REMOTE START fob different than a standard fob?
Noisy Crow - you saved the day! Thank you very much.
I'd contacted the Mazda dealer and given them all the specs on the remote start module, and they came up completely empty - not even a suggestion as to what to do next. So after researching the forums, found a 2004 post that listed the part numbers for all the individual items involved. I phoned the dealer and gave them the P/N for the fob, and just picked it up yesterday hoping it was the right one. When I first tried the instructions you posted, the alarm unit reacted as indicated to get it in programming mode, but it wasn't seeing the fob when I hit the panic button to program it:):). So I ended up popping the fob open to confirm there were batteries - which there were, and while putting it back together noticed a red led flashing inside when I brushed the UNLOCK button. So I thot I'd try all four buttons, and found out the fob is intermittent. By putting pressure on one particular spot, was able to get all four buttons to transmit, ran back out to the car, programmed it flawlessly as per your posted directions, tested the remote start, alarm etc. - all works perfectly! But as soon as I release the magic pressure spot, doesn't work - so back for another fob next week!
Thanks again for your help - you solved a big mystery for me!
Re: Is programming a REMOTE START fob different than a standard fob?
Glad you got it sorted out! :)
Re: Is programming a REMOTE START fob different than a standard fob?
This is an old thread, but I just wanted to thank Noisy Crow for these instructions. I had the instructions for the key fob without remote start and was wondering why they didn't work. Once I had found the emergency button for the remote starter, this worked like a dream.
The only problem is that I now have one less reason why my wife can't drive my lovely Mazda3. :D
Re: Is programming a REMOTE START fob different than a standard fob?
I just wanted to comment on how helpful your post was in getting my after market remote start programmed and working. I spent all afternoon working on faulty instructions from my seller using ', found your post with picture and had everything working in 2 minutes. You made my day!!
Re: Is programming a REMOTE START fob different than a standard fob?
Any body know how to program a Mazda remote start four button fob? I have Mazda (P/N 0000-8F-F06) thank you in advance.
Re: Is programming a REMOTE START fob different than a standard fob?
Originally Posted by
Any body know how to program a Mazda remote start four button fob? I have Mazda (P/N 0000-8F-F06) thank you in advance.
That's what I have and the instructions posted by Noisy Crow worked for me. Have you tried that?
Re: Is programming a REMOTE START fob different than a standard fob?
I have two remote start fobs and one of them was having problems and recently decided not to work at all, the other still works fine. I'm going to be doing the reprogramming (thanks Noisy Crow!) and just wanted to know:
1. Will this mess with my keys? I don't think they are of the smart kind I just don't want to break everything
2. When I do the re-programming will it remove the working fob and I have to reprogram that as well or should I just do the steps on the non-working one.
If the flaky one still doesn't work (I've tried battery replacement) can anybody recommend a local (or good on-line) to buy a new starter? My local dealership wants $300(!!). :(
Re: Is programming a REMOTE START fob different than a standard fob?
I just programmed the new one for mine - the other one was unaffected.
I am pretty sure that I got mine from an eBay dealer in the USA, but I can't find the details. It only cost something like $20, so I thought it was worth the risk. I'll keep looking for details. I think it was someone with thousands of sales of remote fobs for all sorts of cars. He had a real website and everything... :)
Re: Is programming a REMOTE START fob different than a standard fob?
Unfortunately this picture is not available anymore. Could you please upload it again? Thanks
Re: Is programming a REMOTE START fob different than a standard fob?
The four-button fob you got may need a different procedure, especially if it's linked to the factory remote start system. It sounds like the standard procedure
Usually, new fobs from the dealer come with batteries installed, so that’s likely fine. As for programming, you might need to check if there's a specific sequence for the remote start version. Some systems require the car to be in a specific mode, or a special "programming" button to be pressed. It’s worth looking for any detailed instructions that specifically mention remote start fobs, or you might want to call up a Mazda dealer to get the exact steps.