Correct. You should get 2 keys and 2 remotes with your new car. Then you can use those to program the new flip key.
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Hey FlipDaddy, im all the way up north in Sudbury but I want to get a flip key. I'm trying to decide how though...
- What are the actual prices (without the tm3 discount) if I were to order it from any Mazda dealer? Do I need to quote the part numbers?
- I'm trying to arrange for someone in TO to pick up the key & remote. If that works out, how much would it cost to get the key & remote from you? (I'm assuming I can get the key cut here in sudbury from any key cutting place, right?)
question: if the key is cut, but unprogrammed, would it still be able to open the doors?
The regular price would be $96.41 taxes in without the TM3 discount. I highly doubt that your local dealer will know the proper part numbers required to do the mod.
If you can get someone to pick up the key it will cost you $77.13 taxes in. I can cut a dummy blank for you.
@ taiwan~it comes standard for the flip key~! :)
Oh for those buying the flipkey off of ebay be cautious. I cut a key for someone and the key would not program. Not all the flip key parts are the same for all Mazda's. The flip key for the 06 MPV cannot be programmed to work with our 3's.
Thanks alot Joe for the flipkey, I'm loving it :chuckle.
Too bad the trunk function doesnt work. But hey, nothing is perfect :)
is there one for me in stock??
BTW: It's the car that gets programmed, not the key (or the remote). The codes in the remotes and keys are fixed. The dance you have to do with keys, the door, and the ignition is convice your car that the key or remote is legit.
Does the trunk only work for the Sedans? I assume theres only this version where the key flips to the left side. Are there any that flip to the right side?
It can not be flipped. I asked Joe @ MOT.
Its a right-handed world. No love for us left-handed people.
I want a angel blade key that shoots straight out!
Any change these will come or more or less out of luck now / wait for the 09's?
Cut it at the dealer free of charge and programmed my key myself and works like a charm. Thanks Flip! Took me few tries to program it. Few things to point out, is that you can have a max of 3 keys, but you can program only 2 sets by using 3 sets of keys. Also the steps have to be prformed quick and precise.
well, the key does fit into the right side of the steering column so you'll have to be holding the key in your right hand anyways.. I suppose that's the main reason the key only flips out the one way.
this weekend, I got a flip key, the recomended part #s from this thread, for my new mazda3 (about 1m old, so, assuming an 8.5, but I could look if anyone wants to know). They key works great, programing was a breeze. The remote, however, not so much. I know i've got the car in the programing mode, as i'm able to get response from my other remotes, but it dosn't respond at all to the flip remote, and of course, after exiting the programing mode, dosn't work.
Perhaps some change in the 8 or 8.5? Anyone have any luck programing the remote pictured with a very recent model? I do get a light on the remote with button presses, so, fairly sure it's not a battery issue. Could be a bad remote, but i'd have no way of determining that without getting another one, which I'm understandably reluctant to do without ensuring there hasn't been some kind of compatability change.