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umm, yeah hi.
Huh...? :pop
I found TM3 on Google
Majic is an old friend of mine and he referred me
dude.. it's majic with a small 'em' ;)
I have to agree. majic has a small "m."
ok that's another thing that bothers me.. why is it a rule in the english language to put the period INSIDE the quote? it's retarded IMO
He said, "Fang sucks."
but then take this
He said, "Hello, how are you?"
now that makes more sense but still there should be a period after ?".
ah.. **** DA proper grammer 'n sh!t j00 asbastids
Referred by meeting a bunch of you last summer in Ottawa
Referred by Brecker and the forum mazda3forums.com
Found this link strolling through YouTube... hahaha......
hey ya
shake it.. shake it like a polaroid picture..
shake and bake
RFD referred me when we were discussing the poor gas mileage on the M3 Sport GT.
by google
Broli,3GFX & Bubba :)
Via Mazda3Forums.com
When i was ordering a ATX filter at Burl Mazda CoolColombian Pulled into the service bay. I started talking to him about some of his mods. Through our conversation he recommended checking tm3 out as well as some of the local meets (unfortunately havent been able to get out to an oakville meet, not looking soo good for the bbq either).
Link from the Mazda 3 site.... whoohooo~
Saw a sticker on a Mazda3
Refered by a member...
believe it or not; i actually saw a sticker on a white mazda 3 in the parking lot outside Future Shop on Warden/7.
more amazingly, i actually remembered the name of the forums when i got home.
I was just looking for different places that sold part for the car in toronto and it popped up :)
Bumped into Vlad when I parked my MS3 at a plaza in vaughn. Told me about this site.
came across while searching for HIDs
Saw sticker in FLipdady's car in Mazda Dealer
I forgot
The Mazda Canada site
Google. (but I don't remember the search terms, since it was a few months ago now)
through mazda3forums.com....
i was asking about cat back exausts on mazdaforum.com,
and cyberscorpi0 sent me a link for autoexe's classified ad, and since you have to be a member to view the ad's, i made an account, and here i am now :P
a friend introduced me to this site .....
i think i might have searched for it......
usually i was on the mazda3forums........but that was too US and not locally ....
it was more universal.......and although i had alot of fun on that site i wanted to be able to meet more locals so buying and selling or meeting up will be easier.
plus i wanted to ask questions and find out more about my car and about services out there.....
or just great deals!
I was in the mazda3forum but found a local 3 club, than i joined.