Replying to Topic \'filp-key for mazda 3\'
Originally posted by FLIPSPEED
Talked to my techs and they\'re saying that the 6 remote will work as well but I didn\'t get to try it for myself.
Anyone want to be the guniea pig?
do we have to buy it or just come on in?? I will come in to be the guinea pig.. if it works I\'ll buy it on the spot.. :D
Replying to Topic \'filp-key for mazda 3\'
I\'ll be there first thing in the morning Flip. I want to test it and if it works fine, if not I\'ll order the RX8. See you tomorrow.
Replying to Topic \'filp-key for mazda 3\'
Replying to Topic \'filp-key for mazda 3\'
Here is the flip key and remote:
The remote and key a separate in the pic:
Replying to Topic \'filp-key for mazda 3\'
Wohoo !!!! It works!!! Thank you so much Flipspeed for the briliant idea that saved me quite a few bucks and thank you Jeff for the zoom-zoom sticker.:) It was really nice to see you guys today. OK to cut to the chase I\'ve tried the Mazda 6 remote provided by Flipspeed and following the same procedure described earlier in the thread I programmed the third remote in a matter of minutes. Go for it guys, it works it looks very cool and now it\'s cheap (again thanks to Flipspeed :D ).
Replying to Topic \'filp-key for mazda 3\'
Great news!
So here\'s the breakdown for the flip key and remote:
Flip key: $39.26
Remote: $26.82
TM3 price and taxes in $76.00.
Thanks SpeedyG for being the test subject.;)
Replying to Topic \'filp-key for mazda 3\'
Thats so cheap!!!
Now I want one!! Group Buy! Group Buy!
Replying to Topic \'filp-key for mazda 3\'
I got there too late!! speedyG beat me to it.. bastard.. :D j/k.. that\'s awesome.. I already placed my order with joe..
I also bumped into jobes.. nice guy to talk to.. met him at the meet and he was one of the 50 people I asked about their tints.. :p
talked to joe.. always a pleasure.. his son was fun to watch as he answered the phone \"Mazda of Toronto\".. :p
and finally met jeff!! super friendly guy and thanks so much for the zoom-zoom sticker.. I\'m so excited I don\'t know where to put it.. :)
damn, I think I just did some thread-crapping.. :p
Replying to Topic \'filp-key for mazda 3\'
Originally posted by FLIPSPEED
Great news!
So here\'s the breakdown for the flip key and remote:
Flip key: $39.26
Remote: $26.82
TM3 price and taxes in $76.00.
Thanks SpeedyG for being the test subject.;)
Now that it\'s not $200 anymore...I want one!
Replying to Topic \'filp-key for mazda 3\'
^^ +1 I\'m glad I didn\'t do this way back when... patience is always rewarded! haha sounds like a chinese proverb
Replying to Topic \'filp-key for mazda 3\'
i ordered one too XD can\'t wait for it to come in :)
Replying to Topic \'filp-key for mazda 3\'
Hey Joe, do I have to come in an make a prepaid order on the flip key + remote? Or can you order it before hand and I\'ll pay when I pickup?
If it\'s the former then expect to see me Monday morning ;)
Replying to Topic \'filp-key for mazda 3\'
pretty expensive just to make a key flip don\'t u think???
Replying to Topic \'filp-key for mazda 3\'
Originally posted by autoexe
Originally posted by FLIPSPEED
Great news!
So here\'s the breakdown for the flip key and remote:
Flip key: $39.26
Remote: $26.82
TM3 price and taxes in $76.00.
Thanks SpeedyG for being the test subject.;)
Now that it\'s not $200 anymore...I want one!
+1 definatley count me in as well
Replying to Topic \'filp-key for mazda 3\'
Go for it guys, at 76 bucks it\'s a must have :D ... On a side note the new remote has a thin red LED between the lock and unlock buttons so you\'ll know when to replace the battery ;) Sorry for being earlier than you ds2chan but I couldn\'t stop thinking about this key since Wednesday when Flipspeed said the Mazda 6 remote might work... I was painting my callipers on Friday night till 3 AM but still I managed to wake up and go to MOT at around 10 :) Once again Flipspeed is the man...:D :D :D
Replying to Topic \'filp-key for mazda 3\'
I saw Speedy G when I was picking up my paint pen. I got to see the new flip key in person. It\'s not bad for the price!! Slightly bigger than the VW/Audi key I was used to... but man for under 100 bucks that is a steal!!
Speedy G was so excited about the key.
Nice seeing you again ds2chan.
Replying to Topic \'filp-key for mazda 3\'
WOOT THE REMOTE WORKS!! XD can\'t wait till the key comes in :p
Replying to Topic \'filp-key for mazda 3\'
hey joe, did my remote and key come in yet?? is it ready for pickup?? :)
Replying to Topic \'filp-key for mazda 3\'
Originally posted by ds2chan
hey joe, did my remote and key come in yet?? is it ready for pickup?? :)
Yup it\'s here man.
Hey was that you at Shoppers Drug Mart at Thornhill Square Saturday?
Replying to Topic \'filp-key for mazda 3\'
Originally posted by FLIPSPEED
Originally posted by ds2chan
hey joe, did my remote and key come in yet?? is it ready for pickup?? :)
Yup it\'s here man.
Hey was that you at Shoppers Drug Mart at Thornhill Square Saturday?
awesome.. I\'ll be in tomorrow morning before work.. :)
if u\'r talking about the SDM just east of Bayview and Steeles, then yes.. was at that fancy greek restaurant for my gf\'s co-worker\'s bday dinner.. man, there were like 4 mazda3s there.. were u in the area also??
Replying to Topic \'filp-key for mazda 3\'
Originally posted by ds2chan
Originally posted by FLIPSPEED
Originally posted by ds2chan
hey joe, did my remote and key come in yet?? is it ready for pickup?? :)
Yup it\'s here man.
Hey was that you at Shoppers Drug Mart at Thornhill Square Saturday?
awesome.. I\'ll be in tomorrow morning before work.. :)
if u\'r talking about the SDM just east of Bayview and Steeles, then yes.. was at that fancy greek restaurant for my gf\'s co-worker\'s bday dinner.. man, there were like 4 mazda3s there.. were u in the area also??
Replying to Topic \'filp-key for mazda 3\'
Originally posted by Shat2
Originally posted by ds2chan
awesome.. I\'ll be in tomorrow morning before work.. :)
if u\'r talking about the SDM just east of Bayview and Steeles, then yes.. was at that fancy greek restaurant for my gf\'s co-worker\'s bday dinner.. man, there were like 4 mazda3s there.. were u in the area also??
patience is a virtue young grasshopper.. :D we can have a programming meet tomorrow morning.. :p
besides, I had to wait since speedyg stole my remote and key on saturday morning since I was meeting up with psivic.. so I blame him.. :p
Replying to Topic \'filp-key for mazda 3\'
lol programming the remote was similar to one of those old tomb raider cheats, u know like jump forward jump back spin twice and shoot or somthing XD. I would love a programming meet thingy, lol sadly i have school in the morn so i have to pick it up after lunch
Replying to Topic \'filp-key for mazda 3\'
I\'m gonna drop by tomorrow morning before work to order by key, do I have to bring the key code with my to get the key cut?
Replying to Topic \'filp-key for mazda 3\'
how do we go about ordering one of these things? i want :(