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hi to all. Discovered this site in 2005 when I began research for a new vehicle. Read the standard magazine and newspaper articles. I Lurked on many manufacturer/owner sites. Checked the government recall site as well. Most impressed with the mazda forum users and their infom. I found their criticisms of the mazda to be reasonable and their responses to various dealership issues logical. By the way I wound up with Leased a 2005 mazda3 sport Gt in titanium gray. It is now time to return it to it's rightful owners and get a new one. Looking at the same model and looking forward to look rearward at the "smile", although it would appear that some are not happy with the new style. Ah well, all esthetics are very personal. A thanks to all the contributors as they not only helped me affirm my original decision, but have made me comfortable in moving forward. Again I thank you all.
I found my civic si site through google so i just searched mazda 3 canada and it forwarded me here, iam also on mazda3forums which is mostly U.S based but I find its too crowded and boring on that site, this local forum is much better suited for me
pure luck for me. i was driven last spring(april) with my 3 to tims aka the winter la paloma meet for a coffee and found 7-8 mazda's parked in the lot with guys standing at the lot and eyeing me down when i came in and drove throught the drive through. i went home and google toronto mazda3 meets and found this site.
its been love ever since LOL
Googled Mazda 3 reviews - Very glad I did. This Forum is AWESOME!
stumbled on this site only by chance. Sure glad I did.
google, researching on canadian mazda owners
The all-mighty google has lead me to this forum! LOTS of great info here! Glad to be on board :)
just searched for a near by mazda group, used to belong to and always got great tips and tricks for the vic, so Joining a 3 group was a sure thing for me
One of the best and more updated Mazda3 site :bana
gabbygenier referred me.
searching for tail lights, and you guys showed up
a friend/member "sammifan"
Just bought an 05 3 GS...looking to see what mods make sense and look good.
Referred by a client! this makes me realize how computer illiterate i am no how! i am sooo confused how to navigate this thing!
Ya the internet is a wonderful place isn't it?
All my friends referred me to come here and I regret I did not come sooner, lol.
cant rmb, but im glad i found it! :bana
Heard about this site from other users on TOP
Stumbled across the site while researching cars, and signed up a few days after i bought it lol
I did a google search about modifying my car, found someone's post on Yahoo! Answers with a link to this site. Read around, and then finally signed up.
Google ftw :)