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Googled "White Mazda 3 hatch", to find background images... since I don't own one at the moment and am constantly on the lookout ( / kijiji) for one.
for me it was a 3 strikes situation. i have an autobody friend helping me in my search so we looked up:
1. premature rusting issues - led here
2. the dealership i ended up buying from (downsview auto) - led here
i picked up my 2006 GT sedan (titanium i think) yesterday and i was wondering
3. is this REALLY and oem remote!? - led here
i look forward to finding out all sorts of info regarding ownership of this car, and this forum looks way informative :)
Just hit a 100 posts, can anyone tell me at what post count to you change from a Noobie to the next category?:gone
I was looking on the internet (google) for a Mazda 3 lip kit and it led to here.
Glad I found it!
I'm pretty sure it was an Internet Search... Ahhh the Internet... what did people do at work before it came along??
Google search for 'mazda', 'forum' and 'toronto'.
Friend that has been a member for a while kept telling me to join.... Finally did a couple days ago. Glad I did it and think I was :loco for not doing it before.
Links off of Ottawa Mazda Club... originally own an RX8 and for the 3 for winter! :)
Referred by Kenyork
Recomended by Klingon.
on the interweb super highway.
great forum, glad i joined.
Pulled up beside a white hatch modded out one day on Highway 7. asked him where he got all his suff. saw his license plate and he told me bout the site! been creepin ever since :headbang
I'm glad I found this site! Look forward to coming to a local meet sometime soon!
Complete electrical breakdown two days ago on my Mazda 3......desperate google search brought me here!!!!!! My 'expert' can't seem to figure out what the heck is going on. The closest dealership is 40 minutes away and its FRIDAY!
TM3 referenced in a article on used Mazda 3's!
Some friends