googled mazda 3 chassis code...
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googled mazda 3 chassis code...
I was researching some warranty/recall information for my new Speed3 and a few of the forum pages showed up on the results page. Now my favorite Mazda resource!
Googled while doing research before buying my 3.
This site helped me make up my mind..Great advice here
was down in niagra falls one weekend and saw a few 3.s with the plate covers and i swear to you i was on the internet for a week trying to figure out what site it was. mind you i could only see the tm3 logo and not the wedsite on the top part of the plate
Google aswell
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Fall of 09' i went to get my windows tinted on my my first gen2. I left it at the place and got some lunch with my buddy @seb_dz. When we got back i found this guy hovering over my car. He had a purple gen1 which was beside mine getting detailed. We talked mods etc. He then told me about TM3 and how everyone met at plaza del sol on thursday nights and told me to come out one night. That night i got my account but i didn't really use it so i guess it got deleted. Ive only been active since i got my new gen2 and i cant think if why the hell i wasn't as activ on here as i am now. Would have made my life with that car a lot easier and more fun too. Mods on first gen2 : 20% tints all around, 8k HID heads, 35k fogs, 17" MSR 044 matte black, styled front fascia, carbon wrapped interior. She was my first true love :(
Google for me, I would search up certain how to's and I would always end up on Toronto Mazda 3.
searching for reviews and the 2014 mazda 3 infotainment system.
Got a 2010 and had some questions about wheels. Ended up buying some from another user on here.
Heard about Loki. Had to come see what the fuss was.
Went to Ertefa and at the time i was in the market for my 3. I has asked where all the Mazda3's were, a friend said to check out the site to see what ya'll were up too.
I forgot about it when i got my car cause i had just started my first year of university (Got it like the 2nd week of school).
A couple months after my friend asked me if i ever made an account on here and i remembered and then came on and made an account :D
Somewhere here in Mississauga I saw either a plate frame or a sticker (can't really remember lol) and figured I'd check it out since I'm the proud owner of a Mazda3 as well :D
get here occasionally from other forums..
I found a great DIY paint repair write up from a Google search and lead to this legit forum
Googled Mazda Forums when I got my speed3 :p
Honestly Google'd Mazda 3 Mods, scrolled through the websites and seen haha, had to click :D
Instagram :)
Googling Mazda aftermarket rims.
Trying to find a new hood and bumper after I drove her Into a truck:/
Looking for modding ideas via Google
Stumbled upon this site while looking up decal placement on Google.
Ran into a guy with a white gen2 sedan, low, with rims and some purging exhaust, at a parking lot in Brampton near the 400 about to embark on a road trip. He saw mine, I saw his. We proceeded to stop in the roadway and hold up a rather antsy looking guy in a BMW who must've really needed that convenience store. Back on topic we talked mods for a few short minutes and he asked if I was on here, that was about a month or so ago, and we'll, I am now!
buddies on my hockey team all drive 3s... conversations naturally turned towards "oh you're on tm3? yea! me too!...etc. etc." lol
Researched on rust before I got the car :P
Reasearching first mods for my speed and didnt see too much bashing of members so joined up been good ever since made some new friends learned a ton bout my first speed
TM3 showed up in search engines while I was researching buying a Mazda 3.
I found this site by researching strut/shock replacement for my 07 Mazda3.
I came across TM3 when I was looking up stuff about Mazda3's since I had no clue whether they are reliable cars, easy to find parts, and what not... I'm a total noob with Mazda.. glad I am part of TM3.. Learning from most of the posts here.. :blush
A few people over on RFD mentioned this forum so I checked it out
In researching the new 3 I found this site through google.
found this site while researching how to change my cabin air filters
google ! aha researched on the car and brought me here =D