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Welcome and enjoy your stay.
Please take a moment to mention what brought you here.
Link from the mazda 3 forum.
saw a sticker on whodilly's car . . . now u guyz cant get rid of me!
Found the site via Google....
Was later accosted by some weird looking guy in an Orange Hatch... he mumbled something incoherent that sounded like Broli before slapping me with a TM3 sticker.
sounds about right!
sure sure
admit it
u love me!
I will not!
96 views and only 23 votes... come on people... one extra click.. think of it as cardio.
it seems you are the one who really wants the lapdance . . .
i suggest u try crawling up cardi's lap . . . errr wait, reverse it . . .
thats - a - nice
no thanks... unless Broli looks like his avatar... i'll pass :)
if i looked like my avatar, i would be given my self lapdances at home!
I'm guessing this thread is for the new forum whereas my old thread here is no longer valid (from tm3.com days)?
can we merge them??
Wouldn't think polls can be merged. Not gonna bother. :p
Wow... you write something ... not even directly mentoining Broli's name.... and wammmmmo! his post count goes up 6 posts.... You know I love ya man... but you dont need to reply to this one :) lol
I found this place from a friend whos brother has a MZ3 and knows about the site... He has been a lurker here for like +1 year...
Found it on Mazda's website under links of interest.
was searching for porn one day but stumbled apon this instead...
Just sent Mazda Canada an email to update the website with the new sites address. Hopefully they will update it ASAP
Mazda.ca now has the new website address posted under links of interest...if anyone cares to know
Prima Mazda
thanks Dennis.
There is a facebook group named torontomazda3.ca - that referred me.
So I guess if 2 of the 46 votes saw stickers on cars... the stickers are just for us to know if we've spotted a fellow member or not...
I'm sure those who've seen the decals and decided to visit here just aren't speaking up. :)
Pure luck I guess. I was looking for a local Mazda forum and my cat jumped on my desk and hit my mouse. I showed up to the main page for this web site. I even hit back to see what link was clicked and I couldn't find it.
I stumbled across a link on the Mazda3Forum
saw vlad up in wasaga he had the orange car there so i went to ask him wat springs he was on
Met a few of you at MOM 06, and also heard about it from a few guys on the Ottawa board.