Hi guys i have a 2006 mazda 3 Touring Edition with 160k clicks. My car is very sluggish, but here is the thing its moody it does when it wants to and other times it drives perfectly fine like the day i bought. Sometimes it starts randomly when i am driving, or right when the start the car. It doesnt matter on the weather conditions.
It has been eating more gas than usual too. When its in its bad mood i have to hit harder it to get it moving(gets loud, sound horrible), other times i hit it lightly and it goes!

From what i can remember it started in august
-Oil Levels are good(oil Change in the next week or so)
-air filter is new
-MAF is clean (just did it a month ago)
-drove better for a week i guess)
-brand new spark-plugs NGK brand (replaced less than 3 weeks ago)
- Something along the exhaust is about to go or is gone, sometimes you can hear it under you when you have your foot on the break, it rumbles but most times you don't hear it. Sometimes with a cold engine it the car rattles more.

I took it to the mechanic he couldnt find any, he said my catalytic converter and exhaust were in bad shape. then he stuck it to the computer and everything was fine except the lamda sensor reading was very low and only when up to yellow line when you hit the gas.

SO guys and girls please help its very annoying, i love my mazda or only do when its not moody.

any solutions or help ?