So a couple weeks ago the little bulb that lights up your gear shift (I have a 2006):

went out. There's a little bulb that looks like this:

with a red film over it that isn't working. I've searched everywhere and couldn't find anything useful about it; the only thing I could find about it was somebody on this forum that was doing color mods and they thought that it might be a size 34 bulb. I doubt this thing has its own fuse (couldn't find anything about it in the owners manual) and everything else is working so I doubt it's that. I found another thread where someone said the part # was G21D46215 but when I search it all I get is Russian sites. So if anybody knows anything about this or what the bulb size might be and where I can find one (couldn't find any bulb sizes in the 30's to try them at my local car parts place) it would be much appreciated.