I was taking apart several hatch area trim pieces this afternoon in preparation for finally wiring the reverse camera I've had installed but non functional for like a year in my 07.

I was feeling around the spare tire and noticed the carpet beneath it seemed a tad soggy. I unbolted the tire and got it out of the way and sure enough the whole carpet was holding a fair bit of water. I left it all loose in the hopes that it'll dry in the next few days.

Is this a bad sign of leaking from somewhere and, if so, any advice on identifying the leaky spot?

As an aside, could I hook the ground wire of my reverse cam into that single finger-tight bolt that holds the spare tire down? I don't have much cord to play with so I'm thinking that might work?

Thanks all! I'll post a link to a photo of the wet carpet in a follow-up message in case that's at all helpful.