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Thread: Terms of Service

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    Exclamation Terms of Service

    Posting Rules:

    1.The is a NON-profit site. Any money collected from the members through donations or from Sponsors goes into the operation of this site. The people that take care of this site and/or club volunteer to do so just like you do when you join us here. Please keep this in mind.

    2. Be respectful to all posters. This includes the berating of the Moderators or Adminstrators. You may disagree with people and criticize their posts but stay away from comments that would be deemed as personal attacks, obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, racial, religious or otherwise violative of any laws. If your comments go too far a Moderator will warn you the first time. The second time will result in your account being suspended for one week. A third infraction will result in your account being suspended. Once banned, if you insist on coming back under another handle your IP address will be blocked and if necessary your IP will be reported to your Internet Service Provider.

    3. Multiple handles are strictly forbidden. Any member caught with a multiple handle will be warned by a Moderator the first time and the duplicate handle deleted. Subsequent offences will result in a permanent ban from this forum/site.

    4. Moderators have the right to edit, delete or move posts at will. A justification will be provided with the name of the moderator who initiated the action.

    5. Pornography will NOT be permitted on in any form. The Moderators reserve the right to judge if your image is pornographic. Most people view this site from work and as such should judge whether or not their images can be viewed in a typical office environment. At times you will notice a “NSFW” tag in some threads. These are warnings that a particular thread may have content that is “debatable” for a work environment. At no time can the NSFW tag be used to disguise pornographic content. Posting of pornographic images can result in suspension or banning of your account immediately and permanently.

    6. Images posted on this forum must be uploaded to a free hosting site such as imageshack,, photobucket or any other reliable site that allows 'hot linking' (embedding images on a different site [eg. here] without having to visit the hosting site directly). Such images must have a maximum width of 800 pixels. With the 17" and 19" LCDs being mainstream and optimum monitor resolution set at 1024x768 pixels, the post including the image and the user's profile with the avatar fits nicely on the screen without having to scroll sideways.

    7. Spaming other members via the private message system is not permitted. Blatant spaming of the board is not permitted. This also includes posting that the moderators would deem as "post whoring" or "cross posting."

    8. Small amounts of swearing are generally permitted, but it must be kept to a reasonable level and it should never be directed at another member with malicious intent. This "reasonable level" is left purely to the discretion of the Moderators.

    9. is NOT a public site. Access to this site is via registration and issues regarding the right to free speech do not exist on private sites. Every poster has the right to post their opinions and unfortunately sometimes the right to this speech may cross the line. The Moderators will weigh these rights and in some cases may choose to censor topics.

    10. Posting of another members personal or private information on the open board is prohibited unless invited to do so by that member.

    11. Although the Administrators and Moderators of will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and neither the owners of this site, the TorontoMazda 3 Club, Mazda Canada, the Internet Service Provider nor VBulletin (forum software developer) will be held responsible for the content of any message.

    12. Should a user have any problems or issues regarding any subject on the forum or the acts of any other user, they are encouraged to contact one of the Administrators or Moderators who will attend to the matter.

    13. Discussions about illegal downloading or use of illegal software will be removed.

    Profile, Avatar, Signature and Account Information

    1. Please fill out your account profile as accurately as possible including your general location as it gives the staff here a better understanding of the sites reach as well as enable others to point you in the right direction with respect to finding products.

    2. NSFW (not suitable for work) images are not permitted in signatures or avatars. Avators and signitures deemed offensive by the Admin/Moderators will be removed and the user will be warned. Two strikes and your account will be suspended indefinitely.

    3. Avatar maximum size is 150x150 pixels.

    4. Signature maximum size is 600W x 150H pixels. You may use any combination of text and graphics as long as you do not exceed those dimensions. For your convenience, the blue rectangle below indicates the maximum size your signature can be. Use it as a guideline. Please note that lines of text refer to displayed lines on an average browser window size of about 800 pixels wide, not number of sentences or how they are typed in. Signature images must be in png, or jpg format and must be of data size reasonable for their pixel count. Oversize or inappropriate signatures will be erased and a PM will be sent to the member.

    5. Where applicable profile and signature information must conform to our commercial poster policies.

    6. All members must have their Private Message function turned on at all times as it may become necessary for a moderator to speak to you privately.
    Last edited by cwp_sedan; 09-21-2011 at 01:38 AM. Reason: updated

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