ever since I bought my car, I've had ac issues. worked for 2 years, Mazda 'repaired' it, then 2 more years go by, Mazda 'repaired' it, stopped working, warranty ran out. took it to my local shop .. replaced a bunch of stuff $1300 .. works for a bit .. then again, no cold air. this past week .. on the highway .. ambient air .. come to a stop .. air gets cold. turn car off .. come back to it for a bit .. cold air for a few mins .. then ambient air .. mechanic always has to top off VERY little freon .. was lasting for about a month at a time between top ups .. but just had last top up 24hrs ago .. and cold is off and on. I am in in Toronto/scarborough .. was wondering if there is a AC car specialist you would recommend? or a Mazda repair shop? .. not dealership .. thank you!