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Thread: Wheel/Tire FAQ - update

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    Sr Member majic's Avatar
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    Default Wheel/Tire FAQ - update

    i found this while browsing around:

    snow tire FAQ. it\'s pretty comprehensive and it has fairly updated tires and some tests

    tirerack also has some good info about winter tires so go check those places out

    EDIT1: maybe mods could sticky this? but let\'s not have a dicussion here on what tire you got or which one is better. this has been covered a few times in various topics, let\'s keep it to just \"winter tire tech\"

    EDIT2: i just stumbled upon this link. it is the most comprehensive 1 stop shop about wheels/tires so NOBODY should be asking any more questions including Tire Size Calculator on page 2.

    and yes i read it.. so should you..

    Moderator edit: Thanks to Hyperion for finding this - check this out if you want to see what new tire and wheel specification changes will look like.
    Last edited by Aitch; 11-07-2012 at 07:30 AM.

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