SUMMER has finally sprung and it is now time to bring out the La Paloma meets. As some of you know, every Wed. starting May 1st we will have a meet at an ice cream shop called 'La Paloma'. It is Italian ice cream at it's finest. It is in the heart of Woodbridge (Vaughan) near. Weston & Hwy. 7. Located about 1/2km west of the exit ramp of Hwy 400 & 7. We've had up to 40 cars once. TOP, TM6, and 35 Militia also join us and they have a strong representation. I am not 100% percent internet savvy so if any kind member would like to post a map, that would be fine. I want to see every single noob and also all the regulars from the past. LOL! Now if there is torrential downpour we would move the meet to the winter Wed. meets at the Tims near Colossus. Show up rain or shine though!

I just want to mention something for any newcomers. When we meet in the parking lot, we usually conduct ourselves in a respectful manner. None of us, rip it in and out of parking lots. It attracts to much attention and Woodbridge doesn't need any more of it. LOL! We haven't had any problems in the past, but I just want to mention this. Thanks!

See ya @ 7:30 pm - La Paloma - June 8th

1. Phil