Hey guys this is my first time posting a thread so bear with me, thanks!
So I've been seeing a lot of threads about plasti-dipping, advise and how to's and stuff like that. So I thought I'd share mine
[Excuse the dirty car, she's in need of a wash]
My Mazda symbol plasti dipped red
My Mazda "M" Symbol plasti dipped red
And my Axela symbol plasti dipped red
The Axela symbol was fairly easy, I just laid it out on a piece of cardboard and gave it 2-3 coats evenly.
Then slapped the sucker on the car (With many measurements actually, because I dont want to be one of those guys with the sideways Axela lol)
The parts on the car were much harder though, i used painters tape and garbage bags.
Looked like this for the front, since I didnt want to get any plasti dip into any cracks or the grill.
For the rear, just rip a hole big enough for the emblem, put the emblem in the hole so you can see it and tape it up. Its fairly easy to peel off plasti dip if you get it wrong.
Now weather proof I see is a big concern.
I bought my plasti dip from NEXTMOD about 5months ago, and it hasnt changed one bit.
you can press and rub on the emblem and it wont come off unless you scratch to the surface and peel from there.
Hope this helps!