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Thread: AutoStart AS-1755 remote problems.

  1. #1
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    Default AutoStart AS-1755 remote problems.

    Hopefully someone here can help. I have a used 2008.5 Mazda 3 with a Autostart AS-1755, dealer installed when car bought new.
    Only one of the 2 remotes work now. I actually do not care about the remote start as the car is keep in a garage.
    Just want a second working keyless entry remote.
    I tried to reprogram the non working AutoStart (non Mazda) remote just in case it lost the programming after the battery was replaced by previous owner.
    Remote appears to be alive (LED lights) but car will NOT go into programming mode by flashing the hood switch as described on the AutoStart web site.
    AutoStart by the way will not reply to any emails for support. (good thing to know if you were actually shopping for a remote start).
    So I ordered of Ebay from the USA a used factory OEM remote. The car does go into the factory remote programming mode BUT the remote from the USA does NOTHING.
    Now the sellers do say you need to get the same FCC number as on your remote but in this case I do not have an original OEM Mazda remote so it is different.
    There is always the possibility the remote from the USA is bad.
    One question I have is, does installing an after market remote start disable and replace the factory keyless entry remote electronics ?
    Another question, is the USA and Canada FCC numbers different so a USA remotes will not work ?
    One option would be to get the AutoStart AS-1755 uninstalled and get 2 factory remotes but seems like overkill and expensive.
    I would settle for a working second AutoStart remote or a working (no remote start) OEM Mazda remote.
    Any input at all to any of these questions would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: AutoStart AS-1755 remote problems.

    the way the remote starter works is, theres a bypass module for your cars factory alarm that is installed when doing the remote starter, what that does is, it takes the key codes from the keys (during programming of the bypass module) and tricks the ignition into thinking the key is in the ignition and starts the car without the alarm going off, your remote started is hooked up to the power, ign, acc, start, wires. your remote stater taps into your door lock wires allowing the remote to unlock and lock the doors, so it does not replace or disable the factory door locks, its simply just like adding an extra keyless entry fob. look at your hood pin, check for any rust around the wire connector (where it connects to the hood pin) it might not be making a good enough contact, therefor the remote starter thinks the hood is always closed and will not let you get the fob into the programming mode. if you can remote start the car with the hood up, change the wire connector to the hood pin and go from there. sometimes they can be trickey and may need a couple remotes until one works, i installed these when i was doing car audio and sometimes i would have to go find another remote to get it to program.

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    Default Re: AutoStart AS-1755 remote problems.

    Thank you for reply.
    Yes, the car did start with the AutoStart with the hood up so the hood switch is bad.
    A temp fix with a push button switch got the AutoStart to go into programming mode but the second remote would not program so I assume it is bad.
    I will try to get a good second AutoStart remote or a good OEM remote. I guess buying one from the USA not a good idea. You would think that if the original remotes should still work as you suggest they would be included with the car when new.
    Thanks again.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: AutoStart AS-1755 remote problems.

    AutoStart has so many part numbers with different frequencies and a lot of the same casings and similar part numbers. I try to check with people to make sure they are getting the right one.
    As for US vs Canadian models, most companies do use a different frequency
    Phone: 647-439-4485


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