The insulation on the inside is ripped and its spilling white crap all over my engine, need to get a new engine cover, any1 know of any carbon fiber ones or even another oem? shpanks
The insulation on the inside is ripped and its spilling white crap all over my engine, need to get a new engine cover, any1 know of any carbon fiber ones or even another oem? shpanks
Oh the riceeeeeeeee
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yes the rice, me no like rice in engine
rip out the insulation and clean everything up. end of problem, thats what i did. just wear a mask and do it outside. god knows what that white stuff is...cotton? fiberglass? i wouldnt take the change.
Last edited by silverstarmazda; 03-03-2013 at 12:21 AM.
50 shades of silver