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Thread: 2010 MPS 3 - P0172 - Leaky Injectors

  1. #1
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    Default 2010 MPS 3 - P0172 - Leaky Injectors

    Hi guys,

    New to the forum...actually just joined a second ago. From Halifax NS. Have a 2010 Mazdaspeed 3. Cp-e CAI only modification for about 2 years now. A little over a month ago, started getting CEL. About 2 years ago (right after the CAI was installed, and car serviced for the first time) dealer had adjusted idle speed), I noticed it was difficult to get the car started when warm and sitting for a little while. This has been going on since then. No changes in performance or drive-ability. Car pulls normal, no back-fire, no nothing. I never had the car re-tuned after the CAI installation, but I didn't think there was any need to do that.

    Anyways, since the CEL showed up, I've cleaned the MAF sensor, and cleared the code, but it kept coming back. Took it to the dealer for regular oil-change a few days ago, and asked them to investigate. They advised code was P0172 - System Too Rich. They also advised they ran some tests, and apparently the fuel pressure on the injectors is dropping significantly as the engine idles (and apparently, is supposed to be rising). They advised injectors are leaking, and need replacement. They did not specify which ones, but want to replace all 4. It will cost me $2,500 (with parts being 70% of the total). They also advised that the smell of gasoline can be noticed at the exhausts, which I can confirm. However, I seem to recall this was always the case ever since I got the car.

    Now, I can get the injectors at a third their quoted price elsewhere (USA), and I can replace them myself if need be, but I thought I'd check if anybody else might have had any issued with their injectors on the MPS 3?

    My speed has 48,000 km. I put maybe 5-6k km on it/year. It is parked underground from Nov 1 to May 1 each year, and I avoid driving it in the rain (unless I'm caught in it).

    Warranty has expired for this particular issue (80,000 km or 3 years), but it seems to be way too early for something like this to go wrong?

    Anybody had any similar issues?

    I am also wondering if the CP-e CAI might have something to do with it? I am almost to the point of putting the stock intake in there just to see if it changes anything.

    I would appreciate any of your feedback.

    Thanks and regards,

  2. #2
    Jr Member 5_Alive's Avatar
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    Default Re: 2010 MPS 3 - P0172 - Leaky Injectors

    I'd think its the high pressure fuel pump.
    Also.. warranty is 5/100k for powertrain..
    Is this not part of the powertrain?

    I'd have someone else take a look for you.
    Seems odd to have injectors go like that..
    From the South- Windsor
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  3. #3
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    Default Re: 2010 MPS 3 - P0172 - Leaky Injectors

    Injectors, along with MAF, spark plugs, variable valve timing actuators, air pumps, etc all fall under the Emission Control Warranty for some's at 36 months/80,000 km.

    I agree...seems really odd injectors would go that fast.

    Thanks for your reply.

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    Default Re: 2010 MPS 3 - P0172 - Leaky Injectors

    Could be injector seals that are leaking too, but won't know unless you take the intake manifold off.
    Quote Originally Posted by Peter View Post
    There's room it's just really tight I had the same issue play with it a little and it will work
    Quote Originally Posted by horto View Post
    that's what she said...

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    Moderator loki's Avatar
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    Default Re: 2010 MPS 3 - P0172 - Leaky Injectors

    Too bad you're all the way out east, lots of people here that could help you take a look at the seals

    funny how those warranties work....

  6. #6
    Jr Member 5_Alive's Avatar
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    Default Re: 2010 MPS 3 - P0172 - Leaky Injectors

    I thought emissions warranty was 8/128k?

    Yea that makes sense.. injector seals..
    Something seems really off and I would be very surprised if it was in fact faulty injectors.
    I mean.. all 4 to be bad?
    Come on.. seems way too unlikely.

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    Default Re: 2010 MPS 3 - P0172 - Leaky Injectors

    Yeah too bad....There's a few speeds around, but nothing major. Don't think there is any kind of a group...not that I'm aware of.

    Emissions warranty has two parts to it. 96 months/120k km is for specific parts (Catalytic Converter, Electronic Emissions Control Unit & Onboard Emissions Diagnostic Device). 36 months/80k km is for any other emission-related parts (injectors, spark-plugs, air pump, EGR, MAF, etc).

    Unlikely all 4 injectors and/or seals are faulty, but that's stealership for you.

    I'll have to dig into it come spring time. Thanks guys.

    By the way....if anybody needs access to any service manuals for any of the mazda vehicles from 1996 to can find them here:

    To view it, you will need to disable javascript in your browser first (not same as java). If you use firefox as your browser, you can install an add-on called NoScript. Once you have javascript disabled, you'll be able to view it. You can also copy the website structure to your hard-drive. I did it for my speed, and it's about 1 GB. I used a tool called HTTrack Website Copier. It's free to download and install. If you plan on doing this, you'll need to add .swf files and all image files (.gif, .jpeg, etc) once you configure your scanning options. Takes about 6-7 hours to copy all the manuals on a particular vehicle. When it's done, you'll have an index.html file on your hard-drive, which will have all the links/data as per the copied website.

    The manuals contain all the vehicle's mechanical/technical diagrams/specifications as well as troubleshooting procedures used to diagnose any issues by mazda dealers. Good thing to have.


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