Hey TM3 drivers!

This is not really much of an "Employment" but "Volunteering" in a Clinical Study!
You can compensate money at the end. It's worth the try!

Inflamax Research is looking for volunteers to participate in a new Birch Tree Allergy Study.

Inclusion Criteria:
- Males and Females
- 18-65 years old
- Allergic to Birch Tree Pollen(you will get a skin allergy testing *FREE*)
- Required allergy medication during the last Birch Tree Pollen Season

Total Compensation: $3,650

To learn more, call Inflamax Research @ 1-888-989-1808 or go to

Also available in Sudbury, ON

Referral Info:
By Internet;
When you are registering online on the section "How did you hear about us?", please kindly put "OTHER" and specify as Forum Site.

By Phone;
Please let them know that you are referred by "A staff member named Gerrick."

When you do get your appointment done, PM me and wear your TM3 sweater or something so I can identify you!
I'll do my best to accommodate you!

Please have a look! No harm in just giving it a thought! Spread the word to family members, friends, and or even co-workers!

Thanks everyone!