Hi guys, anyone here have like me CAI Simota Intake model CBII-658 for Mazda 3, 2.5l...
My car is exact : M3, no speed, Gs, 2010, 5 doors, 2.5l...
I just install my CAI april 2014, no problem no CEL.. but since few weeks... i have CEL light up ... someday CEL is ON, and some is OFF...
I try many things Clean MAF and TBody with CRC product... but still the same... i can go 5 days without CEL... but after that CEL back ON.. 2-3 days... and goes OFF... and again, and again..
So im asking you guys, if someone here have this type of product with this Simota Intake CBII-658... i love it... but since CEL flash ON/Off depend on wich day... it's turn me crazy...
Thanks for your time and help i really appreciate...