Noobster12 (02-26-2015)
Howdy and welcome! Let the modding begin!!!
Lmmorden (02-26-2015)
Noobster12 (02-26-2015)
There's tons of tutorial vids on YouTube of everything, but I still can't follow along if I don't even know what certain things are called lol But yes, the reason I joined the community is because I've seen how close the BCMazda3 community was and I'm hoping TM3 is just as friendly and helpful.
bestknightmare (02-27-2015),Noobster12 (02-27-2015)
@Nextmod usually puts front lips for our cars on sale soon so watch for that. They can help you do paint & install too but you can do it yourself easily. Even if not yourself lots of members help each other out and can help you learn to do things yourself or they will for you & such.