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Thread: Is there no way to change the audio source while driving?

  1. #1
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    Question Is there no way to change the audio source while driving?

    I'm still getting acquainted with my new 2018 Mazda 3 Sport GX, which replaced my totaled 2012.

    According to the manual, to change the audio source in Mazda Connect, you have to hit the music key. That's all dandy from the touch screen, when the vehicle is not in motion, but as we all know, in it's stock mode, the touch screen doesn't operate while moving.

    I tried the music key from the HMI commander, but that only brings the screen of the currently playing audio source, hitting it a second time or even holding it down never brings it to the source selection screen (that only seems to work from the touch screen). So, as it stands now, I have no way of changing the audio source while the car in moving.

    Is that really the intended design? I hope not, because... huge fail. I already find it quite odd that the volume key is just a mute, but there's no power button. I'm used to cars where you can turn off the radio. It's just a habit I have, especially when it's minus a gazillion degrees, to shut everything off before turning off the car to avoid electrical load upon the next cold start. Anyway, I digress...

    Is there any way to access the audio sources while driving, other than doing the whole firmware hack thingny?

  2. #2
    Member gabbygenier's Avatar
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    Default Re: Is there no way to change the audio source while driving?

    Hit the music button and then it'll be on the bottom left. I forget what icon is there but its the far left one of the list. Select it with the big knob in the center. Then your source list will show up.

    The center knob pressed acts as "enter"

    You can use the buttons and knob to navigate all the menus while the car is moving. some options like adding bluetooth and inputting a destination address are disabled while driving but most work
    2004 mazda 3 GT Sedan Indigo Blue.

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  4. #3
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    Default Re: Is there no way to change the audio source while driving?

    Quote Originally Posted by gabbygenier View Post
    Hit the music button and then it'll be on the bottom left. I forget what icon is there but its the far left one of the list. Select it with the big knob in the center. Then your source list will show up.

    The center knob pressed acts as "enter"

    You can use the buttons and knob to navigate all the menus while the car is moving. some options like adding bluetooth and inputting a destination address are disabled while driving but most work
    Thanks, I still don't see what you mean though
    I hit the music button on the HMI center console, and it only brings up the currently playing source (artist and title if BT, Station name if radio, etc) but I can't, for the life of me, see any way to go back to the source selction screen.

  5. #4
    Newbie squall458's Avatar
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    Default Re: Is there no way to change the audio source while driving?

    Click on the left most icon. It will bring up the audio source list.

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    Default Re: Is there no way to change the audio source while driving?

    Oh, man, I get it. I was so focused on using the actual music button (which IMO would be more logical) but yeah, so you can navigate to the music icon on the screen, and select it from the HMI commander. It works. Thanks for helping me out.

  7. #6
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    Default Re: Is there no way to change the audio source while driving?

    Quote Originally Posted by WHO View Post
    Oh, man, I get it. I was so focused on using the actual music button (which IMO would be more logical) but yeah, so you can navigate to the music icon on the screen, and select it from the HMI commander. It works. Thanks for helping me out.
    Playing with your knobs while driving
    This all leads to distracted driving....
    They only knob i play with when i drive is my shift
    Zoom Zoom drive safe !

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