Yes they do! Best warranty around!
Yes they do! Best warranty around!
Noisy Crow (01-31-2021)
Is this a 24f battery? only seeing an energizer AGM and this one on the website.![]()
it says "35" right on the side
2005 Mazda3 SP23 hatchback (auto)
2016 Mazda3 Sport GT (auto)
G ~ MINI (06-02-2021)
I will finally get my four 1/2 Lbs Lithium with 540 cranking amps installed in june.
I 'll report back and let you know how it works out ..
ya i was told that winter maybe an issue (got it used on kijiji for $150) ... but
The Shorai LFX CCA rating of this lithium is 1.5x compared to Lead Acid CCA ... due to higher voltage out and less resistance output.
So this little thing at 540 is actually a 800 cca reg battery. The little trick with lithium is to run the headlights for a minute to warm up the battery
before cranking it. As a fallback i always travel with a TacLife carjumper starter... This thing can boost 25 cars .
Call me for a boost
Stating a TM3 jump start club
Pay me with Poutine ..![]()
Last edited by G ~ MINI; 06-02-2021 at 05:42 PM.
That's good to know.
Btw, how much does it weigh? and what's the dims?
If you decide to got lighter and lithium
Make sure the lithium does come with a BMS (Battery management system) to
manage the battery but stopping charging when full and stopping battery from getting the threshold min voltage.
Both will damage the cells and reduce charging capacity and longevity and ability to recondition the battery.
These smaller batteries may have the CCA but their capacity may not be able to handle the new smart car parasitic drains
especially if you are not daily driving.