So about a year ago my '06 Mazda 3 Sport started a nasty habit. It's automatically locking on it's own. No pressing the fob, nothing. Just walk away from the vehicle and CLUNK, doors locked. I suppose that's funny until the day the keys are in it. We're so paranoid about that happening that we always take our keys when exiting the car. It does it with both fobs, leading me to believe it has nothing to do with the fobs.
Now it's not always consistent. Some times it doesn't happen. Some times we come out of the grocery store and open the hatch to load the car and CLUNK while we are standing at the back with the hatch open. Sometimes I can be 2 paces away from the car and it happens, sometimes it does it 1/2 hr. later.
I was loading the back of it the other day, unlocked, hatch open, keys laying on the workbench and BLAT BLAT BLAT, the alarm went off. I'm running around looking for the friggin' keys.
Any ideas how I can deal with this charming issue?