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Thread: 2012 skyactiv fuse 39 battery drain ~ 70ma

  1. #1
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    Question 2012 skyactiv fuse 39 battery drain ~ 70ma

    Hello everyone,

    just a quick question if anyone has seen it or has any input on this...

    Logs story short, my battery dies within a week - week and a half without driving. Finally 4 years later, i started looking into in and:
    1. Ended up putting a kill switch for my viper - alarm/remote starter so it wouldn't drain battery when the car is not in use, was sucking up around 40ma.
    2. Rulled out my kenwoon unit along with sub and amp
    3. rulled out hids etc etc etc...

    They only fuse that drains the battery now is 39 in fuse box under the hood and it is quite a bit - around 70ma. The fuse lid says TCU but the user manual says that for skyactiv there shouldn't be anything in that slot but for speed3 and other models - it is ECU (which is probably the same for skyactiv).

    Has anyone seen this before or if anyone know what is the sleep mode current supposed to be for this model?

    thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Jr Member
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    Default Re: 2012 skyactiv fuse 39 battery drain ~ 70ma

    I would consider that it's time for a battery change. A small car battery can have a capacity of roughly 40Ah, so at 70mA of drain, you'd completely kill a battery in 23 days, or 571 hours. Dying in a week speaks to a weak battery.

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    Default Re: 2012 skyactiv fuse 39 battery drain ~ 70ma

    Can you share how difficultit was to remove the car starter on your own? My car battery drains fast with new battery...and all I could think of is the aftermarket Compustar doing it...

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