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Thread: 8000 KM Service - Do they check your fluids?

  1. #1
    Member SonicBoy's Avatar
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    Default 8000 KM Service - Do they check your fluids?

    Went for an Oil Change this past weekend and decided to double check the work when I got home. Noticed the greasy paw prints on the oil dip stick and the filler cap.

    Checked the windshield fluid and had to add 2 Litres which I figured it was at about that point prior to bringing it in. I noticed the ATX disptick had not been touched.

    Now I know you don't have to remove the coolant bottle top to check the level as well as the brake fluid as you can see both through the bottle.

    Called the dealership to enquire and was told by the service Mgr that they don't generally top up the coolant, power steering fluid or brake fluid as it is a closed system. (from the bottles I can see I'm OK)

    Question then, why do they have check fluids on the check list sheet then? Is it my assumption that if it is low, they will tell me and charge me to top them up? Is there some new way to check the ATX fluid without removing the dipstick?

    The Service Mgr wants to see the car to confirm my claims that they didn't do the correct service.

    To further piss me off, there is a statement on my receipt that states I declined Mazda recommended service. I enquired about this and it is because I refused the tire rotation. I had clearly stated that later that day I was scheduled to change my winter tires out. So, I'm accused of not performing scheduled Mazda service and in turn, it appears the dealership did not perform the required service. Quite a conundrum.

    Further proves my motto: "If you want something done right, you do it yourself".

    So, are your fluids checked and topped up when you take your car in to the dealership?

  2. #2
    Member JohnyGT's Avatar
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    Default Re: 8000 KM Service - Do they check your fluids?

    Wow, that must have ticked you pretty bad, what dealership was it?

    Thus that we all can avoid bad service...

    Quote Originally Posted by SonicBoy View Post
    Went for an Oil Change this past weekend and decided to double check the work when I got home. Noticed the greasy paw prints on the oil dip stick and the filler cap.

    Checked the windshield fluid and had to add 2 Litres which I figured it was at about that point prior to bringing it in. I noticed the ATX disptick had not been touched.

    Now I know you don't have to remove the coolant bottle top to check the level as well as the brake fluid as you can see both through the bottle.

    Called the dealership to enquire and was told by the service Mgr that they don't generally top up the coolant, power steering fluid or brake fluid as it is a closed system. (from the bottles I can see I'm OK)

    Question then, why do they have check fluids on the check list sheet then? Is it my assumption that if it is low, they will tell me and charge me to top them up? Is there some new way to check the ATX fluid without removing the dipstick?

    The Service Mgr wants to see the car to confirm my claims that they didn't do the correct service.

    To further piss me off, there is a statement on my receipt that states I declined Mazda recommended service. I enquired about this and it is because I refused the tire rotation. I had clearly stated that later that day I was scheduled to change my winter tires out. So, I'm accused of not performing scheduled Mazda service and in turn, it appears the dealership did not perform the required service. Quite a conundrum.

    Further proves my motto: "If you want something done right, you do it yourself".

    So, are your fluids checked and topped up when you take your car in to the dealership?

  3. #3
    Member Malcolm991's Avatar
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    Default Re: 8000 KM Service - Do they check your fluids?

    I have noticed that when I have went to Mazda for the service! I found a little place in Mississauga that tops everything up and they are the same price as mazda for the service. The place is called Pro oil change!

  4. #4
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    Default Re: 8000 KM Service - Do they check your fluids?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lars View Post
    Calm down. They aren't "accusing" you of anything. The wording may sound harsh, but it's nothing for you to boil your blood over. You're swapping between your two sets of tires, and therefore you didn't need a tire rotation - it really is that simple. Forget the wording of, "Refused Mazda recommendation." It's nothing worth rolling over in your grave for.

    FYI: Oakville Mazda topped my fluids with my oil change, including windshield washer fluid which was 95% empty. I guess it varies between dealers even though it really shouldn't.
    Honestly, I did let the matter go until I checked and it appears they did not perform the service fully.

    Let me put this in a different light. My car develops tranny problems down the road. I bring the car in to Mazda and they check the service record and find that statement and decline a warranty claim. Are you going to roll over in your grave and fork out for the repair?

    Yes it sounds like I've blown it out of proportion here but if you look at my original statement, I'm asking about the checking of fluids and the topping up. The subsequent statement about not peforming service was just the further point which made me think this is not something to drop lightly.
    The service Mgr has agreed with me that the statement should never have been made given the car had winters on and that she will add a note to the service repair.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: 8000 KM Service - Do they check your fluids?

    Quote Originally Posted by SonicBoy View Post
    Honestly, I did let the matter go until I checked and it appears they did not perform the service fully.

    Let me put this in a different light. My car develops tranny problems down the road. I bring the car in to Mazda and they check the service record and find that statement and decline a warranty claim. Are you going to roll over in your grave and fork out for the repair?

    Yes it sounds like I've blown it out of proportion here but if you look at my original statement, I'm asking about the checking of fluids and the topping up. The subsequent statement about not peforming service was just the further point which made me think this is not something to drop lightly.
    The service Mgr has agreed with me that the statement should never have been made given the car had winters on and that she will add a note to the service repair.
    Unfortunately I don't think there is much you would be able to do in that situation. Your best bet is to take it to another dealership and see if you get better service there. If you do, keep going back to the better dealership.

    When the first dealership calls you up because they've noticed you haven't been to them for service in a while, and they ask you why, be honest. Tell them you won't go back because you were not satisfied with their service.

    In order to protect your warranty, you simply have to prove the recommended maintenance as set out in the manual was done at the appropriate intervals. This can be as simple as providing receipts from any certified mechanic which show that the maintenance was indeed done. Keep all your records; it can save you a lot of money in the long run.

    Oh, and make sure you get those fluids topped up if necessary.
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    Default Re: 8000 KM Service - Do they check your fluids?

    Thanks for the input. Yes I plan on taking it to another dealership. I normally check all the fluids myself on a regular basis. (Hmm, I need to invoice myself for that work so I have a record and proof it was done. )

    As for them calling, that too was a problem as my 07 is still in their system and they can't seem to get rid of it from their automated mailing system.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: 8000 KM Service - Do they check your fluids?

    Took the car back to the dealership so that the Service Mgr could see and get the other side of the story to my complaint.

    From the experience, I learn they do not fill your Windshield washer up all the way as they stated, it is a "cost savings thing". They told me the reservoir holds 5 litres, I added 2 and they claim to have added some originally. My invoice shows 4 litres of Windshield fluid so I guess I can't do the math or I have a larger reservoir.

    Coolant, power steering/brake fluid are not touched as you can see the levels from the outside. (They don't actually check the coolant to see it's stregth with a meter.). Hard to say if they did or did not check the ATX fluid. They took the car back to ensure all the fluids were actually all checked and filled the washer fluid right to the top.

    So my expectations are when they say top of all your fluids it depends on how much you get and how much of a check is done.

    I know some of you are reading this thinking this guy is just anal. I'm sorry if you feel that way however I expect to get what I pay for. I would do all of this myself if it didn't void the warranty as i'm not a registered mechanic with my own shop. My trust in the quality of the service for this dealership gets a failing grade.

    Best advice given to me is double check things before you leave the dealership and if you're not happy, move on.

    So on I go to another dealership to find the best service that's not too far. Hoping to establish a long lasting relationship with a shop I can trust not to rip me off.

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