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here guys.....I belive I have prolly one of the highest mileage and abused cars out there and you guys WILL experience this eventually , first in the form of one click....then it will progress to several clicks upon acceleration (mild) and on deceleration with gear change. it will only do it once per weight transfer ...meaning if you accelerate....and just coast to a stop it wont do it again. U then put it in reverse and it will reproduce the click(or clicking) or you accelerate and upon deceleration there is weight transfer back to the fron and it will re do it upon acceleration again. Check it out!!!! My car does it, so does phillyb, aaronc7, betelguese and a few others.....I havent come across anyone that has it as bad as myself (multiple 3-4 clicks) but then again i have 53k miles of abuse. Pass it on.