Hey guys (and gals of course)
I am looking for 10 or so players and 1 goalie that would want to play shinny (full equipment) at 12:15 friday nights (or saturday morning depending on how you want to look at it) at Ice Sports Scarborough. Its at Markham rd and Passmore..just south of Steels.
cost is going to be $225 for 25 weeks or $15 pay as you play. If you pay in full and there is money left over at the end of the 25 weeks from the pay as you play people, that money will be divided up equally between the full timers and returned.
Goalie plays for free!
I would prefer not to have people who are NOT just learning the game or haven't played a competitive game, as there are better places to learn and have fun.
Let me know if you are interested, either as a part timer or a full timer and we'll get underway asap.