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Thread: Open letter to PSI

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    Question Open letter to PSI

    To PSI,

    I have been following the progression of the various tuning solutions for the MS3 since about 2 weeks before taking delivery of my 2008 MS3. When I heard about Cobb developing the AP for the MS3, I was excited since it'll present the cheapest opportunity to play to the Accecssport AND the new DI powerplant. I'm a tinkerer and have various experience exploiting various systems (software and hardware) to the get most out of my hobbies, but an expert I am not. However, from my readings regarding the MS3 and its current progress to making power, safely, I have gathered quite a bit of info. I'd like to engage you in discussion about what you guys can do to help us MS3's make bigger power safely, and perhaps you can share with us some expertise and insight into what can be done to address some of the more pressing issues we have ran into with the MS3.

    1. Another major outfit has claimed they have broken an ECU "wall" that was limiting power output from highly modified MS3's. There are many speculations, including control of MAF calculations, injector pulse width control, specific load parameters, etc. Assuming that the gains you applied to starscream's car can also be applied to others, including more modified cars, can your tune address for the technical limitations of the ECU to allow the car to achieve its full potential? How are you guys controlling fueling/airflow/spark?

    2. Assuming you will take the time to now see what an AP can do and why we like it, how willing are you to incorporate these types of features into your tune to offer an overall better solution and provide more value for us enthusiasts? What kind of money are we talking about here for a custom tune?

    3. What's the time frame you guys are looking at developing a hand-held flashing tool? We all know the hardware's already there...

    4. Can you share with us some of your experience with tuning the MS3, with specific regards to safety and margins. I'm not asking any secrets here...just pointers as to what other should look out for when we approach the danger zone?

    I shall have more to inquire and I invite others to come in and join the discussion (but let's keep it civil and on topic about PSI's work), and some of my questions will be sent to you via PM's to maintain privacy. =)

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    Default Re: Open letter to PSI

    Sorry dude, I can't share all the secrets we have. We've decoded thousands of parameters the competition hasn't figured out yet. The fuel strategies you list above are problems Piasini solved years ago. Our stuff typically comes out years before the competition. In this industry lots of reverse engineering of our stuff occurs so it is no surprise to us when our maps have shown up in competitors products. The day the Mazda 2 rolls out we have a reflash for it. I'm presently working on the turbo kit for that same car and you can't even buy it here yet! If they introduce the Mitsubishi Colt here, I've already got a flash for that. Unfortunately the North American market is usually the last to get a cool car and Piasini has been slow to move into the NA market but we're here now and you should expect a variety of new developments from us in the coming year.


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    Default Re: Open letter to PSI

    I don't see how any of my questions pertain to trade secrets...if you want our business as knowledgeable enthusiasts, you're gonna have to do a little better than toe the company line.

    We have cars that run into road blocks, you guys seem to have a tool to help us, we want to know more about how it can help us and how willing you are to deliver what we're looking for...

    For you to play mum now won't do you any favours...we want to see you grow, we want a viable solution...are we on the same page yet?

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    Default Re: Open letter to PSI

    I'd like to acknowledge a fellow CDN coming on and reading but through MSF, the US board:

    Quoting Lex from MSF:

    These guys have more flashes for more cars than anyone else I've seen. I am not doubting that they have figured things out.

    The most interesting thing I'd like to know is how much flexibility their tune has. In other words, if I show up with a GT35 and a built motor, can their tune allow me to make 500whp?

    I understand they are going for mass market here and may just want to stick to flashing stock cars as their business model, but I'd be very interested to know if they can do more for the community.

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    Default Re: Open letter to PSI

    Some of the info is very technical. With many cars we release a reflash and then months or years later some competitor will release their own reflash that contains byte for byte copies of our fuel and timing tables. As a result, we don't like to release a lot of technical info. We figured it out. The users can tell you that it works well. A few side by side comparisons show it going faster than the competing reflashes and the dyno results show good gains despite poor intercooler airflow.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fobio View Post
    1. Another major outfit has claimed they have broken an ECU "wall" that was limiting power output from highly modified MS3's. There are many speculations, including control of MAF calculations, injector pulse width control, specific load parameters, etc. Assuming that the gains you applied to starscream's car can also be applied to others, including more modified cars, can your tune address for the technical limitations of the ECU to allow the car to achieve its full potential? How are you guys controlling fueling/airflow/spark?
    We control the rail pressure and the injector pulsewidth. We have done this for years even if our competition had not figured it out. Eventually you hit a pump limit but 95% of people won't be sinking $20k into their engines to build more power than a FWD car should have.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fobio View Post
    2. Assuming you will take the time to now see what an AP can do and why we like it, how willing are you to incorporate these types of features into your tune to offer an overall better solution and provide more value for us enthusiasts? What kind of money are we talking about here for a custom tune?
    It's not really applicable. The regular price is $500CAD for the 'speed and $450CAD for the NA cars. The tunes are slightly adapted on a case by case basis by the list of mods. They're all well tuned and well tested already.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fobio View Post
    4. Can you share with us some of your experience with tuning the MS3, with specific regards to safety and margins. I'm not asking any secrets here...just pointers as to what other should look out for when we approach the danger zone?
    Don't give it too much timing, don't give it too much boost and make sure you feed it good gas. Our refashes are designed around what 95% of people want. If there is sufficient funding then sure the last 5% of odd use cases can be covered but it has to make good business sense first.


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    Default Re: Open letter to PSI

    Quote Originally Posted by Fobio View Post
    I'd like to acknowledge a fellow CDN coming on and reading but through MSF, the US board:
    At this point in time I would not be prepared to do a reflash on a car like that. I am sure I could bring my laptop with the tuning software and tune it up but right now my time is consumed working on other projects. Basically it's outside my time constraints, not outside the constraints of the technology.


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    Default Re: Open letter to PSI

    I thank you for your response. I will be sending you a PM shortly.

    That 5% is the most vocal of all, and willing to spend the most this point, you guys are starting on a clean slate without any of the baggages associated with the other established tuners...if PSI can overcome all the hype and obstacles blocking the cobb/cp-e cars, then I say you have a viable business model...

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    Default Re: Open letter to PSI

    Nice write up guys.

    If you guys have things figured out for so long, why aren't you pushing this more aggressively? You guys are in a unique position where you could sweep up a sizable market share frmo your competitors... I'd be logging in on all the Mazda forums and ensuring everyone knew what my company could do. Are you waiting for your hand held unit before you do that? Just confused about why you are holding back details/product sales.

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    -cj- there is unfortunately a limit to what a small group of guys can do. I split my time between Mazda and Mitsu plus run a full performance shop. I work 12-14h every day and a lot of nights I am up well past midnight disassembling code. There is only so much we can do.


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    Default Re: Open letter to PSI

    Just a quick question but do you tune the MS6 as well?
    2007 White MazdaSpeed 6 -> 2009 Pontiac G8 GXP -> 2016 Mustang GT

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    Default Re: Open letter to PSI

    Quote Originally Posted by LBV View Post
    Just a quick question but do you tune the MS6 as well?
    Yes, and I prefer them too. Less rubber left on the ground.


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    Default Re: Open letter to PSI

    Mike...can you guys tune out the part throttle knock between 2800 - 3500rpm?

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    Of course if and only if it really is knock. A lot of times part throttle knock counts are actually mechanical noise. I'd have to see the exact conditions for it.

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